Friday, October 01, 2021

Praise Not A Melt Down

Yesterday was a lovely sunny fall day. The high got to 16.5C. This morning it is 8C, fairly clear and a high of 17C is expected. 


Having had an IBS attacked on Wednesday night, I was lacking in energy yesterday. After putting on a load of laundry and the dishwasher, I went to bed for a nap. It did help. Last night I had another IBS attack which got my attention. I did sleep better but did have time to think about what I need to do.

I have decided to smarten up and go back to a low gluten diet (once again). When I got up this morning, I got weighed and am ready to follow my plan. Along with low amounts of gluten, I'm removing some foods from my diet to see if they may be causing the flare ups also. I can add them back when things settle down. 

We covered the beans last night "just in case". We didn't have a frost which was wonderful. We will have to pick beans as we can get a frost any time now. 


Though I was tired, I did go down to the sewing room and made 4 meters of yellow piping out of .3 meters of fabric that daughter had sent last year or the year before. 

Though not a true fairy frost fabric, the white is very shiny making it like a fairy frost.

I used up a spool of thread which was perfect. I am enjoying seeing the old small spools of thread being used up. I do buy the small spools for small projects. 

I started to have a melt down with the stash once again. It was caused by seeing a lovely small sewing area that was neat and tidy. I was pining after something like that when I saw another person's stash that takes up the length of the house (unfinished basement) and realized, in reality, I don't have that much of a stash. This lady's stash was amazing, well organized and she uses it up making many quilts. 

I had a small talk with myself that my stash is decreasing in size every time I sew something from it. There is less on the shelves as the piles are not as high as they were 2 years ago. I also reminded myself that I've bought the least amount of fabric ever and have sewn 90% of what I bought this year. 

I also mulled over the decisions I made at the end of August. How am I doing? I'm still testing but only those patterns I want to test. One a month with hopes I will be rotated out. I've stopped thinking about sewing for the fall fair and more about what I can make for us, family, our house, and the dolls. I am sewing what I have on hand with only 2.5 meters bought since August. I've made bigger items for gifts using up more stash. I've been looking at how to use the stash for other projects than what I bought them for. I should be praising myself rather than having a melt down. I didn't get to the point of wanting to box it up and get rid of it. I also made a decision to clean up the sewing room starting Dec. 20 and the only sewing should be piping for daughter.


I spent quite a bit of time knitting yesterday afternoon and evening. I turned the heel and picked up the gusset stitches on both socks. One sock has had 16 rounds knit on it (1 pattern) and the other one has 7 rows knit on it. 

The socks are now at the most awkward stage to photograph. Once the gussets are completed, the foot will take a while to knit. But it is easier to do as I don't have to remember to pad the underfoot, remember to decrease and do the pattern on the top of the foot. I do write notes to myself to remember what to do. 


I am going to clean the kitchen, begin the puppy's quilt and knit more on the socks. It is another home day as we have nothing to go out for. 

Until the next time......................................................................

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