Thursday, July 20, 2023

A Good Laugh At A Stupid Mistake

 Yesterday was another warm and muggy day. We had a downpour in the evening and they say we had 1.3" of rain fall. I think it was more like 1/2" here. The high got to 28.3C (humidex 35C). This morning it is very foggy and 20C (humidex 28C). We are to have a mixture of sun and showers with a high of 25C (humidex 31C) today.


My first job of the morning was to go out and prune the rose bush. I got rid of the old blooms and cut the new ones for in the house. 

This rose bush has been beautiful this year. I will be fertilizing it in the next few days so it will continue to bloom well into the fall. I pick about half of the blooms leaving the rest for my friends to admire when they sit out in their garage. I did a quick check on the vegetables and the bell peppers have more blooms opening. 

I spent the rest of the morning cleaning the living room. It was dusty and took a long time to do about 1/4 of the room. I pulled out arm chair and started with 2 of the windows. I dusted and washed the windows. I dusted the curtain rods and wiped the electric base board heaters. The floor got washed twice. While waiting for the floors to dry, I took the cat hair out of the Elliott's quilt. 

Once the floor was dry, I took the foot stool, lamp and end table out from that area and cleaned the 3rd window. I then got the tools from the garage and fixed one of the curtain rods. The usual - a new plug was needed as the old one was too small for the hole. The lamp was cleaned as was the end table. I washed the floors in that area twice and the whole piece once more. I put that area back together and called it a day. I am pleased with how it looked. 

I could spend hours decorating this space. Ideas are rolling and I am going to start a page for this room. I am going for light and airy with a hint of farmhouse. No distressed furniture as it is not for me. I think this will be a theme for the upstairs as this idea keeps popping up in every room.  

I priced solar roller blades for the 3 windows in the living room. Pricey so I will be looking at them in the store before I purchase. I want to look at the colours as I am deciding between 2 - grey and sandy white. I also want to find out more about the levels of sun blockage they have. The windows I am looking at get a lot of hot sun on them in the summer.

I had a quick look at the little table yesterday but didn't work on it. My list was too long so it got ignored. Also, the garage was too warm to work in. I got the garbage down to curbside for today and I had to walk slowly as it was so humid outside. 


I tried the shoes on the doll and they look great. 

You don't see them when the dress is down but I know they are there. 

I spent the rest of the afternoon sewing 1 (yes 1) bowl cozy. I put the two squares together and sewed them. I had a flat square as I had forgot to put in the darts. I ripped it apart and did the darts and finished it up. I had a good laugh at myself and my stupidity. 

Maybe the next three will go together faster than this one. Once they are done, I have 2 placemats to finish and 4 mug rugs to make on the embroidery machine. I will be happy to see the end of that fabric. 

I put the fabrics for quilts into the top drawer of the new stash unit. It is really showing me how much fabric I need to sew up. Moving what is important to me is showing me what I need to sew or donate with what is left on the quilting fabric shelf. I can see more of it now which is sparking an interest in getting it sewn up. 

I measured the fabrics I donated and bagged 5.3 meters. I took it over to my friend so she can take it to the group today. Over the next 2-3 weeks I will be looking at the piles once again to see if there is anything else to donate. When that is done, I will be going through the doll's stash to find fabric for the next outfit and some to donate. 

I won't be going to Gather and Stitch this coming Tuesday. I am not ready as the 2 bags are languishing on the table. I am trying to finish up the projects that I worked on last time. There is still a lot of prep work to do on the bags before I can take them up to sew. This is not a new issue for me as I use to be fully prepped when I went to Finishing Fridays in Alberta.


I didn't knit last night as I had a late dinner and the thought of knitting wool was too just too hot for my body to handle. I do have to take out the last row of the first leg, knit it and then cast off. I am not going to have the stirrup pant look. 

My next project will be out of teal cotton yarn family gave me for Christmas. It is suppose to be for the dolls and I will be making something for them. 


I am out to have my hair cut early this morning. Once home, I will do a bit more cleaning in the living room. I would like to sew one more bowl cozy and then head out to take the car in to see why the check engine light is on. I hope to do a bit of shopping also. I will probably rest tonight as I will be on the go today. If I can bear it, I will try to finish the first leg on the leggings. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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