Monday, December 18, 2023

Reindeer Galore

 Yesterday started off sunny and then light clouds covered the sun. The high got to about 7C. This morning it is blowing and raining and 12C. We are to have quite the storm today with a high of 14C. 


I started the morning off with making a list of what has to be done by Sunday and will be doing only these things. Letting go of the extras helped me calm down. With the list in place, I did the balance sheet and it balanced very quickly. Bills were paid and all put away until Boxing Day. 

Laundry was put on and then I made a batch of butter tarts for friends. They are residing in the freezer for a few days. I have to make a batch of buns for them also. 

While they were baking I did yoga as I need to keep up on it. I cracked some and my joints hurt thanks to the storm coming in but I pushed on. After the tarts were done, I cleaned up the kitchen.

I was busy until noon doing little things and later in the afternoon did more chores. I was in a fairly good mood knowing that I only have to prepare what I need to do for Christmas and leave everything else until after Christmas. 


I did walk into the sewing room a few times and felt guilty it was a mess. But, I assured myself it was going to be cleaned starting on Boxing Day. 

I made 10 reindeer using the Cricut. The cutting out was easy; sit and watch, weed and stack. When I moved the items to the coffee table to assemble I dropped the container of eyes. I found them all but one. I had to cut another pair of eyes. 

Gluing those eyes on was quite the job. I did get it figured out. The antlers were easy. Getting them to stick together required using quilting clips. From start to finish, it took me about 2.5 hours. 

Next up are snowflakes. I have 6 of them to make using white for the background and blues for the outer layer. My paper for these 2 crafts will be gone except for the scraps. The tea light holders I had thought about making won't be happening as I am not going to be shopping for more paper before Christmas. 


I did quite a bit of knitting yesterday afternoon and evening. The foot is done and I am ready to start on the toe. 

I could have made the leg longer as there will be some yarn left over. I will wind it into a ball and use it on another sock. I need to find nice wool in a blue to match this yarn. 

I will set up socks for grandson next. I won't be rushing through them as I have given myself a good month to work on them. 


    I hadn't realized how stressed I was until after I made the list of what I needed to do before Christmas. I know I wanted to make this a nice Christmas for all of us. Somehow I was trying to add things in that can be done after Christmas. Too much so that I made myself a mess

    While I was looking for a recipe for daughter, I realized how old my recipes are. Many are over 40 years old and very popular in their day. They continue to be family favourites that my mom made, I make, and now daughter makes. I love how recipes are passed down through generations. 

    The storm arrived early this morning and it is going to be a good one. Today will be the worst and then we will have the tail end of it tomorrow. The wind is blowing and will pick up in intensity this afternoon. 


I have to go to osteopathy this morning which means driving in the rain and wind. I hope to be home before the worst of the storm hits. I want to finish wrapping presents this afternoon so I can take them over to family's when the rain has passed. I hope to finish the sock tonight. I don't have a lot planned as we could be without power today. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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