How To Decide How Much Is Too Much

 I am on a journey to live alone in my senior years. Though I have decluttered and purged for the past 14 years, I am still working through the items I still own and have in the house I want to age in. It has become a thoughtful process in which I will document here. Come back to see how I am doing. 

March 15, 2025

I am now back to near normal energy wise. I am doing a lot at the moment as I lost my cat after having him for almost 15 years. It helps me while I adjust to being totally alone. 

Having less in the house is helping me clean easier and more quickly. I can get things tidied up quickly so I can dust, wipe, vacuum and mop a room or area in no time flat. I am trying to get each room and space cleaned so I can do other things like paint the walls that need doing. 

I have not looked at anything downstairs as I have been focusing on the upstairs at the moment. It is the priority at the moment and then I will work on the basement. It isn't too bad but I need to go through things that I have talked about before. Yarn, fabric, crafting still need to be looked at. I haven't thought much about it as I didn't go downstairs a lot for several weeks. 

The only thing I thought about was crafting (which wasn't a huge brain dump). I will be doing a lot of decluttering in that department as I am not going to do a lot unless it is for special occasions or a small gift for someone. Doing a lot more isn't in the books for me. I realize that watching videos on paper crafts sucked me into a hobby that I really don't enjoy doing all the time. It was a fantasy world hobby. I still watch some of the videos on what others do but I know I won't do any of them. I enjoy watching what others do. 

March 7, 2025

My energy is returning and I am able to do a bit more each day. My house needs a good cleaning and I am starting to work on it. When my energy runs out, I have to stop so I am trying to do what I can each day. Thank goodness I was able to keep up on the basic cleaning. 

As I sat and did a lot of watching videos, I started to think about what I need to do in my own home. I look at everything I have, what I have done better, and what I could improve on. 

One of my biggest improvements has been having less food inventory. I realized that if I over stock, I don't use it as fast as I want to and the expiry date comes and goes. I have cut back on how much I have in the pantry, fridge, and freezer. I have learned that I don't need to buy it because it's on sale. I need to buy it because I need it for this week's cooking. I live a 5 minute drive (max) from the grocery store. 

    *I have cut back on how much meat I buy. I get only what I need for one to two weeks. I have had to throw out meat that was freezer burnt and still have some more to get rid of this week. I now look for meat in smaller amounts. If I buy larger amounts, I will divide it up and target what I will be using it for in the next couple of weeks. It is working much better for me. 

    *Limit the amount of freezer meals I make. I try to cut recipes down to having a maximum of 4 meals, three which can go into the freezer. If I can do 2 meals and put 1 in the freezer, so much better. Though I finished up all the freezer meals I had made last fall, I was sick of them when the last one was eaten. 

    *Use Chef's Plate for a three weeks at a time and then use their recipes to make meals for myself. As I order for 2 people, the recipes are great for me to make as I have one meal to eat and one to either freeze or eat a couple of days later one. 

I have also been thinking about many things in the house that I have kept "just because". I feel a little bit like a hoarder when it comes to certain things. 

    *Fabric -- I am still trying to let go of fabric but it is hard. My fantasy self keeps saying to sew it up and sell the products which is great. My reality self says to give it away or sell it at the garage sale this spring. I need to sit down and get myself back on track with my fabric issue. 

    *Yarn -- I keep saying I will knit all of the yarn I have. In reality, I probably won't. I need to go through all my yarn and get rid of the balls I know I won't knit. I love to knit socks and doll clothes. I know I can knit all the sock yarn I have but the rest will need to be looked at and decisions made. The yarn I don't want will be sold in the garage sale.

    *Paper and Other Crafting -- This was probably the biggest mistake in my life. I do use my Cricut and love it. I have plans for it which I will need to focus on a couple of afternoons a week. Paper crafting will leave the house this year as I don't want it in my life. If I need paper, I will buy exactly what I need. Will I keep everything I have bought for it? No. I will probably sell a lot of it in the garage sale. 

    *Craft Bazaar -- I have been making items for the craft bazaar I want to take part in this coming November. Once it is done, I will be reducing what I have for it and making a decision if I will do another one. If I do, I will only buy what I need as I need it. 

With these two areas looked at in detail, I have a lot of work to do to keep my inventory down to a minimum. I am well on the road to accomplishing that with food but I need to work on the "just because" items. I need a plan so I can tackle it. Maybe Sunday mornings will become a time for me to declutter the fabrics, yarns, and crafting items. I will admit I have too much in this part of my life and house. 

March 1, 2025

I had a visit with the doctor for my 3 month check up and I found out that my thyroid is low and I needed a stronger dose of medication. No wonder I was moving at a snail's pace and resting/napping so much. No wonder I couldn't think straight as I was having brain fog. It wasn't what I had thought I was having as I thought it was a case of exhaustion and an infection from the cold. 

My house isn't tidy as I have had no energy to tackle a lot of things. What energy I had went into ice removal and keeping the basic chores done. What I did appreciate was not having a lot of extra items in the house. I was able to get areas cleaned and looking presentable when I had the energy to do things. I didn't have to worry about excess mess as I really don't have any. 

My energy levels will return and the brain fog will disappear. As I get back to normal, I will work on cleaning the house and having everything put away on a regular basis. I am looking forward to the day I can do a full morning of cleaning without having to rest due to feeling exhausted. It will come. I am planning on doing small jobs while I get my energy back. Having things put away so I can clean is what I plan on doing for the next week. I do have to get some cleaners as I didn't do a lot of shopping in February. I am almost out of some products. 

I will give an update on how I am feeling and what I am doing over the next while.

Feb. 23, 2025

The best laid plans of men and mice hit this household. We had 2 ice storms 4 days apart and I spent a lot of time shovelling snow and ice. I got exhausted and my cold lingered from that. I have the driveway done and am slowly trying to get the 2" of ice off the short sidewalk. With no salt anywhere, it has been a big job. 

I spent a lot of time resting and it made me appreciate that I don't have a lot of extras in the house. The house stayed fairly neat and tidy though it isn't really as clean as I want it to be. As I have the energy, I have been cleaning a room at a time. 

I did the bathroom the other day. It didn't take long to do as there isn't a lot of extras in that room. My energy level was low and I moved at a snail's pace. I had to rest several times. I did get the job done and when I have more energy, I will do more of a spring cleaning in preparation to paint that room. 

Yesterday I tackled the kitchen. Though I have been keeping it clean every night, it needed to done throughly. I spent quite a bit of time doing little jobs and even got the baking cupboard wiped out. The stove was pulled and the sides wiped down and the floor vacuumed. I also took out the garbage and recycling which didn't need doing but it is part of cleaning the kitchen. I vacuumed the floors and mopped them well. I was tired when I was done. Having everything in its place, the kitchen looked fabulous when done. 

