Friday, June 16, 2023

A Tornado Warning

 Yesterday's weather was different. Showers, some sunshine, a thunderstorm, rain, a tornado warning, and a high of 19.6C. We had just over .5" of rain fall during the thunderstorm. This morning it is foggy and 13C. We are to have some showers and a high of 23C.


I spent the morning scrubbing the bathroom and kitchen. It was a job that needed doing. The fluff from the toilet paper was horrid and caused me to have an allergy attack. The kitchen got its usual scrubbing when I need to make it shine. I did wash the window and the glass in the door. But the rooms are done and I am happy. It was a big job that I had put off. 

Daughter-in-law and grandson were over mid afternoon. We had a great talk and when they left, grandson started to push on the dead tree. He has it loosened up to the point it won't be hard to remove. We will cut it up and put it into the compost bin when we remove it next week. The hole will be filled with dirt and grass seed will be planted. 

We stood and watched the thunderstorm come in. The lightening was spectacular and the clouds really black. They left and I scurried back into the house. It rained hard and the wind blew. The lights flickered a lot. After dinner, I found out we had been under a potential tornado warning. Just a tad scary to read that. I am glad it didn't materialize. The last tornado we had was in 2021 and it destroyed a barn near Truro. 

The portable dehumidifier worked hard yesterday. I could hear it running from upstairs. It kept the humidity in the house at 50%. 

I did a bit of a change up on my diet yesterday. With 2 high glucose readings, I ate less carbs at dinner to see if that will help. Instead of 3 ounces of uncooked pasta, I had 1.5 ounces. I cut back the amount of pasta by 50% to what I usually have and it was okay. I did have a nice serving of meat sauce with the little bit of pasta. The second thing I am changing is to drink more water and less pop or diet ice tea. I want to see if drinking 2 cups of water before having coffee will help. I did loose 1.2 lbs yesterday by being more careful. 


After a short nap, I decided to finish up the bowl cozies and pot holders. I hand sewed the openings together and pressed them well. I then did stitch in the ditch on the potholders. 

The bowl cozies got top stitched. 

I have to wash the backing fabric for the table runner and will starch the piece with Best Press. It is on the to do list for today so I can work on it tomorrow. 


None done yesterday though I looked at it. 


My goal today is to launder 2 pieces of fabric. I need to do some more housework. I have to take the car in at 3 pm to have a part replaced and then back to have dinner with family. I don't think I will get any sewing or knitting done today. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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