Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Progress On The Quilt

Yesterday started out cloudy and ended up sunny. The high got to 15C. This morning it is 7C and we are to have a high of 11C. It is suppose to be sunny and cloudy with a chance of a shower. 


Yesterday morning I folded laundry and got it all put away. Once it was done, I vacuumed floors and noticed less cat hair on the ones I'm doing every other day. I also re-washed the living room floor as it looked dirty. It was and now looks much better. 

The Spousal Unit mowed the lawn yesterday. It amazes us that we mow the lawn mid to late October here. It looks great and had grown quite a bit since grandson had mowed it on Thanksgiving weekend. 

There were 72 new cases reported over 3 days. There are 208 active cases in the province. 


I was able to get quite a bit of sewing done on the quilt yesterday. I cut out the inner border and carefully sewed it on to keep the quilt square. The rust color makes the squares pop. 

 I then added the first side outer border. As this is a make it up as you go quilt, I had a couple of issues that was stupid thinking on my part. Once I had it figured out, I pinned and sewed the border on. 

I now need to sew up the side outer border and attach it. Then on to the top and bottom borders and it will be ready to quilt. Overall, I am happy with this quilt even if it is bigger than I had thought it would be. 


I knit on the cat's sweater and have the body ready to decrease over the back. I didn't take a picture as it looks the same but longer. 

I sewed the buttons on the doll's sweater and Lily will be modeling it today. 

Some how the lighting turned the light grey a bit yellowish in the picture. I like this pattern to knit up the left over yarn from socks. The Gotz dolls will have a collection of these sweaters of which I will need to knit cardigans to go over them.

I looked into the tub with the sock weight yarn in it. I have enough yarn for 3 pairs of socks and plenty of yarn to knit sweaters and a dress for the dolls. There is some red sock yarn (wool) that I want to knit up with black beads. If a cardigan, the beads will go down the fronts. If the above sweater I will do 3 rows of beads down the center front. I need to weigh the yarn to see which one I will make. I'm hoping the cardigan.


The goal is to wrap presents and get the box ready to post. I want to sew the 4 patches together for the 2nd border and get it onto the quilt. Tonight I will knit on the cat's sweater in hopes it will be ready to do the leg holes. 

Until the next time............................................................

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