I am still watching YouTube and am enjoying some videos where people have calm houses and lives. They may not be minimal but they are well organized. Their houses are not large but they manage to have them looking minimal by keeping their homes in order. One thing they do is to clean up when they have done a job/project. They don't keep saying how much they hate doing the dishes after cooking or baking. I hate doing dishes too but learned when I was a teenager that cleaning up after I cooked or baked was the only way to have my space clean for the next project. I still clean up right away today. 

I am still watching too much TV but when I sit and rest, it is what I do. It passes the time when I am alone. Some shows remind me why I don't want too much in my house and others let me think about what I still need to do to have a calm space to live in and enjoy what I have. As I get my energy levels back to normal, I want to continue working on reducing the clutter levels in the basement. At the moment, I am not worrying about it as I need to get upstairs back to my pre-cold tidiness. I can worry about the basement after that. And worry I will. 

Feb. 10, 2025

I had a longer break than necessary as I caught a cold. When I had the energy, it has been used to shovel snow. Otherwise I have sat and binge watched TV. 

The upstairs of the house is messy as I have not had the energy to do a lot. My focus was to keep the kitchen clean which I did. Now I need to work on the rest of the upstairs. Though I am not over the cold, I am feeling well enough to tackle a room a day. 

My binge watching of YouTube has been interesting. I really appreciate the fact that I don't have a lot of excess in this house. I see people who are still decluttering their homes a year after they started. I understand as you need to declutter layer by layer. Others have calm homes that are wonderful to look at. Then there is one that has so much in storage that she can't find anything and buys more. They are doing extensive renovations and the bedrooms they finished are beautiful and quite minimal. I keep watching to see how they finish the rest of their home and see if those room will be minimal and calm.  I stopped watching one person's videos as she and her husband have separated and they were finger pointing on their videos. I don't like that so I no longer watch them. 

I have been focusing on using up what I have in the freezer and pantry. The freezer has a ways to go but the pantry is back to what I need for two weeks. I have menus planned which I want to get made up for this week. I am going to look in the downstairs freezer and make a plan for it. I am slowly using up the chicken broth and will have it gone by the end of the month. All of the freezer meals are gone (hurrah) and I am limiting how many meals I make each week so I can use them up before I have to make more. I am making progress which is great. I won't be making lots of freezer meals again as I got tired of having them every night. 

I am hoping to get the house back in order by the end of next week. I have time this week to do it. Less time next week but I will be fitting it in so I can be finished and enjoy my home being neat and tidy.

Jan. 29, 2025

I have taken a small break from the sewing room as it is looking good. I still need to do a few things during February. I have done several projects this month that were on the cutting table. I am down to the last project. 

I decided to clean out the pantry. Every container and bag was looked at and I found 4 items that were expired. They are gone. As I cleaned and organized I realized that I don't need to buy large containers of some foods. Pasta is one. I bought some on sale and had to toss it as it was well past the expiry date. It is cheaper for me to buy a small box that I know I will use up vs a large one that expires on me. One of the cans surprised me as I thought I had bought it in the past couple of months. Guess it was one I bought ages ago and didn't use. I have bought more it since then. 

l looked at my pantry when it was cleaned and everything put back in an organized fashion and realized that I can buy what I need on a weekly basis to make my meals. I live 3 km from the grocery store. It has also made me think that I need to do more menu planning. 

I did a brain dump on what I have for frozen dinners, what I have in the freezer, and what I would like to cook. I will be eating freezer meals next week so that they are gone. Then I will start making meals after that. I am thinking of how this will look in real life. I can make stir frys as I have lots of vegetables for that. Stews and pulled pork are on the menu. I will need to buy a bit of ground beef to make a couple of dishes. The priority is to use what is in the freezer first. 

I have lunches pretty much figured out. I make two different soups. One uses up the chicken broth I made and the other is a chowder I really like. I am not changing it as they are working for me at this time. 

Though I have an upright freezer, I do not need to have it packed full. I went crazy and over did it. I am now at the point of having to use it up. What I want in the freezer is the items I need and use all the time. I am being very careful when I shop and buy only what I need to supplement what I have stashed in the freezer and pantry. I am going to say that I have/had too much in both areas. I need both to be more minimal. 

Jan. 21, 2025

Today is the last day to the sewing room decluttering challenge. I did a lot of thinking while I did the daily challenges. Did I get finished? No. But, the room is a lot tidier and has less in it than when I started in November. If I had to move next week, would I take it all with me? No. But I have a better idea of what I would take and what I would get rid of. 

I allowed myself to work on small projects during the time I decluttered. Then I decided to finish a 15 year old project. I made it when I was starting to quilt again and had very few tools to work with. It isn't perfect but I loved the fabric and the pattern. It almost put me down the black hole of depression. For some unknown reason, I became very negative about everything in the sewing room and that project. I had to stop and have a talk to myself before I put the whole sewing room out at the curb. I had to remind myself not to be so hard on myself and that I was doing the best I could. I had to tell myself I was making progress in quilting and decluttering. I had to remind myself of a lot of things. I had a rough couple of days. but I got myself into a better frame of mind. 

I went back to quilting the project in a better frame of mind. I will finish the project and put it away with my Christmas quilts. I also decided that I will not be quite finished the decluttering challenge today but will continue to declutter the sewing room throughout the year. I don't have to have it all done in three weeks. It will be done over time. 

Yesterday I asked myself the question "Is this space below my clutter threshold". It is almost there. Some areas are and others are close. The cutting table is almost cleaned off and I need to put away a few things to finish that job. 

I visited a friend yesterday taking the bag of fabric scraps to her for the quilting group. She pulled out a few pieces I knew she wanted, some blues for her daughter-in-law to look at, and the rest went back into the bag for the group. I love that I can give the group fabric for their charity quilts. The container I put them into isn't a burden. I look at it as part of getting below my clutter threshold. 

Jan. 7, 2025

I am back to cleaning the sewing room. I started on Jan. 1 following Karen Brown's decluttering video. I include cleaning an area of the sewing room that needs doing. I like to clean as I declutter. Why declutter an area and not clean the space. It may be a shelf or a container. I like my spaces clean when I put items back. 

The first couple of days were easy -- take out the garbage and remove items that don't belong in the sewing room. We are now working on the capacity of the room. I am working with a different mindset. Rather than have the space for fabrics, I want less of everything in my room including fabric.

