Thursday, December 14, 2023

Dill Pickle Embroidery

 Though it took some time, the sun did shine yesterday making it a nice day with a high of 4.7C. This morning it is -6C (wind chill -11C) and snowing lightly. We are to have sun, clouds, wind, and a high of -3C today. 


I did yoga yesterday morning and it was a good session. Some pain in the joints as the weather was changing but not a lot to make it hard to do the moves. That makes me happy.

I cleaned the bathroom yesterday and was able to climb in and out of the tub with ease. It was time to wipe down the tub of dust and fluff. I was surprised at how high I could get my right leg up to swing it into the tub. I will wash the floor this morning. 

I puttered around tidying up and ended my morning folding laundry. I also spent time getting ready for today's appointment at the Wellness Center. I had to finish writing out my list of accomplishments and goals and attach them in my record book. I am very pleased with my accomplishments since the end of September. 

It was almost 5 pm when I got the recycling out and it was cold out there. I was in a hurry to get back into the warm house even though I was dressed warmly. The job got done and I didn't freeze doing it. 


I had hoped to make a gift bag yesterday and it was quite the job. I had to buy the design and ended up getting 4 designs which I will use on next year's bags. I cut out the bag and got it ready and then set about finding the correct coloured threads. Then I decided to add to the design which took more looking and placing. Time was ticking by quickly and it was 2:30 when I started the embroidery. I was finished the embroidery after 4 pm. And I love it. 

I snipped all the jump threads off the front and had to leave as it was past time to do the recycling. I will do some more on it today with hopes of getting some of it sewn. 

I hunted in my knitting bag for the beads I use when knitting fancy sweaters and found the black beads. I got the eyes on the snowman. I had to take out 2 rows of the dark blue in the scarf as I had an error. I fixed it and did a few rows of the body. I love the shimmer thread I put into the floss but it is hard to work with. 

I have snowflake buttons to put on this hanging which is going to make it look neat. 

I am rewatching videos on how to do the book into a junk journal. I had thought of a 1.5" spine but someone suggested I need to make it 2". The person who made on YouTube made a 2" spine for hers. My next job is to number the pages with an artist's pencil. Then I can move forward deciding on what I want to do for the extra pages. In the meantime, I will finish the snowman and start crocheting snowflakes. I won't be doing anything physical on the book until after Christmas. 


I finished the leg and have 32 of the 42 rows knit on the heel flap. A lot of knitting last night which I did enjoy. 

They will be done for Christmas and then I will start socks for grandson after Christmas. I am looking forward to knitting more socks this winter. 


I am going to do yoga first thing this morning, wash the bathroom floor, and then off to the Wellness Center. I need to grocery shop afterwards. I take grandson to and from school this afternoon and will sew in-between. I hope to knit tonight. Counted cross stitch may not happen due to being busy with other things. 

Until the next time...................................................................

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