Saturday, June 17, 2023

A Day of Busyness

 Yesterday's weather was had sunshine and clouds but little to no rain. The high got to 22.6C. This morning it is cloudy with fog first thing and 11C. Today we are to have sunshine, clouds, maybe a shower in the afternoon and a high of 25C. Rain is forecasted for tonight. 


First off, the thunderstorm we had on Thursday was really close. Lightening hit about a mile from the house. There was no damage but people were shocked at how close it was to us. 

I spent yesterday morning folding laundry and cleaning the spare bedroom. I still have more to do in there as it needs to be organized more. Elliott's litter box is in there and I have to move the bed to get the floor perfectly clean. He has litter everywhere. I did get the floor washed but will spend more time in there doing more. 

I tried the sprayer again yesterday and then cleaned it out, rinsed it well and boxed it to return. It wasn't working and was brand new. I did return it and got a new one which I tried before I left the store. It pumps air into the container. 

The car got fixed and is running more smoothly. I think the part was slowly disintegrating for a long time. The shop got the car in early and it was done earlier than expected. I was home in good time and over to family's for dinner early. We had a lovely dinner and an evening visiting with friends. 

I lost more weight (2.3 lbs so far this week). I talked to family about my glucose readings and they are thrilled with my numbers. Even grandson said they were great (he's Type 1). They do think I may need my thyroid medication changed as I've lost almost half of my weight. I'm short by a half pound as of this morning. I am still fretting and hope that I don't have to go on medication yet. Family doesn't think so as I've been so careful about what I eat. 


No time yesterday. I did launder the fabrics I bought and one piece is heavy in weight. The other is nice but I will have to starch it as the rest of the fabrics is starched. 


None done as I got home late from family's. 


I am going to go back and finish the spare bedroom this morning. I am going to watch the closing ceremonies off and on as both our neighbour's son and grandson are in it. I want to work on the table runner this afternoon and knit tonight. I need to water a couple of plants and check on the garden. It is growing rapidly now. A quiet day at home. 

Until the next time..........................................................................

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