Sunday, October 24, 2021

More Done On Projects

 Yesterday was another lovely fall day with a high of 17C. There was rain late in the afternoon and most of the evening. At midnight, the fog was thick enough you couldn't see much past the house beside us. This morning it is windy and 7C. We are to have a high of 10C which is abnormal for us. 


I vacuumed the whole upstairs yesterday and I can honestly say there is very little Elliott hair floating around. It has been a lot of work getting to this stage. I can now start dusting the furniture to see if we've made real progress. 

The Spousal Unit picked up more of the clippings off the dreaded hedge. Next year I want to put down a tarp and empty it into the lawn and leaf bags. See if that makes tidying up easier. I hate the thorns as they get in deep and fester. I have scars from picking them out which can take several days.


I spent almost 2 hours quilting and my back was sore. But, I'm over half done and that makes me smile. 

I have decided to practice free motion quilting next year. I want to connect with this but have been so busy I haven't had the time (or energy) to do it. While cleaning up the sewing room, one job will be to do a bunch of the sandwiches from left over fabric I know I will find in the stash. I plan on using up a bunch of the small spools of thread I have had for quite a while. Using it up will make me happy as some of the colors I haven't used for a long time.

I looked at my "To Do" book and I can use it for another year. In this book I put down a lot of ideas of what I want to sew during the year. Those ideas may or may not be made depending on what happens. I do a list for each month and put that up on the Monthly To Do list. The book has a lot of crazy information in it -- thread colors for embroidery, genealogy information, notes from watching videos, wardrobe ideas. By using the book for 2 years in a row, I can go back to look at ideas from the previous year and sew some ideas I didn't get to. 


I got more done on the hat. Knitting it using the magic loop is easier than doing it on double pointed needles. This hat has a rustic look to it which is nice for a change. 

It is going to be a warm hat as it is wool and a bit denser than the other hats I knit. 

I also started the test pattern and got the first sleeve knit. It is an easy knit once the base row is set up. 

As you can see, I am keeping track of the rows as I have to do a cable row. 

I lightened up the picture so you can see the open cable. What is nice is the increase row is done on the same row as the cable stitch is done. What I won't like is sewing in the sleeves. 

On this sweater I have chosen to knit into the back of the knit stitches on the ribbing. I am also knitting into the back of the first and last stitch on each row to see if it makes a difference. 


We are going to pull leeks so I can do them tomorrow. I will work on the quilt and knit. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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