Thursday, November 03, 2022

A Morning Of Christmas Shopping

 Yesterday was a lovely sunny day with a high of 14.3C. There was wind in the afternoon. This morning it is 4C and it is suppose to be sunny with a high of 13C.


Yesterday I headed off to the city to do some Christmas shopping. My first stop was suppose to be the big box fabric store in Halifax. It wasn't there and I hadn't heard that it closed or moved. From there, I went back to Bayers Lake to shop. I did 3 stores and got all that was on my list plus a few other items. I got home at noon quite tired from all the walking I did. One thing I noticed is how fast the stores are setting up for Christmas. They are moving at a rapid pace to get it done. 

I bought Elliott a grooming glove and he loves it. I groomed him for almost 10 minutes and he wasn't done. He stretched and moved so I could do both his side and down his back. I'm going to try and groom him daily as it is something he does like. 

I also bought a book to read in December. It is a mystery book for girls around 12 years old. The first in a series of 4 books. When done, I will set it aside to donate to the local library. 

I did have a nap in the afternoon. A very short one so I could sleep well last night; which I did. 


I spent a couple of hours in the sewing room. My first job was to sweep and clean up the floor at the cutting table. When it was done, I did feel better and more ready to focus on the placemats. I'm working very hard at focusing vs being scatter brained. It isn't my style of sewing and it leaves me exhausted. 

The first placemat had the binding sewn on and I did struggle, as always, with the joining of the two ends so it looks neat and tidy. I succeeded on the 2nd try with a lot of talking to myself. I also started to hand sew the binding down to see what it looks like. 

All the fabrics blend well together giving these placemats a classic look. I did cut out the binding for the 3 remaining placemats and am ready to start working on them. 


I finished 7 rows of knitting, found a typo error and then looked at the pattern I had finished and realized I had a mistake. Instead of doing the pattern as read, my brain did something different. I unknit all 7 rows and got 3 rows done correctly. I know I have been tired and emotionally raw the past few days which could have caused my brain to do its own thing. 

I still have quite a few rows of this pattern left to do. I was so pleased that I could see how the pattern was forming and could read the pattern and then do it with until I had to see how to end the row. It was really making sense and it still makes sense. The only thing now is to make sure I do the pattern stitch correctly. I'm still talking to myself on how to do it. 


    My knee is still sore but not as bad as it was. It gets tired and stiff when I'm on it too long. But I am noticing I can push through, apply heat, stretch, and do more. 

    I feel much better mentally though I'm monitoring my naps and night sleeping patterns. Less naps equals better sleeping at night. Getting out to do things also helps me sleep better. It is hard moving through this transition stage and then know I have to finish up my estate planning. 

    I am working my way through my financial thoughts while cleaning up the house. I know what I want to do and having it clean keeps me busy and happy. 

    I am going to start making meals for the freezer. I enjoyed making one to eat and one to freeze. I also enjoyed having chicken soup in the freezer to eat on cold days. 


I am back to the family room to do some more cleaning. A couple of hours should make a big difference in the room. I would like to get the binding on the placemats this afternoon and knit tonight. A busy day at home.

Until the next time................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    For the quilt binding, check sew-so-easy page and look at "easy trick to perfectly join quilt bindings". I found easier to understand stuff on Pinterest but can't send it. It really helped me.