The first thing we looked at was books. I just looked at mine and did nothing. I had to think on this one. I let go of a lot when I decided to tackle the space. My criteria was "would I take this with me if I moved next week?" I got rid of a lot of books, put paper into recycling, and need to find a box. I have a fabric tub to go through and I know some of it will be let go of. 

The next category is patterns. I need to deal with them. Patterns for people are minimal but the doll patterns I need to deal with. Some of the patterns I have in a tub can go to recycling as I can print them out again. The ones I have bought I will keep. They are contained and will be easy to take to a thrift store if I had to move next week. 

Yesterday's category was archives. I have items out on the top of books cases, desks, and cubes. They make my sewing room cozy and warm. They are related to sewing with the exception of a couple which are related to my teaching career. I am not letting them go. It wouldn't take me long to say what I want and what I could be let go if I had to move next week. 

My goal today is to finish the books and purge the patterns. 

Jan. 4, 2025

I watched the latest Minimal Mom video on YouTube the other day and have been thinking about what she said. I don't always agree with her but then again I don't always agree with other declutter videos I use to watch. But, this video had me thinking as it was a more generic message. This is my take on each of the 6 things she talked about. 

    1. We don't buy stuff, we hire them to do a job. What we have in our house needs to add value to our lives to make our lives better. 

I agree with her on this point. What I have has to do a job for me. I know she is talking about items we have that we don't use on a regular basis. I have eliminated those items and haven't missed them at all. On the other hand, I do have items that I love and display. Their job is to bring me comfort and happiness. 

    2. Today is a special occasion. Use what is special daily and enjoy them. 

I will add to that that if you don't enjoy them or they never get used, gift them to someone who will enjoy them, sell them, or donate to the thrift store. I am slowly working through a few items that I have kept and need to let go of. 

    3. We don't have time to finish all the projects and do all the hobbies. 

This is one I am working on at the moment. I am trying to downsize what I have for sewing and crafting. I have several boxes to go to the thrift store and to a quilting group. I have other things that have one year to live in my house and if they are not used, they will be given away in 2026. I want to focus on what I enjoy doing vs trying to use up what I have.  

    4. Extra forks don't add extra value. 

That I had a giggle over as I need all my flatware. What it actually means is that I should not be going over what I need here and now. I can't predict the future. I had and still have too much and it became a burden and then clutter. As I look at what I own, I continue to make decisions on what I need that adds value to my life today.

    5. Stocking up seldom works. 

It expires, goes out of style, gets lost or misplaced. I have found things that I had thought were lost when I was going through the first layer of decluttering back in 2011. I still find something I have misplaced when I declutter today. 

    6. There is always risk where there is potential reward.

I have tried to keep only what I am using today and not what I think I will need for the future. It is really hard as I keep asking "what if?". I have to remind myself on a regular basis that if I haven't used it in over a year, it can go to someone who will use it. It is less for me to look after and allows me to have my spaces below my clutter threshold. 

I am slowly making a lot of decisions and this video helped me think about what I need and what is too much. I have made a lot of decisions on what I want in my life. I have had some compromises when I couldn't let go of items and have given them a year to stay before I let them go. I am still a work in progress and will keep this page updated as I continue to decide how much is too much. 

Dec. 30. 2024

I had a reality check yesterday. I had to empty my fridge to defrost it (the cycle sticks on occasion). I took what was down to the upright freezer and I was shocked. It is so full that I could barely get what I had upstairs into it. I took at look to see what I need to do. 

I have a lot of frozen vegetables that I need to use up. I can only buy what I need to make stir fries when those bags are gone. I also have to use up the corn and carrots that I froze in the fall. I have some containers of chicken broth that I will thaw out to use for soup and stir fries. Once gone, I will only make enough for a current batch of soup. 

I have a bunch of frozen chicken stews in the freezer and need to eat them up. I need to realize that I only need to make 3 or 4 for the freezer and not 10. 

Meat is another issue. I have been buying it in large packages from Costco. I now need to buy it in smaller packages so I can use it up quickly. 

The lesson I came away was to use up what I have in the freezer and not stock up like I had been. This means making sure I do not buy anything I don't need. I hope to get a lot gone in January. I clearly have too much in the freezer. 

When done looking at the freezer, I looked in the pantry. I do not have a lot of extras in there. I stopped overstocking it after the pandemic. The pantry was so full that we were not getting through it in a timely fashion. Now I can which is nice. 

I have put a meal program on hold for the month of January so I can eat up what I have in the freezer and pantry. I will be very careful with what I buy and plan what I want to make for the one meal a week I will have to cook when I start the program again. This is for dinners only. I will still need to buy what I need for breakfast and lunch. That is easier to control. 

I have also realized that when I cook a chicken or turkey carcass I do not need to keep all the broth but to make one or two meals of soup to have for lunch during the winter. I need to make sure there is none left when late spring arrives. I also need to stop making lots of freezer meals as I do get tired of them. I enjoy having a few on hand but not 15  to 20. 

The pantry is under control and I need to keep using up what I have. Sometimes it is too much, other times it is not quite enough. But, I am doing better with the pantry than I am with the freezer. Something to work on as I have too much in this area. 

Dec. 29, 2024

I have slowed down a bit with decluttering as my SI joint was not seated properly. It cracked into place last night and will probably need another crack to be done. I have had a lot of pain in the joint and the muscles around it. 

I got the book "Swedish Death Cleaning" and am reading it. It does talk about the how to do it but it is more of a story about what she did. One thing the author was good at was giving family members and some friends items they wanted that she was letting to of. She donated a lot of items they didn't want keeping only what she deemed necessary for her life at that time. I will read the book to the end but don't know how much I will take away from it as I have been decluttering like this for years. 

I am slowly getting the family room tidied up. The coffee table has been cleaned off and polished. I also did the tv stand. That got me to clean off the table the Cricut is on and the table I am doing the memory book on. I also organized the paper and other items I use when doing pages in the memory book. I have the trolley/cart that holds my paper crafting tools to do and then I can focus on the cleaning part of the room. Wiping down surfaces and doing the floor. Then comes the hard part -- keeping it clean. 

