Sunday, October 17, 2021

17 Buttons To Sew On

Yesterday started out sunny and by the afternoon is was cloudy. The high got to 16C. This morning it was 16C, windy and cloudy. We are to have showers, wind, and a high of 18C. 


I headed out yesterday morning to shop and was home by 11:30 a.m. I moved quickly and got most everything though a few items were not available. I can get them locally tomorrow when I pick up the Spousal Unit's prescription. 


I went into Fabricville to pick up a few items needed. I bought buttons for doll clothes. With the store closing at the end of November, I will have to travel further to get items I need. 

I spent 2 hours on the test pattern and am ready for button holes and sewing on 17 buttons. 

I had some issues with the facing not wanting to line up but it worked out in the end. It is a cute dress but I think my version is bland. I needed either a pink or a blue fabric for the contrast. 

I have been thinking about the sewing room a lot and need to buy some items for it. I want to be more organized. I have chosen to look at the doll's area first. 

It needs the least amount of upgrading. The cube is perfect for the dolls as I keep their clothes and shoes in the black containers. The open parts irritate me though as some items need to be hidden to keep the look clean and organized. I have decided to put a drawer insert in the right cube to hold the Diamond sewing machine feet, bobbins, and the cording bateaus for making piping. One the left hand side, I will put in either a drawer or a door insert to put the hair accessory basket and books into. The middle 2 cubes will hold the knick knacks. I feel that once this is done, I will be very happy with the look. There will be less clutter out in the open. 


I bought another skein of yarn for a hat and 3 balls of yarn for socks. I'm now set for daughter's socks for 2022.

I knit a lot on the cat's coat and have finished the increases. When they were done, I knit stitches onto waste yarn for the leg holes. I'm keen on learning how we will remove the waste yarn to knit the little cuffs to finish the leg holes. I am now knitting in the pattern until the body measures about 11" from the leash hole. I didn't take pictures last night. I did try it on Elliott and he is one chunky cat. I would say it would barely fit him. Hopefully it will fit daughter's cat as he is a leaner cat. If not, the new puppy will be wearing it. 


As it is Sunday, I will be doing minimal housework. I need to fold laundry, make a good dinner, sew and knit. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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