Monday, December 04, 2023

We Found Knitter's Haven

 Yesterday was cool and cloudy. It started to snow last evening. The high got to 2.2C. This morning it is snowy and 0C. We are to have snow, wind, and a high of 1C. 


I was up and at it early yesterday. I got a full bout of yoga done with very little pain (caused by the weather). I am noticing I am sore in areas from doing some resistance in on exercise. 

I did do some clean up in the front entry. I cut down a box and put it into recycling. I took the tub that holds the Christmas lights downstairs and added it to the jumble from under the stairs. The entry is ready to be cleaned (once again). I also sorted two weeks of flyers and put what needed to go into recycling done and the rest into a box for family. They use it to start their fires. 

I was out the door by 11 am to go back into the city. We dropped grandson off for soccer practice and then daughter-in-law and I headed to the craft bazaar. It was held in a center that has a swimming pool, hockey arena, dance studio and some large rooms. The building was extremely clean and a pleasure to go into. We looked at what was offered and then headed out to the rolling yarn shop. We hit gold in there. 

The trailer was chocked full of yarn. Some were hand dyed in Nova Scotia and some from other provinces. We fondled the yarn, looked at colours, and dreamed of projects. I bought enough for 2 pairs of socks. 

This is for socks for daughter-in-law for next year. I've spoiled her by knitting a pair of socks and she is now on my sock knitting list. It will be exciting to see how this yarn knits up. 

The other yarn is for fun socks for grandson. I will be smiling a lot while I knit them. 

We will be hunting this trailer down in the spring for more sock yarn. 

Once home, my friend came over to lay out a quilt on the family room floor. She needed the space to fix an issue she was having. Elliott helped her by walking all over the quilt visiting with her. He even let her sit in a chair with him when she was done. 


I didn't think I would do anything in the sewing room but I got the next bag ready to stitch. I have to choose my colours and let it happen. While this one stitches out, I will interface the remaining pieces and start to cut out the next one. It won't have embroidery on it. 


I turned the heel on the socks. I had to focus on it as I did make a mistake and had to start over. But second time I got it right.

After a brief rest, I picked up the stitches for the gussets. I watched the video I normally watch on it. So easy to do. 

I need to finish watching the video and get on with it tonight. 


    I was worried about the snowfall and roads but the municipality was out to salt the roads during the night and the big loader was out this morning to plow the roads. I now have a date with the shovel to clean the driveway. I can go out if I need to. 

    I am still working on ideas for the Charlie Brown Christmas junk journal. I am working on ideas for it using ideas from the video but adding a twist to them. My next little project is a snowman. I will work on it at noon and before dinner. I have to look for the snowflake buttons to add to this one. 

    My weight has plateaued once again. My IBS has flared up so I am going back to the basics for eating. A lot more stirfry meals are going to be made until I sort this all out. I will also be eating food at home rather than buy something processed for a meal once a week. I need to get this sorted out. 


I will do yoga first and then shovel snow. I want to work on the gift bag, cross stitch, and knit today. I may have to shovel snow later this afternoon so the driveway is clean when the snow stops. It is going to turn cold so I don't want the snow to turn to ice. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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