I have looked at the sewing room and it is not moving as fast as I want it to. Though I want to move to sewing items I really enjoy, my brain keeps saying "sew down the stash". I need to work on that. If I follow the sew down the stash, I will keep fabrics I don't like only to have them stay in the stash for another year. I have looked at the quilting cottons and need to focus on them. I did notice the pile of fabric to make piping is decreasing which is good. The pile of Christmas fabrics increased thanks to Christmas presents. I need to work on decreasing them deciding if I should purge or sew. My weakness is sewing them as I love Christmas fabrics. The remaining quilting fabric is in good shape as I did purge a lot of them earlier. I have to remember that my goal is to downsize not eliminate. I also need to remember to only buy what I will use up immediately not to buy and put on a shelf. My focus for the next while is to sort through the fabrics once again and organize them so I can see what I have. I know this will take me several days to do as I need to make decisions. Some are going to be emotionally challenging for me. I know that and will need to have a few prep talks while I am doing it. 

My donate pile is growing and I need to make a trip to the thrift store. I don't know when that will be due to the weather. I also need to think about how much to take at one time. I will probably do clothing first. Most of it is children's items plus some knitted hats. Once that is done, I will sort through the donate boxes and make another box to take. Repeat until it is gone. 

Dec. 24, 2024

I am ready to start cleaning the family and sewing rooms once again. My plan may be a bit scatter brained but I will get the rooms decluttered and cleaned. I know this will take time to do as I will be handling everything in both of the rooms. I will do what I can each day and then do some sewing or crafting. It is a good thing that it is winter and I can stay at home. 

Yesterday I was told by a friend how she spent 6 weeks getting her mother's home ready to sell. It was full of her mother's and grandmother's items. It was also full of her brother's family's items as they lived there for 7 months. My friend did most of the work on her own as her sister's didn't want to or couldn't help. She sorted, tossed, recycled and hauled what was to be looked through to one sister's home. About 50% of what was to be donated was kept and stored in her sister's home probably never to be looked at again. The long and the short of it is, my friend got the house ready for sale and it sold in 24 hours. The back story is very sad. The reality is that her mom never thought about how her children (or child) would have to deal with her "hoard" when she no longer could. She is still living and gave the family permission to do the job. 

The story drove home to both of us that we need to deal with our "stuff" while we can. Looking at how tired this friend is tells me (and her) that we should not allow family to go through the agony of dealing with our stuff. We need to get our lives in order so when we have to move out of our spaces, family has very little to deal with. They can make quick decisions about what we have rather than spend weeks and weeks sorting through stuff that means nothing to them. 

I am not saying that we need to get rid of everything but we need to deal with items that hold no meaning to anyone. I have items that mean nothing to me or my family. They need to go. I have too much stuff in the basement that needs to be sorted and gotten rid of. Not only is it something I don't want family to deal with, it is beyond my clutter level. It causes me stress which I don't need. 

My goal is to start the job (once again) on Dec. 27. I know that it is going to take time to do every square foot of the basement but I want it done. I won't be painting upstairs until I get the basement cleaned. It is my top priority right now. I can paint later on. I will keep you posted when I start and how I am doing mentally and physically.

Dec. 20, 2024

I spent quite a bit of time in the family room the past two afternoons. I was making chocolate holders that are becoming a tradition for Christmas Eve and Day dinners. As I worked in the space, I realized needs me to focus on tidying up a lot and getting it cleaned. I realized that I have too much still and I need to get items out of the house so I can evaluate where I am going. A plan is emerging. 

A few things I have realized while playing around is that I enjoy using the Cricut. I really don't need a lot of inventory as I can buy it as I need it. I can make the items and store them until we need them for our use or for sale. 

Doing a lot of other paper crafts like cards and memory books are going to be assessed. There are some things I enjoy making and will do them, others will be eliminated. What I have kept will be used up and then I will buy only what I need for future projects. 

The big thing I need to remember is that I do not need a huge stash of crafting materials. I can buy what I need when I need it. The inventory is what is causing me stress. I have to keep track of it, store it, and remember to use it. It takes up too much space (real estate) in my house. It is the same as having a big stash in the sewing room. I am finding that my old saying "less is more" is what I need to live by. 

A plan is emerging and I will continue to work on getting the basement decluttered and tidy. I know that I have a lot more thinking to do but my plan is evolving for what I want to do in my spare time. 

Dec. 19, 2024

I got the clutter put away and did a bit of vacuuming and mopping yesterday. It was tiring but it didn't make me sorer. I did rest a lot but I was able to relax knowing that I can keep the upstairs tidy even when I have a major set back like this one. I am better today as both SI joints are back in place. I am now dealing with sore muscles. 

As I rest I think about how I have got the upstairs to almost where I want it to be. There will be more to go over time but at the moment, I feel like I am not near my clutter thresh hold. I like how much empty floor space I have. All of the items I have out, I love. My idea of Coastal Grandmother is developing with a western look. Not a farmhouse or ranch house look. It is more light and bright and minimal. What brings in the western look is the pictures I have hung and a few small items that I have out. It is more understated which I love. 

I am still thinking about the basement which has had some cleaning done to it but not a lot. I will start on it again on the days I am not painting upstairs. Maybe before that. In the mean time, I am living with the mess and stressing out as it is over my clutter threshold. I need to do it in small bites as I have so much to deal with down there. No one's fault but mine. I need to figure out how I will get it to a spot where I am happy and able to sew and craft. A few ideas are floating in my head. 

Dec. 18, 2024

I have stalled at cleaning up. I was vacuuming and mopping the upstairs on Sunday and my SI joint popped out of place and wouldn't go back. The physiotherapist dealt with it on Monday morning. I had 24 hours of horrific pain in my back and thighs.

With the pain I had, it was nice to know that upstairs is pretty much how I want it. I could move around without tripping on things. I didn't need to be tidying up spaces that needed my attention. I could focus on applying heat and doing stretches to help get the SI joint to finish seating properly after therapy. The clutter that has accumulated will be dealt with today as I am 75% over this set back. I can do more than I could yesterday. I will take it slowly knowing that a couple of hours will have upstairs looking neat and tidy. 

The cause of this pain was from vacuuming and mopping the upstairs in one morning. I can't do that as it is the hardest job on my back/SI joint. I can do a room a day if I am careful and don't over do it. That means not extending my reach with every stoke of the vacuum cleaner and mop. I will have to vacuum and mop 6 days a week. The suggestion the therapist had was to buy a robotic cleaner and do the floors with it. I will still have to do some floor cleaning but not every day. Maybe a room a week to get a deep cleaning done. So my want of a robotic cleaner has become a need. 

I will get back to cleaning the downstairs once I have healed. I will be taking it slow as I know I can't over do it for a while. But I will try to do some each day when I am up to it. At the moment, I will be tidying upstairs and getting ready for Christmas. After Christmas I will evaluate my back and decide when to start in the basement. 

