Tuesday, January 17, 2023

A Successful Day

 The saga of the weather continues. It rained again yesterday and the high got to 2.6C. There was heavy fog last night. 29.8 mm of rain fell yesterday. This morning it is 2C and we are to have rain or drizzle today. On a side note. We have had 3.3" of rain fall in 3 days. 


I could have curled up in a ball and hibernated yesterday due to the weather. It was dark and dingy most of the day. But, I didn't. I forced myself to do things.

I changed a light bulb in the kitchen. It took 6 times going up and down the little ladder to get the job done but the kitchen is so much brighter. With brightness on my side, I forged ahead with decluttering and cleaning. 

My job was to clean under the kitchen sink. I removed everything from under there plus over run from the lazy Susan. Under the sink got a good cleaning. When out on the floor, I was amazed there was a lot but not as much as I had thought. My big surprise was having 2 part and 1 full bottle of window cleaner. I now have 2 bottles of window cleaner. I put all the extra cleaners into a back corner where I can see them. The rest I started to sort. The empty window cleaner bottle will go into the garage to be with the gardening stuff. A box of white bags went into the linen closet. The cleaning vinegar went into a clean spray bottle. Recycle was sorted out from garbage as I went along. Everything was put back in and I don't need cleaning supplies for a while. I can't add any new products until I use up some of the old ones. 

Next I tackled the lazy Susan. I hate them with a passion. I dusted the floor space and scrubbed the two shelves. On the bottom shelf I put the Kitchen Aide attachments and the hand blender both of which are in tubs. Between the two is a container with a few boxes of wooden matches. At the back I put two large pots for my set that I use. On the top shelf I put the pots and pans I am keeping. My set plus two extra items I bought and use. It all fits. I kept one other large pot that I use on a regular basis. What went into the donation box is pots and pans that I haven't used in ages. Ones I bought when we were moving here and I used quite a bit until last year. They have sat and gathered dust with me stressing about how much space they took up. 

When that was done, I wiped the cupboard doors inside and out and called it a morning. I was tired, a bit sore, and happy. I felt that I had exactly what I wanted in both cupboards; I am at capacity but not over my stress threshold. I took out the garbage and put it into recycling and trash. All I am left with is a lot of matches I had bought for the Spousal Unit. He was going through matches and I needed a stock pile. But not as many as I had. I now need to find a home for them. 


I spent the afternoon in the sewing room. I am feeling a bit more recharged as it is clean, neat, and tidy. I looked at the pattern piece for the doll's stole, measured it and cut it out using rulers and the rotary cutter. It was made in no time flat and is perfect for the outfit. 

I then started to make the drawers for this outfit. Linen fabric, nice lace from the stash and then disaster hit. I sewed the front upside down to the back at the side seams. Not thinking on my part. I should know better as I have done it before. 

No salvaging this item as I had cut off 3/4" to make the legs fit. So into the trash it went and I started again. I talked my way through the second pair and all was good. I wrote on the pattern to add 1/8" to the waistband so the elastic will go through easier. 

The drawers are on the doll and this ensemble is now complete. There will be no corset or chemise as I don't feel the need for them. I cleaned up and am ready to start something new today. 


I finished sock #1. I quite like the colour combination -- cheerful but not over powering. 

The markers remain in until sock #2 is done. They help me knit the 2nd sock exactly like the first one. It will be the reverse to this one. Once done, I will weigh the yarn and and make a decision on the left over yarn. 


    I am realizing that the house needs to be purged once again. I am over capacity in some places and need to get it down so I am not worrying and stressing over it. I felt so much better doing the small area yesterday that I stood and admired it twice while heating soup for dinner. 

    I have stopped looking at decluttering videos for the moment. I was becoming overwhelmed with the information and needed to stop and do some of what I was watching. I will go back to them when I am needing more information. In the meantime, I will do the tasks I need to do at this time. When I need to organize paper work and other items, I will watch those videos. 

    I am still trying to deal with where the Cricut goes. I have realized that I do not want what goes with it in the family room. The paper storage, the recycle bags, etc. I feel that I want it in my sewing room where I can keep more control over it. In the meantime, I have not done anything with it other than have it on a table staring me in the eye. 


My goal today is to do more decluttering in the kitchen. I have 4 small drawers that need to be done. If time, I may get another cupboard cleaned out. I am going to start working on a kit of a horse's head for daughter. My goal this month was to trace out the eyes and put them together. That will happen today. Tonight I will start the second sock. 

Until the next time........................................................


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    You don't know me at all (and I live far away) but I have been following your house curating process with great interest as I am embarking on the same thing after a period of inattention and thus deterioration due to health issues. So thank you for sharing this very personal journey.


  2. Anonymous10:37 AM

    You are making real progress! And again, that sock is just delicious!
