Monday, August 30, 2021

Another Fussy Cut Project

Yesterday was another lovely sunny day with a high of 22.8C. The humidex made it feel like 24C which was nothing. This morning it is 15C and we are to have rain and 22C. 


We talked about going for a drive but chose to stay home. I went down to the sewing room and cleaned off the sewing table. It was nice to see the top, which was dirty. I spent time scrubbing it clean and also did the cutting mat. All the temporary basting spray is gone.

I still have to clean under the table which won't take long. I also took a picture of the pressing center. 

The Spousal Unit spent time sorting puzzle pieces to start his fall puzzle. We both gave up on the 2000 piece puzzle and it will go to the used book store to stress someone else out. 


I had a good run at the Bella Blouse I have wanted to sew for a long time. It is another fussy cut project and I'm thrilled I spent the time doing it. 

When sewing the darts, I spent the time making sure the lines went straight across. 

I did the same with the tucks in the back. 

It is cute with a plain chambray skirt so I need to find the fabric in the stash and make a simple skirt to go with the top. 

While putting away the fabric off the cutting table, I saw a piece that was going to be a vest for the fall fair. I thought a blanket for the dolls or cats. I will be dragging it out and cutting it to size. It is a large scrap given to me before we moved here. I will bind it with black cotton and call it done. It will be added to the to do list. More on it when I start the project which could be as early as tomorrow.

I've also decided not to take the fabric off the shelves and sort it as it is a big project and I don't have time right now. I will do that at the end of December when I do my idea's page for 2022. At the moment, the shelves are not a total mess and I can live with it. The next area to clean is the yarn stash area.


I worked on the sock and have 10 pattern repeats (40 rows) knit. Only 8 repeats left to go before the heel flap. 

I am enjoying knitting the second sock as much as the first one. I think the pattern keeps it interesting. 


I am off to the city to do some shopping. I want to be home by noon so I can finish the doll's blouse this afternoon. I am going to knit tonight. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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