Dec. 12, 2024

With the upstairs looking good, I decided to look downstairs once again. I put the cottons for the quilting group into a large paper bag. I then cleaned up some items and put them into the box or the tub and lined them up neatly in the room to add more to them. I did look at the garbage but didn't deal with it. I need to do that next. 

I vacuumed around the sewing machines and picked up a lot of thread and lint from the fabrics I have been sewing. It made me feel good to be sewing in a clean area. The cutting table area needs to be vacuumed next. Then it will be garbage in both rooms and figuring out the next step to get rid of items I no longer need or use. A bit of a plan is emerging; albeit very slowly. Unfortunately it is being disrupted by having to make gifts at this time. Hopefully I can do a few minutes here and there while I sew and craft. 

Dec. 10, 2024

I am almost done cleaning and decorating upstairs. I am pleased with how it looks for Christmas. The red is an instant boost of happiness. I need to figure out what colour I want to go with the blue I want to use the rest of the year. 

How much I have left upstairs is pretty much what I will keep for now. I have some things I want to keep and I am allowing myself to keep them. I know if I bring something in I need to let go of something. 

Downstairs is still not done nor have I looked at it very much. I am going to start down there again for 30 minutes a day. Job #1 will be to put all the fabric for the quilter's group into a large paper bag. Once my friend is home, I can give it to her to go through and take what she doesn't want to the group. Once that is done, I will pick Job #2 which will probably be garbage. It needs to be done. 

I have several projects to do. I will be dividing my time between sewing and the memory book. I also have to make some treat holders for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. What I don't need to make right now will be put away. I can work on them after Christmas between the jobs I need to do to clean up. I call doing them rewards for cleaning up. 

I am realizing that there has been an emotional toil thinking about cleaning the family and sewing rooms. Some of it is guilt, other is memories, and some has been fantasy thoughts that I know I will not be doing in the future. I know I need to work through the emotions so I can have the downstairs space less cluttered and a space I can, once again, enjoy. I am hoping doing a job a day with some project work will help me get motivated. I need to focus not on the past, but on the present and future. 

Dec. 8, 2024

The upstairs is almost cleaned though I am vacuuming daily to keep Elliott's hair off the floors. It is easier to do now that I have done the big clean in most areas. 

I have been going through my wants and needs lists again. I am enjoying the new vacuum cleaner but will add a robot cleaner later next year. Two other items on my want list may come into the house next year also. I am still mulling over them as they are expensive due to the brand I want. It means saving for them which I can do easily. It also means 2 items must leave the house. 

I have slowly been adding some soft decor to the house for Christmas. When we moved here, we chose red, grey and white as our colour scheme for Christmas. I still use the items I made. I may make one more item using up a charm pack but it won't happen until next year. 

I looked at the Christmas decorations I have. One tub of lights will be sold in the spring garage sale as I no longer will do lights on the house. I have a tub of items I will go through as I put them out. There are two or three items in bags that I do put out. Not a lot which means I have pared down to where I am happy and not stressed. I will add a bit to it this year as I want to do a bit in my bedroom. It will be red and white. The spare bedroom is blue and sage green. 

I still have a small blue truck to add to the front of the bowl. My bedroom display won't have lights in it. I need to buy a few small red ornaments and something to put in front of the container. 

I am still looking around the house to see what I need to let go of. I know some of what I have upstairs will go to family members and some will go to the thrift store. Downstairs is another matter. I need to continue working on purging what I have down there. I know lots of it family doesn't want. I still need to get my head around what to keep and what to let go of. The plan is still fragmented. I will work on those pieces and hope that it all comes together in the end. 

I am still waiting for the book on Swedish Death Cleaning and it states I have 7 weeks until it is my turn. I will continue to work on the house knowing that I can read the book and do more if necessary. This is a journey that started a long time ago and will continue on for at least another year. I want to know that I have done my best so family doesn't have to deal with a lot of unnecessary stuff. And I want to feel that I am living within my clutter and stress thresholds. 

Dec. 5, 2024

I have been working on upstairs again. I bought a new vacuum cleaner and have been vacuuming all the floors. It is so much easier to use than the central vacuum. The number of tools it came with is more than I had expected but I am giving them all a try. I have to figure out how to store them. 

I cleaned the kitchen and love how it looks. I have very little on the counters and try to reset the room each night. I did the dining room and put away all the little things I had out so I can start to decorate for Christmas. I loved how minimal it looked but do miss the few small items I had out. 

The living room is next. It is mostly putting away the knitting I am now finished with and tidying up the new project. I will vacuum and mop the floors, launder the blankets and put them away in preparation for Christmas. Once that is done, I will do the little area where the front closet is and the upstairs will be done. At the moment, I am happy as it is below my clutter threshold. I am finding keeping it clean is much easier with the new vacuum cleaner and keeping areas free of clutter really helps also. 

Downstairs is still a disaster. It threw me into a bit of depression as I am struggling with how to deal with the items I am decluttering. I just need to go down there and do it and leave my emotions upstairs. Lots of the emotions are from trying new crafts that I thought I would like and really don't. Part is the mess I made doing them and not cleaning up when I realized I wasn't going to move forward with them. Part is feeling guilty spending the money and part is being sucked in by consumerism. I am still dealing with that. 

I started to realize how much I am affected not only by consumerism but by what people say. One person unknowingly spoke of some things to buy for Christmas and it sparked a feeling of needing to buy them. Then I watched a video where people are saying they don't buy those due to the cost. I realized that what is some people's traditions for Christmas are not what fits into my life anymore. It still tugs at me. Most of it has to be stored somewhere and do I want to store it. I did a mental checklist and realized that I have what I want for my house and lifestyle at Christmas time. 

As I sat doing my mental check list, I realized that I need to think about what I want to display the rest of the year. I have decided that I will try to keep it simple. The more I have to store, the more I have to keep track of. It isn't what I want in life but I don't want to give up a few items I truly love. This is where I am deciding on how much is too much for upstairs. 

I hope to have upstairs done by Sunday and put it into maintenance mode. Then I will tackle downstairs. That is going to be a lot of hard work mentally and physically. I have bits of plans floating in my head but nothing is cohesive. I need to take one of those bits and work on it. Then move to another one and work on it. Maybe it will come together and I can move forward on getting the job done. 

Nov. 27, 2024

I started to fill two boxes to go to daughter. I am giving her a set of dishes that I haven't used in the past 4-5 years. They are western and she will love them. I also have put in her Christmas gifts. Storing Christmas gifts has to change next year. I need to figure out a better system that works for me. I have 6 months to think about it. 

