Sunday, December 17, 2023

A Dill Pickle Bag Completed

 Yesterday was another lovely sunny day with a high of 3.8C. This morning it is -7C. We are to have another sunny day with a high of 6C. Tonight the rain begins. 


I did my yoga yesterday morning and worked on extending my right leg down straight to the ground. There was a lot of cracking as I slowly got it straight and touching the floor. I had some pain also but the benefits outweighed the pain. I also spent a lot of time walking with a proper gait. I am working on getting it correct through practice. I also did some side stepping which had my muscles hurt some. My goal is to walk for 6 minutes with the correct gait and without the walking poles in late February or March. 

I made a batch of cookies yesterday morning. The family favourite that seem to disappear in a hurry. 

These are in the freezer until later this week. I don't eat them but the house smelled of a combination of ginger and cinnamon most of the day. I love that smell. 

While waiting for the cookies to bake, I did housework -- sweeping floors and tidying up. I cleaned up the kitchen while the last batch baked. When done, the kitchen was left clean and tidy. 

Elliott chose to sleep under a heavy blanket yesterday. I watched him wiggle his way under it and get comfortable. He doesn't care if his paws show as long as his head and body are covered up.

He slept under there for a couple of hours and was toasty warm.


I got the dill pickle bag completed in an hour. I am happy with it. 

I am done making gift bags for this year. I have a cuff to put on a pair of jeans for a friend and then the sewing room will be closed for cleaning. 

I did not work on the counted cross stitch snowman yesterday. 


I got the gusset done on the socks last night. I now have the foot to knit and then the toe. I want to have it completed by Thursday or Friday. 


    My IBS flared up again. I had to sit and think why this time. It wasn't food as I have been careful. I have come to the conclusion it is stress and anxiety as I am pushing myself very hard right now. Knitting, exercise, housework, crafts, sewing. I have set tight deadlines to get things done and it is taking its toll on my body. I have set aside the junk journal and cleaning the basement at this time so I can get my to-do list completed. 

     I have been worrying about going to my appointment tomorrow. We are to have winds up to 80 km/hr which they are forecasting for later in the afternoon. This means going to the appointment and coming right home so I am not driving in nasty conditions. I have things I can do if the power goes out. Finishing wrapping the gifts and knitting are high on the list. No need for power to do those jobs. 


I have the balance sheet to do and pay bills. Yoga must be done. I want to do laundry while making butter tarts. I am going to do some things on the Cricut this afternoon. Knitting tonight. I have my list of things to do for the next week and will be ticking them off as I do them. 

Until the next time........................................................................

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