Monday, July 10, 2023

Doll's Dress Started

 The heat warning is gone as of this morning. There was a mix of sun and cloud yesterday with a high of 26.9C (humidex 34C). This morning it is cloudy and 19C. We are to have a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 24C (humidex 30C) today. There are suppose to be showers tonight. 


I got the balance sheet done quickly yesterday. No issues or big problems this week. Once it was done, I swept the kitchen and bathroom floors and started to bring out the new dishes to put into the dishwasher. None were broken in this box. I now need to sort through the old ones and deal with them and put all the cardboard into recycling. 

I had to put down the deck umbrella early as the wind came up. That was the first sign we are having a change of weather. I enjoy having the umbrella up as it gives me a shaded spot to stand when I go outside. I watered the flowers in the front of the house and on the deck at that time as they dry out quickly in the heat. 

I have been admiring the begonia I planted. I love the colour of it. 

I hope to plant them next year along with the spikes and ivy in the three matching pots. I will do Gerber daisies again as I love them. The dahlia is not doing as well as I had hoped so will be buying a single plant instead of one that is already in a planter. The yellow planter I bought was too small but will be perfect for basil next year. 

The flowers at the back are doing well. The white impatiens and petunias are taking over and hiding the red and blue petunias. I need to do more red next year. The planters on the deck are coming and the red geraniums do look nice with the white impatiens. I am going to stay with red and white in the back yard as it looks cheerful. 

I texted the lawn mower and he is coming today. It is going to be a big job as the lawn is so long. He will be cutting it multiple times to mulch it. Once it is done, I will plant the lawn seed where the tree was. I will also water the vegetable boxes as we are not to get a huge amount of rain in the next couple of days. 


I was down into the sewing room to cut out and start making the dress. I got it all cut out including the lining for the bodice from .5 meter of fabric. It was close but I got it done. I chose the lace and started sewing. I put lace on the sleeves and I do like it a lot. 

I am making up my own rules on how to sew the bodice. I have chosen to hand sew down the lining to cover the sleeve and waist seams. I am ready to do that. Once I got the bodice ready for hand sewing, I hand stitched the lace down to the neckline.

Where the apron bodice fits loosely, the dress bodice is tighter especially the sleeves. I did a lot of precise sewing with hand basting the sleeves in. I know it isn't me, it is the pattern. I could draft the bodice myself so it will fit the doll better. I'm thinking. 

I cut out 29 squares for the cardinal quilt. That was one napkin. I know I have to cut out one more napkin and a strip on another one so I know I have enough squares and a few extra. I need to decide how to incorporate the remaining napkins into the quilt (binding, sashing???)


None last night as I was tired and cranky. Elliott decided to crawl all over me as he was cuddly.


I have to run out and get Elliott more cat food and then I have to clean up the mess from the dishes in the kitchen. I also need to put the remaining new dishes into the dishwasher. I have to prepare to go for Gather and Stitch tomorrow which means cutting the backing and batting for the placemats and getting my bag packed and into the car. While doing all of this, I need to do a load of laundry, water the garden and plants and prepare lunch for tomorrow. If I have time, I will try to do the hand sewing on the bodice of the doll's dress. I don't know about knitting as I may visit my friend across the street. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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