Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Another Nasty Storm

 Yesterday's weather was windy and wet. The wind gusts were steady at about 70 km/hr with the highest at 77 km/hr. There was 1.4" of rain fall and the high got to 15.2C. This morning it is 10C and cloudy. We are to have showers, some wind and a high of 11C. 


Yesterday morning was wet and windy. Then just windy. I was monitoring the weather carefully as I had to travel 25 minutes to osteopathy. I did go out earlier and put gas in the car. When I left for osteopathy, it was windy but no rain. The trip was not pleasant as I had to drive into the wind and then be hit on the side in areas that were open. I made it in 30 minutes which was not too bad. 

I had my treatment. I got to see (picture) where my SI is and now I understand why the crack is so loud when it adjusts itself. My hips are levelling out slowly which is good. There was no pain during the treatment and I actually felt nothing until I stood up. Then I knew I had had a treatment. My knee was stiff and I was sore. 

The drive home was easier as the wind pushed me all the way. I got home safely and hunkered down for the afternoon. I had heat on both my hip and knee. I sat and listened to the wind blow and watched the rain come down in buckets. It was like being in a hurricane without a vortex. Mid afternoon I got up and got myself organized to finish wrapping and tagging gifts. I got all but 3 done. They will be finished today. 

I was excited that we had power all afternoon so made myself a simple but hot dinner. I cleaned up, started the dishwasher and was going to watch the video on how to do the toe of the sock when the power went out. I was ready for that and turned on the big flashlight. We were very fortunate as the power was off for 90 minutes. I texted with family to say I was okay by myself. But it was wonderful to know they were nearby and would come to get me. 

Elliott wasn't scared of the noise made by the wind though he did listen to some of the noises. So did I. He actually crawled under a blanket and slept which means he was fine. 

I slept all night. I did not wake up until 5:45 am. I didn't hear the wind at all I was so tired. I woke up feeling refreshed and surprised. The storm had passed and all was quiet inside and out this morning. 


I didn't sew or do crafts yesterday. I didn't want to be in the middle of a project when the power went out. 


I did work on the socks last night. I am now ready to close up the toe. Doing it by flashlight wasn't going to happen.

It was nice to get the socks done. I call the page with all the marks on it the story of the socks. 

I keep these stories as I refer to them when I knit socks for that person later on. I have grandson's last sock story marked as I will be making his new pair next. 


    With 2 big storms in a week, I have decided to get a portable generator that I can charge inside and then use where I am working. I will be ordering it before the end of the month. We are very fortunate as we are on the hospital power grid and that is worked on first when power goes out. But, there are times when conditions are so bad the power is off for longer periods of time. Hurricanes are one time we can be without power for many hours. 

    I survived driving in the wind. It wasn't fun and reminded me of the many different weather conditions I have driven in over the years. I can do it but prefer not to. 

    Knitting by flashlight is not the most enjoyable thing to do. My shoulder hurts this morning from the way I had to sit. The only positive thing was it gave me something to do when I was bored and not able to do things. 


I have to do yoga this morning, finish wrapping presents, sweep floors and do laundry. I want to start cutting out the cuffs for a pair of jeans I need to lengthen for a friend cut out snowflake candy holders and start grandson's socks tonight. A stay at home day for me. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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