I worked in the family room yesterday as the crafting table was clear of Christmas gifts. As I sat at the table working on the memory book, I realized that I have way too much paper craft yet not enough to finish the book. My plans for what I was going to make disappeared due to the amount of stuff I had. I found items that were missing and will be making those up after Christmas to give next year. I need to keep purging until I am happy with what is left knowing I will use it up. I will be adding a crafting section to the planner so I can keep track of what I want to make using up what I am keeping. It will also let me purge what I won't be using. 

The family room is still in quite a mess. I will spend an hour doing more purging and organizing. It won't be done as I know I need several more sessions to complete it. 

I also spent some time in the sewing room organizing the quilting cottons. The amount of Christmas fabric is larger than I had thought. I like it all and will sew it up over the next year. The fabric for piping is also large but I will be working through it. I hope to make piping but know that some pieces will have left over hunks. I will donate those to the quilting group after I take what I want for piping. The remaining fabrics were purged of items I won't use and what is left is slim pickings. I have sewn a lot of the "other" quilting fabrics up without realizing it. 

Upstairs is coming along. The living room is done and I am happy with it. The dining room needs to be tidied up and all will be good in there. I still need to do my bedroom closets but stop when I see the Christmas gifts stored in them. I have decided not to touch the closets until after I wrap gifts. 

As I work through the spaces I have targeted, I ask how much is too much? Is this part of my fantasy self? Will I look at this in 6 months or am I organizing clutter? Some of these questions are easy to answer and others are hard. Have I made deals with myself? Yes I have. Am I working on plans of what I want to make? Yes. Am I working on being realistic? I sure hope so. Will I ever get those spaces below my clutter and stress thresholds? I have to or I won't be productive. At the moment I know I am starting to get there as I am wanting to do more in some spaces and feel relaxed when in other spaces. 

Nov. 25, 2024

My journey to having less continues. My bedroom is painted but I have not touched the closets. One closet is full of Christmas gifts. When they are gone, I have very little to sort through. The other closet needs me to look at what I have and what I can let go of. I have been thinking about it the past few days. I am almost ready to spend a morning in that space. 

I cleaned the table in the sewing room. I had it in the room to do pattern making on. I never used it for that and it became a dumping ground for anything and everything. I hated the table as it was always a mess. I spent 2 afternoons working on cleaning it up. I let go of a lot -- binders, notebooks, and anything I hadn't touched in the past year. It seem to take forever to make decisions but once I made them, I said goodbye to what I wasn't using. I did the same for the peg board. I kept what I use. 

I have a planner on the table that I am using. Nothing more can reside there. 

I also went into the storage room (known as a mechanical room on the floor plans). I started working on the shelving unit I have for crafts materials. In 3 hours, I had it purged and organized. A lot of crafts I no longer want to do are gone. What materials are left should be gone by December 2025. I still have a few hours of cleaning up to do in that space and will need to make trip to the thrift store when done. 

I am continually working through what is enough for me to handle in this house. As I tackle areas, I keep asking myself when I last handled the materials other than or organize. If I haven't used since the last time I organized it, I let it go. Sometimes it is easy and other times it is hard. I have had to make deals with myself to let it go if I don't touch it by a certain date. I have a feeling I will let some items go before the chosen date. Others will stay until that date as I figure out if I want them, will use them, or realize they belong to my fantasy life. 

I am finding that I have firmed up what is I want to do in the sewing/crafting spaces. I have realized that using up what I don't like was making me stressed. When I let it go, I immediately felt calm and relaxed. I no longer have to pressure myself to do things that make me unhappy. The same happens when I let go of unused items in the rest of the house. I feel calm and relaxed knowing I have space to put what I use or love. I feel like I am making better use of the real estate inside my home. It makes me feel happy when I can clean spaces easily and quickly. I can find things easier in the spaces I have cleaned up. It is pushing me to work on the rest of the house making decisions on how much is too much for me.  

Nov. 18, 2024

I am slowly working through my thoughts on how much I need in my house. I am trying to find a balance of what to keep and what to let go of. As the sewing and family rooms have been giving me a lot of anxiety and stress, I moved towards thinking I needed way less than I have. I was moving towards making the house feel cold and sterile. I caught myself thinking about this yesterday when I was cleaning upstairs. 

As I continue to work paint and clean, I know that I have a low clutter threshold. Lower than most people. I am working at having less; becoming minimal. But I am not becoming a minimalist. I am working at letting go of what I no longer need or love. I am working towards having a place that is tidy, easy to keep clean, and cozy. I am realizing there is a difference. 

I have also realized that I have a lower stress threshold than I use to. I can tolerate some stress in my life. What I didn't realize is that having messy cluttered up spaces causes me to have stress. Trying to keep track of things I have and no longer use raises my stress levels. Having spaces messy causes my stress levels to rise. I am finding my stress threshold as I clean and paint this house. 

I allow myself to think about what is the right amount of stuff I need on this level. What makes me happy? What makes me feeling anxious?

  • Clutter leaves me anxious. I am a person who likes things in their place. 
  • I like things in containers. I like them behind doors in a very organized way. I like lots of empty surfaces. I am working on that. 
  • What decorations I have out I love. I tend to put items I don't love into cupboards and I need to let them go. I am working on that at this time. 
  • I love to be able to clean up easily and quickly. If I have too much I tend to let things pile up and ignore them. In areas that are well organized and having only what is needed seem to stay cleaner than my "hot spots".

I finished cleaning the sewing room closet. I really purged it allowing only what I will use back into that space. It is organized in tubs. 

As I sorted through things, I realized that what I have let return is usable and manageable. I know that what I don't use, I can put into the donate box the next time I clean this area. The fabrics will be monitored carefully making sure I use it before I buy new pieces.

I am continuing to work on how much is too much and finding a balance of what is right for me. There will be anxiety, stress, and the feeling of despair when I keep moving through the house cleaning and decluttering. I know there will be moments of joy when I let go of hobbies that I no longer want to do, or giving items to others to enjoy. And I will find that balance slowly over the next while. 

Nov. 15, 2024

I have been thinking constantly about what is too much. It is such a hard decision to make and I know what is right for me is not what is right for others. That makes it hard to discuss with others as we all have a different stress threshold for clutter and how much we need in our lives. There are emotions attached to our possessions; both positive and negative. I know I feel guilty letting go of items that I have carefully stored away and never used for 10 years. Some have good memories and some negative ones. 

I sat in the mess I have created in the family room hand stitching the binding down on a quilt I made. I looked at the quilt knowing will be nice to wrap up in during the winter. I enjoyed the project from start to finish. I met my goals with this quilt -- precision and accuracy. This quilt is full of positive emotions. I am very proud of it. 

