Sunday, August 22, 2021

Crashed and Burned

 Yesterday was another warm day with a high of 25.4C with a humidex of 29C. This morning it is 14C at 6 a.m. with lots of fog. We are to have sunshine and 27C today.


I crashed and burned yesterday. I hit the wall of exhaustion that led to me being cranky and angry. Let me say, I wasn't a nice person to be around. Outside I pulled some weeds around the house that I had sprayed and inside I did get 2 loads of laundry done ready to be folded. 

By last night I was aching in a lot of my joints. I took Advil and slept good. I even slept in this morning for an hour. It will be a slow moving today but I'm feeling better. 

The Spousal Unit picked grape tomatoes and I took a bag of ripe ones to family. The rest need to be sorted and some go to friends. The crop of grape tomatoes is on track to being bumper. Four Early Girl tomatoes have been picked and will ripen in the window for a couple of days. 


I spent quite a bit of time in the sewing room calming down. I am quilting the last rectangular hot pad and, if there is enough thread, I will do more quilting on both of them. 

Next up is to sew the strips of binding together so I can bind the 5 pieces. The pot holders and hot pads have used up 2.3 meters of fabric and when the 4 place mats are included the total is 4.9 meters of fabric. That doesn't include the batting or insulbrite. 

I am looking forward to starting the quilt for the cat. But, before I start, I will make some piping for daughter. I'm trying to sew more of it for her and doing it between other projects. I am behind on making it.


I enjoyed knitting yesterday. I watched the videos on the sock and by last night I was knitting the gusset. I'm back in the round. 

I am impressed with the lady who does the videos as she explains why you do certain things. The edge of the flap was wonderful and made picking up the gusset stitches so easy. Where to add extra stitches so no hole when you join the gusset to the top of the sock. I get the process now. One thing she does is the padded stitch of the heel right under the heel to the arch. I'm doing that on this pair also and may continue doing it on all the socks I knit. It doesn't take much extra time to do. 


I am going to be doing what I can inside and out. I want to finish up the quilting of the hot pads and start sewing the binding together. I will knit also. I'm not pushing myself as I need another good night's sleep. 

Until the next time........................................................

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