Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Another Busy Day

 Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day with a high of 3.9C. This morning it is 2C. We are to have a mix of rain and sunshine today with a high of 5C. Tonight is to be cold (-10C).


I did yoga yesterday morning with quite a bit more ease and less pain. I was surprised as I had expected soreness as usual when doing some of the moves. I am hoping it stays improved as I like how great it feels; almost like normal. 

After yoga, I cleaned up the kitchen and then washed a bunch of the floors. While I was doing that, I had a load of laundry on. I kept moving and noticed that I do get tired if I don't stop at least once to rest for a few minutes. It has more to do with my hip not being strong enough to go for a couple of hours. I got the jobs done I had planned on doing. 

I went out to get the mail as my first book to junk journal was at the community box. It is worn but it is old having being out since 1965. 

When I got home from the mail, I had to go and straighten up the driveway markers. One was blown over and the other 3 were leaning. The wind did that. I have them upright again knowing I will be doing it during the winter. 


I was down to the sewing room in good time after lunch and was delayed sewing while the laptop updated itself. I pressed the fabric and wandered around going up and down the stairs for exercise. I finally got to start sewing about 1:30 pm. I made a small bag this using a fat quarter for the outside and a piece of white snowflake fabric on the inside. Both were from the stash and both are old. Once done, I decided to add lace to the top. The next time I will hand baste the lace on before sewing it. The lace is slippery and moved about a bit. 

I still have another fat quarter of the outer fabric and will make another small bag out of it next year. I may even add some embroidery to it as it is light enough for that. 

I spent a bit of time working on the Charlie Brown book. The binding was in horrible shape making it easy to take apart. 

I now have the cover and 3 signatures ready to play with. 

But not until after Christmas when I will allow myself to play for a bit each day while I clean the sewing and family rooms. 

I did work on the counted cross stitch while dinner was cooking in the oven. I got the part of the scarf around the snowman's neck done and a bit on the body. 

The row that was started under the scarf is now done. I did look for black embroidery thread and have none. I may buy it the next time I go shopping. I will look and see if I have black beads for the eyes. That would be neat and I wouldn't have to buy black thread.  


I knit a lot of rounds last night. I have 10 rounds left before I start on the heel flap. 

This sock has gone faster as I had a lot of time to knit on Monday when we had no power. I want it done to put the socks under the tree. I am determined to work a couple of hours each night on it. 


     I am thrilled that Monday's physio session was great and I have less pain than ever. That allows me to have more mobility and I can work on getting the muscles stronger in both the hip and knee. 

    I have looked at the Charlie Brown Christmas book and have pulled some fabrics and ribbon to use in it. I have to get the paper to put into each signature sorted out so I can have fun. I am letting this evolve over the next 10 days spending a few minutes thinking and putting materials into a pile. I will go over some videos on how to make the spine bigger and nicer as it needs a lot of attention. But that is part of the fun. 

    I did up my list of improvements since seeing the physiotherapist at the Wellness Center on September 28. It really forced me to think about how I have exceeded what I thought I could accomplish. I also listed my goals for the next several months. One thing I am going to buy is an under the table cycler so I can work on strengthening the muscles around my knee. I also want to walk inside at the arena 3 times a week starting in January. The goal is to become stronger and more aligned in my hip areas. I hope we can meet those goals. 


I am going to do yoga and tidy up a bit more. I would like to go to Brooklyn to get the last Christmas gift and will invite daughter-in-law to come with me. If time, I will cut out another bag ready to sew. I want to do some counted cross stitch and knit tonight. 

Until the next time....................................................

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