Thursday, July 06, 2023

Trimming The Cardinal Blocks

 Yesterday was another day with showers and some sun shining later in the day. The high got to 22.9C with a humidex of 29C. This morning it is foggy and 18C. We are to have sunshine and a high of 28C (humidex 37C). 


I wrote out my list and worked through it. Kitchen was cleaned and the floor washed. It is nice to have that job done once again. 

I set about looking for my two step ladder that grandson had put away. I found it under the stairs in the family room. Once found, the bulb in the hall light was changed without incident. I figured out how to do it without having to climb up and down the ladder 8 times. I set the ladder so I could reach the items on the dryer and put them back on the light. I did have to come down the ladder to wash the globe. 

Laundry was folded and put away. I also did a load of the left over winter fabric to remove the starch for doll clothes. Once everything was done for the morning, I had a well deserved break. 

Before going to family's for dinner, I took out the garbage and hauled the dishes into the garage. Dinner was delicious. We had smoked ribs, coleslaw, and baked sweet potato fries. I ate moderately and I could have eaten more it was that good. I have some for dinner tonight. 

Son told me he read that we had the 3rd wettest June in history. Though we are to have 3 days of very warm weather, we are to have more rain than normal this summer. I have hardly watered the garden compared to other years and it is going to enjoy the dry weather so the soil can dry out some. 


I had a good time in the sewing room yesterday. I finished hand sewing down the binding on the last placemat. I am done until after next week with this set. 

I trimmed the threads on the 12th cardinal square and laid them out on the floor. 

I started to trim them to size and got 4 done. I am doing it very carefully as I want to be precise on the size. I press when done and they are looking great. 

I took a picture of the bag fabric I am going to make. I will probably try to sell it through daughter. 

I also pressed the fabric remnants I had laundered so I can start work on the doll's outfit. I even printed off a bonnet to go with the outfit. I watched the video on how to do it and it is a fairly easy sew. 


I worked on the doll's leggings but may have to start again. The designer's instructions did not say to knit the first 16 rows flat (translation issue) and I knit it in the round. 

I will try it on the doll today and make a decision. I will probably take it apart and start again. No big problem as I have lots of time to knit in the evenings. I have to say that I do like the pattern so far. 


My list is done and I am going to launder the bed sheets and clean the bathroom this morning. I want to trace the doll's pattern and start laying it out on the fabrics. I hope to knit tonight. It is a stay at home day for me. 

Until the next time.......................................................................

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