Tuesday, January 31, 2023

On The Phone

 Yesterday was a nice day with a high of 6.4C. The temperature did drop during the day as the cold front is arriving. This morning it is -2C and should remain at the temperature all day. It is snowing lightly out at the moment. 


I did no housework yesterday. I started the morning off on the telephone to get an account unlocked. That took a long time as I had issues which we resolved over time. When done that, I was on the phone to another agency for paper work. I filled out the online form. At that point, I went out to mail the paper work and go to the bank. I only got half of what I wanted to get done at the bank. Back home, I was on the phone for a third time to another company. Getting ready to file taxes this year is a lot of work I hadn't expected. I have been reading government info off and on since then. Another form is ready to be signed and mailed off today. 

As I was in a phoning mood, I called for an appointment for my yearly visit about my sleep apnea. It's been almost 18 months since I had a visit. I asked about when I would be getting a new machine and the paper work hadn't been done. The lovely person did it while we were on the phone and sent it to the doctor. When I go for my appointment, we will be talking about a new machine so it can be ordered as soon as the paper work is returned. 


I spent some time in the sewing room working on the horse. I fused 6 pieces onto the fabric, cut them out and got 4 pieces laid out when the light box shut off. The battery pack needed to be charged. 

I am now at the point where I need to trace and layer the mane pieces onto the large dark brown area and do the ears. Once that I finish those pieces, I can cut out the background and border pieces and put it together. 

Someone mentioned that you can buy the kit with the pieces all laser cut. That would be wonderful but it wasn't available when I bought this kit. 


I finished knitting the doll's sweater and started to sew up the sleeves. I had to reknit several of the rows as I would either forget to pass a stitch over or not make a loop. It got easier with time to remember what to do. Pictures when it is done. 


    I had thought that a lot of the paper work was done by the funeral home when the Spousal Unit passed. They did what they legally must do. I had more to do that I didn't even know about. It is a live and learn situation. I will survive the process and come out a stronger person. 

    The horse is coming along and I hope to have it done by the end of February. I will have a break while my friend is away and will quilt it when she returns. That will allow me to do some sewing that is easier and relaxing. I haven't turned on my sewing machine for almost 2 weeks. I think I am having withdrawal symptoms. 


I am going to work on getting the command centre done and the paper work organized. I have one big mess on the bed that I need to work on organizing as I was going through them rapidly while on the phone. I need to visit my friend to get papers signed and, if I have time, do some tracing on the horse. I'm out to family's for dinner tonight. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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