Sunday, November 13, 2022

Five Years In Nova Scotia

Yesterday was dull, grey, and wet. The high got to 20.6C. In the late afternoon, the wind blew from the northwest in the evening which means another storm is going to arrive. This morning, it was 4C. There is going to be showers today and rain tonight. The low is to be 6C. 


It was 5 years ago yesterday that we landed in Nova Scotia. It was to become our new home and we loved living here. I still do and the Spousal Unit did until he became ill. We have seen some really neat places here with the Spousal Unit seeing more than I did. He actually went to Digby and Yarmouth which I haven't had the chance to. It really has become home for me as I feel settled living here. 

Grandson woke yesterday morning with a heavy chest cold and they decided to stay at home for the day and rest. They are tired but were napping in the afternoon. 


I spent most of the day in the sewing room enjoying myself. By the time I left in the afternoon, I was at feeling calm, creative, and happy with what I had gotten accomplished. 

Daughter is sending me these fabrics so I can make a bag out of them. I will take it to a community centre for someone in need to have as a diaper bag. 

I am going to have to be a bit creative as the yellow is .5 meter and the green is a fat quarter and I'm hoping the print is .5 meter but it just may be a fat quarter. I will have fun making it for someone who needs it. 

I did take a bit of a peek at the fabric stash and I will have to sew a lot next year if I want to make a dent in it. I am not going to be sewing to get rid of it. I have plans to make some nice items. I just need to focus on the stash and supplement it with fabrics to finish the projects. 

I need to buy more cording for piping. I'm half way through the last bateau I bought two years ago. I'm looking at having to order some this year as I will be trying to make a dent in the piping fabric. I enjoy making piping between projects. I made 2.75 meters yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I am going to make a cover for my Kitchen Aid mixer. I am thinking light grey and lining it with the above fabric. I am hoping it will be wide enough as I have lots of length. 


I finished the second part of the test sweater, picked up stitches for the neckline and either had one too many or one two few stitches on the needles. When I looked at the pattern closely, I actually had 4 too many stitches on the needles. Thank goodness I only have 2 rows to unknit and then put on the right number of stitches and move forward. I'm thinking of other things when knitting which is not good. 


I'm home all day again and am going to spend some quality time in the sewing room with doll patterns. I am also going to find all the other patterns scattered around the room and put them away. I need look for the pattern to make a cover for my Kitchen Aid mixer. My sewing project today will be to start the towel toppers. Knitting will be unknitting and restarting the neckline of the doll's sweater. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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