I looked at the mess around me and cringed. Some negative emotions came up. Most of it was around buying fabric I didn't need. Some of it was bought for reasons that were wants, to support business, and from pressure to meet goals or expectations that were unnecessary or unrealistic. I am constantly reminding myself that this was from the past and I am working on the now and the future. As I deal with each item, I say good bye to it and hope it gives someone else joy. 

I am down to sorting through the last tub in the sewing room closet. Once it is done, I will tidy up the mess in the family room and put what is to go in the storage room. It can reside in there until our spring garage sale and then the thrift store. I keep questioning if I have purged hard enough. Is the closet at or below my stress threshold. Will I use up what I have left or will it still be sitting there untouched next year. Do I still have some of my fantasy self left in that closet. These questions are going through my mind constantly. While I dwell on this, I have to remind myself that the sewing room has been the hardest room for me to purge. Not just this one, but the previous ones I had. I have to remind myself how much I had in 2015 when I did my first purge to what I have now. I know it is more than 50% less. But I also know it is still too much for me. A lot of it belongs to dreams I had in the past which are not a part of life now.

I am struggling with what I want to sew in the future. I do not want to feel like I have to do so much each day or sew so much fabric each week. I want to find the joy in sewing again. I do have moments of joy when sewing. I come out of the room feeling happy and content. I am slowly starting to figure out what causes that. Part of it has been removing the pressures of what I should do and sewing what I want to. It means kicking out external pressures and working on internal satisfaction. It means slowing down and enjoying the process. It means no set time to finish a project or sew up 100 meters a year. It means having the freedom to work on projects I want to when I want to. 

I will continue to struggle as I work through the sewing and craft stashes. A vision is slowly evolving but it still resides in the mist. I know that it will evolve and become clearer as I work through deciding how much is too much. 

Nov. 13, 2024

With the leather gone to its new home, I was able to focus on what I need to do in the house. I spent some time upstairs decluttering the end table. It had counted cross stitch supplies on it. It was a task I have put off and I realized that I won't be doing much of it in the future. I kept a bit and let go of the rest with a few items trashed. Here is what I am left with. The top tub will be gone when I get an empty pill container for the needles.

If I don't use it by the end of 2025, this tub will be gone. I did the same with the beads and am down to what I want. With those two containers done and an empty tub put away, I focused, once again, on the sewing room closet. I got out the Halloween fabric and put the two pieces into the donate/sell pile. I found a kit I had put together and will make a neighbour the wall hanging for next Halloween. What is left will be sorted out and gone. I also looked at the fancy fabrics and flannel I have for doll clothes and let go of a lot of it. One piece of lace is going to daughter as she wondered where it was. I had brought it with me when we moved. I have one tub of cotton fabric and a basket of ?? to go through and the closet will be done. I hope to have 50% gone. It is still more than I need but a lot less than I had and not using. I will review what I have next November. 

I am painting my bedroom and know I need to do some decluttering in there. I am ready to donate the Spousal Unit's shirts. I am thinking about the feather duvets. I also need to give a friend a couple of items of clothing I will never wear. I know they will fit her. 

I looked at my want list and have decided which items I need. I ordered a portable generator to have when the power goes off. It was on sale and affordable. I am now waiting for the vacuum cleaner I need to go on sale. Hopefully it will be on sale for Black Friday. 

I am starting to feel more calmness coming over me as I sort through my belongings. I know that what I am keeping is what I want at this moment in my life. I know what I am buying is going to help me stay in my own home for longer. The combination is feeling right for me at this time. 

Nov. 8, 2024

Yesterday I found some calmness in my brain. I have been struggling with some leather that has resided in my sewing room closet for 4 or more years. Daughter sent it to me thinking I would sew it up. I realize it was from a past season in my life and I was not going to sew it. Daughter has decided to put real leather on dresses she will be making so I boxed it up along with 11 meters of fabric and it is going across Canada to her. The leather and fabric no longer own me and I was happy to ship it to her to use in her sewing. I felt very calm and happy when I dropped it off at the post office in the afternoon. 

The second period of calmness came watching a video on Swedish death cleaning. I read the book several years ago and forgot about it. I was busily trying to organize my clutter. I was trying to figure out why I was wanting less. Part of it is I have a lower clutter threshold. I needed less in my life to feel calm. As I said, upstairs is almost there and when I tidy up, I know that it will be easy to get the job done. 

The downstairs has been my "fantasy" life. With a lot of thinking, I am always saying that I will sew up the stash and everything will be fine. But as I watched the video the author of the book said that we should be looking at getting our lives in order so that when we die our loved ones don't have to deal with the excess. I really wouldn't want family to have to deal with the basement as I have too much excess in the sewing and family rooms. I really want to be the one who deals with the excess and not them. I don't want to burden them with that job. 

I am now thinking about what I will keep and what I will let go of in both sewing and crafts. It will take time as I sit and handle my "hoard" and make decisions. What is my goal for sewing? What is my goal for crafting. What will I keep, what will I let go of. What will I want to do as I get older? I need to set boundaries and guidelines. I need to use my new words "focus" and "calm" to help me work through these areas. 

I am really finding what I thought would be simple more complicated as I work through this journey to simplify my life. But as I explore and learn, I do feel that understanding they why's are helping me be calm. 

Nov. 7, 2024

I am still dealing with my thoughts. I am living in what I deem is a mess as I am now painting my bedroom, trying to make gifts to send to daughter, and figuring out where I need to be in my life. WWIII is still raging at times but I am starting to find some calm in what I want to do and where I want to be. 

As I work through my mess, I haven't touched a thing in the basement. I want to make sure that when I start decluttering my "fantasy" life, I can do it quickly vs over a long period of time. It is a project for when I can't be outside a lot. I do know that a lot will be going and only what I enjoy doing will stay. I want the basement to be a calm and organized place for me to work in. Right now, it isn't that as what I have is haunting and owning me. I need to finish a project and then gather up what I am not going to be using and either give it away or sell it. I know what crafts I want to do and what I don't want to has to go.

The sewing room is going to get another purge also. I have been working through the closet and am at a standstill. The leather I found is on my sorting table. I am not sure what to do but daughter wants to buy leather and make fringe for rodeo dresses. I need to look at what there is and seriously talk her into using what I have. Then I can box it up and ship it back to her. Once that is done, I will then proceed with finishing cleaning out the closet. 

