Wednesday, February 01, 2023

A Busy Day Inside and Out

Yesterday was a snowy day. We had a good 4" fall in our area. The high got to -1.2C and the wind was cold. This morning it is -13C (windchill is -19C) and we are to have sunshine and a high of -7C. We are now officially starting our cold snap. 


I did a ton of paper work yesterday morning. Sorting, organizing, and purging. I now have a filing system that I will go through on Sunday mornings. It is stored in a cabinet in the dining area. The long term file system was organized and I am happy with it. It is stored in the closet in the spare room. I have a bit more to do, go through all the discarded papers once more and then take them downstairs to the shredding box. I am pleased with my new system and ultra pleased that I used things I had on hand. I did want pretty but using what I have was more practical. 

I spent about 20 minutes before lunch shovelling snow off the driveway. I got about 1/4 done, probably less. I stopped for lunch and after I ate, I went out and finished the driveway and redid the piece I had done before lunch. I was an hour doing it. I also salted the driveway as there was some ice on it. I was very sore when I got done as I had to walk carefully while shovelling. I was afraid I would fall on the icy sections. I did stretch so I wouldn't have lactic acid build up. This morning, my back and one spot in my hip is sore. But I am not aching all over. 

I was out for dinner to family's last night. We had pulled pork and coleslaw and it was delicious. Grandson helped make the dinner and he did a great job. They asked me if I would check up on the cat they are looking after for 10 days starting March 30. Grandson is going to play soccer in Texas. He has been asked by a team from BC who made it to the finals being held down there. How exciting for them. I will happily check on the cat so they can have a holiday. 


I did no sewing yesterday. By the time I finished shovelling the driveway, stretched, and then went back out to shovel a bit more, I was ready to rest. 

While doing the filing system, I found a doll's coat pattern in one of the file folders that I want to make. Now I don't have to print it off. That was a bonus find. 


Nothing done last night as I was out for the evening. Am waiting for a pattern to test. 


    I have looked into another box in the mechanical room. It had fabric in it. I took one piece out to make a blanket for daughter's dogs. The rest will go to the thrift shop as I am ready to let it go. I just need to find a few boxes I can put items into which won't be too heavy for me to lift. Once the items go to the thrift shop, I will then purge that room and get it organized to where I want it to be. I know I will be working on it a bit at a time as my main focus is upstairs. 

    The filing system I have put into place has been a lot of work but I am happy to try it out. Though I watched what the Minimal Mom did, I fine tuned it to my needs. I am use to doing certain things like putting receipts away for the balance sheet I do. I now have a file for that. I have chosen to work on this each Sunday morning so I can keep it under control. 

    With the cold weather coming in, I will be home starting Friday. I am warming up the core of the house using the heat pump. Thursday afternoon I will turn on the electric baseboard heaters and Friday afternoon I will turn off the heat pump. It become very inefficient when the temperatures hit -20C and we are to have -27C Friday night. I can turn the heat pump back on Sunday. Having the house warm at night is affecting my sleep but I don't want to have the house so cold I can't get it warmed up again. 


I am off to New Minas for an appointment with the respiratory therapist. I am going to stop and get more French onion soup and a few other things to have during the cold snap. I don't want to go out during that time. I hope to trace pattern pieces for the horse this afternoon. Not sure if I will knit tonight but should start something to keep my hands busy. 

Until the next time......................................................................

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