Saturday, October 09, 2021

One Sock Is Completed

 Though the sun shone yesterday, the wind was cold. The high got to 13.6C. This morning it was 2C and frost. We are to have a high of 15C today with a chance of frost tonight. Fall is certainly in the air.


Another 5 bags of carrots are in the freezer. We have one more morning and they will be done. Then it will be leeks. 

My hip/leg are improving. I still have some tingling in one leg and, if I sit too long, pain that needs to be stretched out. But, it is much better than it was. 

There were 25 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. There is community spread in one area and 2 schools have been closed due to this.


I cut out a whole bunch of 3.5" squares yesterday and sewed what was needed to make the top border. 

I need to move the top border up as there will be a 3" finished border in a coppery brown between the quilt body and the border. 

I have everything ready to start chain sewing squares together. I want to do one side border next. I'd like to be far enough along to buy the rest of the fabric on Tuesday. 

I did some thinking about sewing for next year. I have written down a few general ideas but nothing specific. That will happen when I clean the stash. I do know I want to sew more doll clothes from their stash and gift them to the little girl I sew for. I also want to do more historical clothing also. 


I finished the first sock and am pleased with it. 

I do like the pattern (Snake River). Once I caught on to how to do the M1's I was able to knit the rounds quickly. 

I have started decreasing for the toe on the 2nd sock. Doing 2.5 pattern repeats was fast and I got the toe set up quickly. 

Once the socks are done, I will knit the same sweater as before to use up the remaining yarn. Then it will be on to crocheting a cat sweater. 

I put the yarn I bought away and I looked at the sock weight yarn. I will be knitting doll sweaters out of it as I do not have enough of any one color to knit socks from. A few boy sweaters and some girl ones. 

I am slowly putting together a plan for knitting in 2022 by knitting up more of the yarn stash and buying less yarn. I will be pattern hunting for sure. 


I have to make buns and an apple crisp for our Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I am not sure if I will do any sewing or knitting as I will be busy in the kitchen.

Until the next time.........................................................

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