Saturday, October 02, 2021

Another Day of Piping Making

 Yesterday was another beautiful fall day. The high got to 16C. This morning it was 9C at 6 a.m. and we are to see a repeat of yesterday. 


I cleaned the kitchen down to the windows and the floor. It is nice to have a few extra things done in there and to have it shining clean. 

I stuck to my eating plan and really limited the gluten in what we ate. It worked as I had one tiny attack during the night. It really didn't disturb my sleep very much. We continue on with eating much better with hopes that the attacks subside. 

The Spousal Unit dug up another box in which he will plant garlic in after Thanksgiving. It will also have leeks in it next year. 

There were 77 new cases of the virus report over 2 days. We have 240 active cases in the province. 


I played a bit with the fabric for the puppy's quilt. I am using up what I have in the stash and am happy with my choices. 

I need to keep a fat quarter of the print for a bag for son-in-law. I may buy fabric for the rest of the bag as it is a Christmas present for him. 

While the fabrics were being laundered, I made 3.5 meters of piping from a blue fairy frost. There was .5 meter of the fabric and I used half of it. 

I gathered up all the bags of piping to be shipped this coming week. 

I really need to sew more piping each month as I have a lot of fabric to do. I will be buying another bateau of cording when I go to the city. I also told the Spousal Unit that the piping foot was one of the best purchases I've ever made. It has more than paid for itself in the many meters of piping I've done for myself and daughter.

As I dug through the stash yesterday, I realized how little quilting stash I have left compared to what I had 2 years ago. When I cleaned the stash up on March 2, 2021, I was able to put 3 tubs onto the shelving unit. That was a huge accomplishment from the previous year. I wonder what I will be able to do when I clean the shelving unit in December.  Will I have empty spaces? Or less high piles of fabric? Or will the top of the shelving unit be empty? I'm excited to find out. In the mean time, I will keep sewing.


I got one pattern repeat done on both socks and then did another repeat on one sock. The gusset is done on that one. 

I am enjoying knitting both socks. I plan how far I will go on one sock and do it again on the other one. It actually allows me to know how many rows are done on each sock so they will be the same. 


The goal is to finish cleaning the kitchen (windows, floors) and then maintain it. I want to start cutting out the puppy's quilt and knit on the socks. 

Until the next time........................................................

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