Thursday, June 15, 2023

I am a Worrier

 Yesterday was wet in the morning with about .4" falling. It was grey in the afternoon with drizzle at times. The high got to 18C. This morning it was 14C and cloudy. We are to have some showers and a high of 19C. 


I was out early for blood work. The system to getting your blood taken has changed. Technology has hit our hospital which makes things so much easier than pre-covid. 

After getting home and having coffee and breakfast, I set about doing laundry, making the bed with fresh bedding, tidying the living room and sweeping the floors. I was busy not too busy as my body was tired. It hates giving blood and I always fight the tiredness afterwards. 

The Wellness Center at the hospital called and I have an appointment mid July. I am looking forward to getting help to tweaking my diet. I am still learning what I can and cannot eat. (Grapes is on the list of high sugar foods I read.) Also my A1C is suppose to be 5.6 or less (just found that this morning). I am still going to have to work hard at staying in the normal range. Continuing to loose weight is important as is keeping active.

I was out to watch grandson play soccer. The fog rolled in while they warmed up and it was foggy throughout the whole game. 

The game was fast pace throughout with few calls in the first half. In the 2nd half there were more calls but once grandson's team got over their slow start, they took charge of the game. They won 5-3. 

I did have a treat for dinner. I got chicken strips and fries and couldn't eat it all. I made sure I ate the chicken but ate about 75% of the fries. I was stuffed when I got done. I was hungry as my glucose reading was 4.8. 

I was surprised when all the solar lights came on last night. I didn't think we had enough brightness to charge their batteries during the day. It was nice to stand at the door and look at them shining in the dark. The pump didn't run as it needs direct sunlight on it. 


I did no sewing yesterday. 

I watched Episode 4 of the Great British Sewing Bee this morning. It was Reduce, Recycle, Reuse week. The first two challenges were won by the surgeon who did precise work on her items. The 3 challenge was reusing crocheted afghans. All of the made to measure items were not that great, even the outfit that won garment of the week. The person who won that understood crocheted garments. She kept her design simple and, though it had flaws, it fit the model in a way that the others failed to do. 


I picked up the doll's sweater and had to take back two rows as I had missed knitting a pattern row. I did get some rows knit and the first sleeve could be finished in a couple of evening. The crocheted trim will kill me once again. 


    I am starting to worry about my A1C as my doctor's appointment is in 9 days. Have I done enough? What can I do better? I have a feeling worrying is making my glucose level go up but I am also certain some foods I am eating is not helping also. I feel my OCD kicking in along with some minor panic attacks. I am still focusing on my goals but I want some new numbers. 

    I am looking forward to going to the Wellness Center at the hospital mid July. I want help with my diet so I can loose weight and lower my glucose levels. I am thinking I am going to have to do carb counting along with calorie counting. My goal is not to have to take metformin to help keep my glucose levels down as I want to fight this naturally for the time being. Both my dad and aunt were on insulin at my age and I'm still controlling this with diet. But I worry. 


I am going to be cleaning house and folding laundry. I hope to press and work on the items I made on Tuesday and knit tonight. I am back to eating strict again today and will be making notes of what to eat and not eat.  

Until the next time............................................................

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