Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Inside and Outside Projects Done

Yesterday was another lovely day with lots of sunshine. The high got to 18.7C. This morning it was 13C and we are to have another warm sunny day. The high could get to 23C.


I cleaned the kitchen and washed the floor so it is neat and tidy once again. I love having a clean house and have been upset that it has gotten to a state of dustiness due to my sciatic flare up. I'm choosing to push through and do some every day I can.

Once the kitchen was cleaned, I decided to clean the front porch. I swept the cobwebs and spiders away. After scrubbing the front door, I washed the deck boards on my hands and knees. When done, I put out the fall decorations and admired the look. 

The Spousal Unit and I put away the summer pots and I have the solar bottles ready to deal with. I am going to toss the lids and try to get new lights for the inside of them for next summer. In the mean time, the candles in the lantern will be on for 4 hours each night. 

I am very happy we went with the less is more look this year. By the time I was done, I was sore and in a lot of pain. I rested for an hour while we had lunch. 

While I was cleaning and decorating, the Spousal Unit finished up the weed whacking. The yard looks really good. Mid afternoon we looked out and our lawn mower had been delivered. It was put into the shed and will be out in a week to mow the lawns once again. 


I set a goal of chain sewing yesterday. It is not something I do well. My brain just doesn't like it. But I forced myself and was amazed at how much I did enjoy it after I got into the rhythm of it. After pressing and cutting the chain piece, I put together the 4 patches. I didn't chain sew them but I didn't get up and press each one after finishing it. I kept on sewing. By the time 2 hours was up, I had one side border done to the point of sewing the 4 patches together.

This quilt is way bigger than I imagined it would be when I started to design it. It will cover and adult and a puppy.


I finished knitting the doll's sweater. I had to use a scrap of yarn to finish casting off. I just need to steam it and put on the buttons. Then pictures on one of the dolls. I'm happy to have all the yarn used up. 


I have to go out this morning to get fabric for the quilt, mail a parcel and a few other small stops. This afternoon I want to cut more squares to sew which I hope to start sewing. This evening I want to start crocheting the cat's sweater. Elliott won't be happy he has to model this creation to see if it fits so I can make alterations to the pattern. Wish me luck. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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