One big thing I am going to stop doing is dreaming about designing patterns for dolls. It is not something I really want to do as I am past that stage in my life. I enjoy pulling out the slopers once in a while to make a pattern but I don't do it on a regular basis. The binders will go into the book case for reference and all the materials I use will go into a file box that will fit in the book case. I can pull the materials as I need them and have them put away when I am not using them. The basket of pattern making items I have upstairs will be dealt with and what I borrowed from a friend returned when she gets home. 

Upstairs is messy as I am painting my bedroom. I will be going through the closets and seeing what I can let go of and what I will keep. It should be an easy job there isn't a lot in the closets to let go of. Our bedroom has been very minimal for the last 12 years as I have a sleep disorder. The less that is in the room the better it is for me to relax and sleep in. I still need to decorate it so it is cozy but not cluttered. I also know if the house has less clutter, I relax more and move about the house feeling calm and less agitated. 

As I work through my thoughts on deciding how much is too much, I am realizing that what is right for me may not be right for someone else. People think my house is perfect the way it is but for me it isn't. I need to continue working on getting below my clutter threshold so I can be calm and relaxed. It also helps me keep the house clean and tidy which is important as I get older. 

Oct. 30, 2024

Yesterday's cleaning and thinking had my brain fighting WWIII. It was a difficult day going through every single thought I had and dissecting them into small bits and fighting off the negative thoughts. I was fairly tired when I got done. 

The upstairs of my house is coming along nicely. I am at a point where my possessions don't own me and I can take care of what I have fairly easily. There is still some purging to do but it isn't hard or overwhelming. I can do most of it when I paint a space. I am down to getting routines established to keep everything neat and tidy on a daily basis. I have areas that I have routines set and love how I do them each day. One is resetting the kitchen after dinner each night. It gives me joy to have this routine. 

The basement was harder for me to deal with. The war was raging when I thought about what I need to do down there. I had to work through a lot of thoughts as I mentally tried to formulate a plan. 

    1. My stuff in the basement owns me. It is defining who I am. Other people's opinions mattered. I realized that it is driving some of my depression and IBS issues. I need to realize that I am special, not what I have down there. I need to stop being influenced by others (real and on YouTube). The thoughts have been creeping in slowly but they have started to rush in quickly. I need to take control of what is in the basement and stop being influenced by others. 

    2. The basement is my fantasy self. It started years ago and l let it continue on especially after the Spousal Unit passed away. I had the space that I could spread out into. I could live the dream I wanted to -- make and sell crafts. I could quilt, sew for the dolls, and make gifts. What I realized was -- I am not happy with this fantasy self. I want to enjoy sewing and doing some crafts. I want to have fun in the basement doing crafts I enjoy in a tidy minimal place. I am not going to stop sewing and crafting, I am going to work on becoming more selective in what I am doing in those areas. 

    3. I need to be a good gatekeeper. This means only letting in what I need. But it also means letting go of what I don't need. It means that I don't have to feel obligated to support businesses by buying things that I will regret down the road. It means being selective in how I support them. It means deciding on what I will continue to do and what I will stop doing. I am working my way through that. 

My plans are evolving, developing, changing, and I am finding that I am starting to define who I am in the basement. The process is going to be slow and I am going to stumble and get off track. I will have to visit the thrift store to unload my car or put it away to sell in the spring at the garage sale. It is time to look at the basement in a real way and let go of my fantasies. I really want to reduce my stress threshold. 

Oct. 29, 2024

I have begun to declutter once again as I paint my upstairs from a yellow beige to a calm warmer light grey. As I complete an area, I realize how my depression has lifted especially now that the days are getting shorter. The rooms are brighter and calmer for me to live in. This job won't be finished until at least February as I am slow. 

It is a big step for me to paint as I have been in rehab for a hip issue. In the past year I have gone from limited mobility from a hip that was tipped forward to having it in place, from muscles so tight several had to be dry needled to me being able to stretch them almost free of pain. I have more mobility but I have also promised my family that I will only do what I can with the ladder I have and will have one of them to be with me when I need a taller ladder. I do not want to fall and not be able to live here. Safety is first and foremost in my mind and life.

I am still working away at decluttering. It seems to be a cycle that I am stuck in. At the moment, I like to use a term someone coined as "peeling away the clutter". Clutter does come to live in everyone's house if you don't focus on having routines in place to eliminate it. We tend to forget, get busy, and just plain ignore it. I do all three. I need to focus on a few rules.

There is a fourth one that haunts me at times. I mean haunts me. It is supporting small businesses so they can survive. It has caused me to over buy and regret those purchases. I am slowly working through them. I support a small mobile knitting store. This lady travels a lot but only comes to our area twice a year. I buy enough yarn to last that long. I knit it up as fast as I can. It is a business I can support. The other business is a quilt shop. I have bought fabric from them for projects and have bought some fabric I have regretted. I am finding that I can support them by having them long arm my quilts and to buy only the fabric I need for the project at hand. I still struggle with this one but am learning a lot about myself as I work through my thoughts and feelings. 

The Joy of Less by Francine Jay was discussed in this video. I have watched it several times and am trying to find the book to read online. I love these points from the book. 

  • You are not what you own. You are special not the things you own. In the past I thought what I owned defined me. In some ways it did and in other ways it didn't. What other people's opinions are don't matter and that I can live the life I want. It is only then that what I own will define me. 

  • We buy to indulge our fantasy selves. One example that hit home used by Francine Joy was: "A knitter/sewer/scrapbooker/woodworker extraordinaire with enough supplies to fill a craft store when you rarely ever complete a project?" That was me and I had a stash that was full of projects I would never complete. I have projects planned and I will do them but I need to pare down on things I know I will never complete. I am working on that. It is hard to let go of items you have bought for your fantasy self. But they don't own me and I can let go of them which I have done in the past and need to continue doing as time goes on. 

  • Being a caretaker of all our things can be a full time job. More stuff means more stress. It doesn't mean we have to get rid of it all. In some areas of my house I have 50% less than I use to and know it means 50% less cleaning and maintaining. Not bringing items in to fill that space means less debt. The areas I am having problems with, I will continue to work on them letting go of items that no longer bring me joy or I will never use.

  • Be a good gatekeeper. Decide what I will let into my house and what I won't. What will help me age in my home. What can I enjoy without owning. What do I need that will help me in my home. What will bring me joy. One thing I do know is having a vacuum cleaner I can handle easily each time I go to use. It will come into my home as I know I will use it on a regular basis. I see this becomes making smart choices in what you buy and what you stop to admire. 
I have a lot of the upstairs decluttered. I am working through what is left to give to family so they can enjoy those items. What I know no one wants, I will either donate or sell. It isn't a lot but I need to deal with it. Downstairs will be another story for another day. 

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