Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A Successful Day

Yesterday was another day of greyness and snow flurries. The high got to -5.2C. This morning it is -8C. We are to have some sunshine today with a high of 2C.


It was osteopathy day. I got ready and did a few small chores before leaving. When I put on my shoes, I put the right foot onto the left knee. When I took the right foot off, the left knee cracked and I had more range of motion than ever. That crack adjusted the knee the big time. 

The roads were in quite good shape. Most areas were wet and bare but there was some slush and drifting in other areas. I drove under the speed limit to my appointment as did many other drivers. The drive home was good and I even got up to the speed limit in some areas. The snow plows were plowing and salting both ways. I can't complain about the roads after the storm we had the day before.

Osteopathy was good. My right hip had turned forward from shovelling snow off the deck. It is a cross body movement that turned it. It hurt having the treatment but no pain, no gain. I came right home as I was sore and needed to put heat on my hip. 

After I had lunch, I had a nap -- about an hour in length. I woke up feeling much better and by bed time I was pretty much back to being pain free. 

Sewing and Crafting

 I headed down to the sewing room to do a bit of sewing. I did more than I anticipated and finished the doll's jacket. 

I did have some issues with the front edges of the hood. They stick out a bit on each side. I would baste them in place the next time and use the zipper foot to get the stitching in where it should have been. 

The hood is big enough for most doll's hair but not Julie's. 

In all I am happy with the outfit and learned a lot about zippers. 

I had enough time before going upstairs to lay out February's projects. 

Piping for daugher. I made her some from this fabric already but want to use it up.

Wine bottle bag fabric was chosen but not cut. I just spent the time finding the fabric I wanted to use. 

I got out 4 of the blocks for my cardinal quilt. I can work on row 1. I decided that I won't be putting all 24 squares out at once as it is going to take up a lot of space. 

Once the projects were out and ready, I went upstairs to work on the counted cross stitch project. I finished it ready to put into a hoop. 


I did work on the hat last night and got 9 rounds knit. It is coming along quickly with hopes that there will be enough yarn to finish it. 


    I am very grateful that the roads here are well maintained during a snow storm. It was nice to drive knowing that I would not have to worry about black ice or lots of snow on the road. I didn't go the speed limit but then a lot of people were driving slower. 

    I am happy that we caught and corrected my hip yesterday. I now need to shovel the deck pushing the snow off down the stairs. Doing that will give me little cross body movement. I do very little cross body movement when shovelling the driveway which is good. 

    I had a great time finding fabrics in the stash to sew for February. I am pleased with what I plan on making this month. Next is to plan on what I want to do for crafts. Planning keeps me focused on using what I have. 


I need to do laundry and clean the bathroom this morning after I do yoga. This afternoon I hope to cut out the wine bottle bags. I also want to work on finishing the counted cross stitch cat, do a page in the journal and make a list of what I want to do craft wise. I want to knit tonight. It is a day at home for me. 

Until the next time....................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:23 PM

    I am curious as to what your daughter does with all of the piping you send?? Maybe you could share that info at some point. Thank you. Glad to see you are having a decent winter and resolving some pain and flexibility issues. Marianne
