Monday, July 31, 2023

A Day of Sewing

 Yesterday was a perfect day weather wise. It was sunny, there was a cool breeze and the high got to 23.8C (humidex 27C). This morning it is clear and 12C. Today we are to have sunshine and 25C. 


I did the balance sheet first thing after breakfast and it was quite easy to do. I have to pay bills on Tuesday and finish up the totals. It was a month of savings for me. 

I was out to have spaghetti and meat sauce with family at noon. They were going to watch grandson play soccer and then have dinner with friends. I elected to stay home as I wanted to sew and relax. 

I am still fighting lower glucose readings. I have increased my carbs some to see if it would help. I have lost another 2.5 lbs this week (too much) and my blood pressure is normal. I am going to have to re-evaluate what I am eating so I can get my glucose reading back to the mid 5 range and loose less weight each week. I weigh the least I have for many many years and it feels good. It is great to have my blood pressure back in the normal range even though I am on medication for it. 


I spent a lot of time in the sewing room. I went down after finishing the balance sheet to work on two dog's blankets. I cut the red fleece in half and serged the edges. I also put a 1" hem on the blankets and by noon I had both done. 

That is 3.4 meters of fabric gone from the stash. I had bought it for one large blanket but it is perfect for daughter's dogs. I hemmed them with a thread colour called Patriot. 

It looks neat on the thread but not so much on the blankets. The red and white parts are very short with the thread being mainly blue. Maybe it would show up better on a pale blue colour. Not on red. 

I ended my morning sewing by cleaning the serger and rethreading it back to white thread. It was full of lint so I used canned air on it. It is now nice and clean.

The afternoon sewing was spent on the yellow and sage green bag. I fused fleece onto the back and sewed one side seam together. From there, I drew the lines to quilt the bag. It is very subtle as I used a linen coloured thread. I got all but 8 rows stitched down when Elliott arrived to tell me it was time to stop sewing. 

I am quite pleased with this bag and it has told me how to do daughter's bag which is next to be prepped. 

July was a pretty good month for me sewing wise. I cut 8.6 meters of fabric and donated 18.05 meters for a total of 26.65 meters. I bought 7.8 meters of fabric of which I have sewn 2.5 meters and stashed 5.3 meters for future projects. 

I have to write my August goals but I am sure they won't be as good as July's for sewing. I want to start cleaning the sewing room in August as it needs to be done. A bit a day so it gets done by the end of the month.


I picked up the knitting last night and knit about 28 rounds. I had to stop as Elliott climbed up on me wanting to be cuddled. 


I am going to clean the spare room once again and do a load of laundry. I hope to wash the floors of the rooms I've cleaned as they show signs of fine dust on them. I want to finish quilting the bag and prep daughter's bag. I hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time................................................

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