Thursday, August 12, 2021

Cleaning the Sewing Room

Yesterday was hot and the high got to 27.7C with a humidex of 34C. This morning it is cloudy and 22C with a humidex of 31C. The high is suppose to 30C with a humidex of 38C. A hot day for us.


We headed out yesterday morning to get apples and blueberries. Apples must be at the end of their lives as there weren't many in the store. We then went to the blueberry farm and when we saw the berries we were delighted. They are big and juicy this year. 

We have 14 tubs for the winter and may go back for more as there are 7 more tubs in the cupboard. 

The lawn mower has been giving us a headache. It has been smoking and we've done everything in the manual. It goes into the shop for a tune up and a new blade. The lawn will be really long when we get to mow it. We will slug through it at a snail's pace. 

There were 3 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. All are related to travel. We are now wearing masks at outdoor venues unless we can social distance. It is a habit we are willing to continue doing for as long as possible.


With the humidity and heat, I felt sick while outdoors so I didn't sew. I did do a few things in the sewing room where I cooled off.

The box for the sewing machine needs to be stored but the rest of the area is clean. I will put a small Ikea cube in that space for the binders, books, files, and a tub of extra items I keep on hand. I use the brown chair at the corner desk but pushed it out of the way when I was cleaning the surfaces. 

I quite like this area and how I am getting my ideas done. I like the simplicity and calm I am creating. I will put a picture up on the wall and some small items on top of the cube. Another small peg board will corral some items on the table. I am wanting to work in that area all ready. 

And beside the design area in the middle of the room is this mess. 

It has become a bit of a dumping ground and I need to get back to the projects on the table and put some of the items away. Some will go away when I tackle the closet which is next on the agenda. One of the first things will be gather up is all the embroidery thread and put it away. I haven't bought much embroidery thread in the past 4 years and I still have a lot to use up.

As I finished up the design area, I sat and reflected about testing patterns. I have learned a lot and have become an intermediate/advanced sewer. I love to sew patterns that sing to me and I have my favorite designers. But, I've realized that I have patterns I want to sew and I'm not getting them sewn. I pass by the patterns and fabric each month knowing I have to test a pattern before I can get to what I want to sew. 


The revised pattern was sent and I cast on, did one row and made a mistake. Grrrrr. I will have to sit quietly and do the cast on again and the first two rows so the pattern is established. 


We are home today and I am staying in the house as much as possible. I need to do some cleaning upstairs and then tackle the sewing room closet. I may knit tonight. We are both tired as we are not sleeping well. What gets done depends on our energy levels.

Until the next time.....................................................

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