Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Keeping Myself Busy

 Yesterday's weather was more snow than anything else. Then came the rain to add to the mess. The temperature dropped all day to 0C and then climbed up to 1C until 3 am when it shot up to 9C. We had 3/4" of rain and during the night they put us under a rain advisory. This morning it is 3C and we are to have another messy morning with the temperature dropping to -4C this afternoon. 


Daughter-in-law stopped in for a visit in the morning before she went to yoga. We had a good chat about lots of things before she left. I did have a later breakfast which was fine. 

After I ate, I did yoga. I did every move slowly and really stretched everything. My right hip area hated me but I persisted. When done, I was sore but it wasn't painful. It really needed to be stretched out. Time to stop babying it and get those muscles, etc. into shape between visits to physio and osteopathy. 

Even though I was sore, I finished cleaning the living room area. I didn't wash the floors on my hands and knees but used a mop. I touched up the dining area floors also. I also did the litter box area in the spare room and washed that floor. The house just needs to be maintained at this time. 

I made pulled pork for dinner. I use this recipe using about a pound of pork chops. It was delicious and I had enough meat to have it again tonight. I kept the liquid the meat cooked in and froze it as I am going to do a small pork roast on Friday in the slow cooker and make it into freezer meals. 

My persistence of measuring and weighing my food paid off. I lost another 1.3 lbs meeting my yearly goal of loosing 60 lbs. I am very happy about that. Next goal is to loose 3 lbs by my birthday. 

Sewing and Crafting

I had another good time working on the Charlie Brown journal. I finished up the two pages I had ready to glue down and then started on a never ending booklet. That one was interesting to do. The first video I watched went too fast. The second one was better. Then it was figuring out how the thing worked so I could get the pictures on correctly. The trick is to turn it one turn clockwise and then fold out. 

Page 1

I bought tape that I can reposition items on the page. The best accidental purchase I made. It was valuable when doing the book as I had pictures upside down. I also could move the pictures around until I got the look I wanted. 

Page 2

I did fool around with the coloured pieces and am happy with the look.

Page 3

I need to decide if I want to leave it on white paper or put it on a coloured piece. 

Page 4

This will go into a pocket. I thought it was a great way to introduce the characters of the book. 

Once done the page, I headed into the sewing room to work on the quilt. I sewed rows 1 and 2 together and did all the correct things so I could sew down the seam on the back. I got it done while watching some TV. 

It is ready for me to quilt the grey and red row. Progress is being made in leaps and bounds. 


I worked on knitting the foot on the first sock. I knit until I ran out of wool and joined a new ball. 

I knit a good 10 rows last night before I stopped. 


    I am glad I decided to do the slow movements for each move yesterday. I pushed myself just to the pain and held it for the count of 5. It paid off as I have less pain today. I also applied a lot of heat afterwards and during the day. 

    Using up what I have is getting easier to do. The more I stay home, the more I dig looking to use up what I have. The fabric and craft stash is good for the winter. I will need to do some grocery shopping but it will only be for what I need. I want to make some freezer meals as I love having them on hand. If I meet my goal, I have a reward planned at the end of the month. 

    I really would love to go outside and walk but our weather has been too nasty for that. On the days I can walk, it is either too cold or windy. On nicer days it is raining. I do walk in the house but it has become pacing. I don't always feel like going to the arena to walk as it means going out and doing it. I will have to plan to walk on the nicer but cooler days. 


I have to do yoga first. Then it will be laundry and doing some spot cleaning in the bathroom and kitchen. I want to work on the journal and the quilt this afternoon. I will knit tonight. 

Until the next time....................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I wasn’t sure if you have ever tried one of the Walk at Home routines you can find on YouTube… by Leslie Sansone… I use my own music but it has been helpful to me to try moving in different directions and engage different muscles. Great progress, again!
