Tuesday, January 30, 2024

It Snowed and Blowed All Day

 Yesterday was windy, snowy, and cold. The high got to -0.9C but the windchill was -6C (6 am yesterday). The temperature dropped all day. This morning it is -7C with wind a few flurries. We are to have a few flurries, less wind, and a high of -5C. 


Friend's youngest boy started shovelling the driveway early so I joined him. He did about 75% by himself and I helped with the remainder. We tackled the snow berm together. Once done, he jumped into the ditch (tradition) and I headed out to shovel the back deck. At that point we had about 8" of snow on the ground. It was fairly dry and fluffy.

Later on I watched neighbours shovel their driveway out and put the snow into my front ditch. Their youngest shovelled about half of my driveway and mom finished it up. The afternoon was noisy as people were snow blowing like crazy. It was still snowing hard. I was out at 3:30 pm (-5C, windchill -13C) to shovel the front steps and clean up the snow drifts. I was almost finished when my next door neighbour asked if I needed help. We both went to clean off our decks and I kept up with him. My deck is twice as long as his and I was moving at quite the pace throwing snow over the railing at 8 feet away. I'm in better shape than I thought I was. 

The roads were plowed several times during the day. They did their last pass about 7 pm and were at it again this morning at 6 am. We have another storm coming in on Thursday so they are working at getting the roads cleaned up and widened before it hits. 

I did some cooking yesterday and have chicken for the next few days. I also had salmon for dinner. I need to shop for a few groceries so I can hunker down during the next storm. I mainly need a few things for lunches. I have dinners in the freezer. 

Sewing and Crafting

My sewing time was limited due to shovelling snow. But I did get the waist band on before lunch and the zipper in after lunch. 

I did learn something new about installing separating zippers. I used the double sided tape to hold the zipper in place while sewing it. When I got to the bottom of the zipper, I did two tiny stitches and then cut the threads long. The bottom plastic tab has 3 little holes in it. I punched them carefully with my awl and handed stitched the zipper in place using the long threads. I was impressed and learned something new. I am not afraid of separating zippers now that I learned that trick. 

At the moment, the zipper is long at the top. Once the hood is attached, it will be cut off. I will be back stitching that area so all is secure. 

No work was done on the journal or the cross stitching. I was too busy with other things. When I had a short break, I did look at pictures I had saved on the computer and put them into a file folder to use.


I cast on the 2nd hat last night and got 14 rounds knit. It has less stitches on the needles and will have less rounds knit. When done, I will have used up both balls of yarn.


    I am in better shape than I thought I was when shovelling snow. I am sore due to doing more shovelling that I had thought I would have to. I was tired but not exhausted. It was a good feeling to know that I can help keep the driveway clear. 

    The wind was the worst to endure when outside. It was cold and nasty when walking into it. It was noisy inside the house which got on my nerves. It bothered me more than the snow did. I survived but there were moments last night when I wondered when the wind was howling a gale. It even bothered Elliott. 

    I am very grateful for such wonderful neighbours who help me during these storms. It is nice to know they will do things for me without me asking for help. It is also nice that family doesn't have to worry about me as they dig themselves out. I let them know what is going on and when I go out to shovel. It is my safety plan. 


I have osteopathy later this morning so will do a few chores before I go. Afterwards I want to go into Sackville to get lunch and a few things I need. I want to be home by mid afternoon. I probably won't sew but will knit and work on the cross stitch. 

Until the next time.....................................................

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