Sunday, July 02, 2023

Cleaning The Garage - A Big Job

 Yesterday the sun shone, it was humid, and overly warm. The high got to 26C with a humidex of 32C. This morning it is cloudy and 18C. We are to have showers and a high of 24C with a humidex of 29C.


Yesterday morning was busy with making buns and getting all the food ready for dinner. That meant doing the chicken skewers -- marinading everything and putting them on the skewers. I washed dishes 3 times and at noon the kitchen was clean. 

After lunch, I slowly pulled weeds in the front and side of the house. I also trimmed the bush at the steps. It was creeping out of its territory. It looks much better. All the trimmings were put into the green bin. I watered the plants on the front landing and family arrived. 

We spent the afternoon cleaning the garage. The cobwebs were vacuumed from the ceiling which is high. We went through all the Spousal Unit's tools. We sorted, we laughed, we reminisced, and we got it done. Some items had to go to the trash, some I kept, some son took home, and the rest will be sold. We got items that were here and there back into their proper containers. We have most everything tagged to be sold on a table. There are a few items left to make decisions on. 

We have a few items to get from the shed to sell. We have decided that if I need something I can borrow it from son or our neighbour which is fine with me. I haven't touched a lot of items as I haven't needed them and probably won't need them. 

Our next time together is to start grouping, pricing and putting away items for the garage sale. I have to do a few things on my own to get the area to store items ready. I also have to clean up under the stairs and get the items in the shed marked for sale. We will also get items we don't need ready to sell. This may not happen until next spring but we want to be ready. We will do it when the Crossing has their annual yard sale the last Saturday of May. 

We were tired when we got done. It wasn't the physical labor that did us in, it was the heat and humidity. It sapped the energy from us as we worked. We did drink lots to keep hydrated and took turns sitting and resting. But this humid weather does you in quickly. 

Dinner was a success. We enjoyed all the food I had prepared and had cleaned up the kitchen quickly. We sat and talked about a plan for the next work bee. They left and I relaxed as I was tired. They needed to get home and relax also as they were tired. 

I did not sewing or knitting yesterday. I didn't even think about it. 


I have to do the balance sheet and pay bills. If I have time, I may get the threads trimmed on block #10. I am going into the the city with family to watch grandson's team play soccer this afternoon. I have nothing else planned for today. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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