Sunday, January 28, 2024

Dolly Sewing Has Begun

 Yesterday was a grey day but no snow fell. The high got to -0.5C. There was about 2" of snow fell. This morning it is cloudy and -1C. We are to have sun, clouds, and some flurries today with a high of 1C. It is suppose to snow tonight. 


My neighbour came over and snow blowed the driveway for me. Eight passes and he was done. I was out later to open the garage door, clean up a bit there and shovel the small sidewalk, steps, and landing. That is my job. I am so thankful that I have a wonderful neighbour who does the driveway for me when it snows a lot. 

I did yoga yesterday morning prior to going out to shovel. I did the exercises slowly and carefully as I am working on stretching and strengthening. I am getting it done and with good results. 

I did a bit of housework, folded laundry and did a very small load of clothes that needed to be done. I was tired as I still hadn't had a good night's sleep for several nights in a row. I did sit on the couch and closed my eyes. I may have had a 20 minute nap. 

I lost my phone and spent time looking for it. I was stressed out from not knowing where it was. I found it down between the cushions on the couch near the back. Once I found it, I relaxed, had an IBS attack, and realized stress is causing some of my issues. 

Family borrowed the car to take son to the airport. I was also worrying about their safety out on the roads knowing full well they were bare and wet. I could see the highway traffic moving quickly when I looked out. I did drive their electric car!! I backed it down the driveway and down the street so I could park it. 

I finally got my glucose readings into the low 5's. I have been eating extra carbs each meal. I hope I am at a stage where I can back off and eat the foods I enjoy rather than carb laden foods. My weight has remained the same which is good. 

Sewing and Crafting

I did decorate the bottom tag on the page I finished. It took me about 5 minutes and I walked away from it without taking a picture. I was thinking of other things.

In the sewing room, I cut out the track suit pants. I carefully sewed them together without any issues. Even the front pockets cooperated for me. 

The pants were not hard to make and the instructions were fairly easy to follow. They fit a bit tight on this doll as she is chunky. I did not add the eyelets and cord to the waistband as I didn't have any. They don't need it either. 

I did work on the cross stitch but didn't take a picture of it. I got 2 more rows done on the lace part. It isn't hard to do and I know I will be done it in a few of more days. Then onto the next project which will go into the Charlie Brown journal. 


I worked on the hat last evening and got it finished. I had to start the 2nd ball of yarn to finish it. 

I am going to make another one that is smaller so that all yarn is used up. She got a great deal -- 2 hats for $3.60 and a mom who will knit for her.


    We were under a winter storm warning for Monday. That has since disappeared so the storm must have shifted enough that we aren't going to get a huge dump of snow. It will be enough that my driveway will need snow blowing and shovelling. 

    I am realizing that I need to relax more and not get stressed out over things. It hasn't been the misplacing of the phone yesterday. It has been the weather, my health/mobility, and a lot of other things. I have been a bit of a wreck. I realized I have to let go of worrying. Most of what I am worrying about is out of my control. I also think I am worrying about things as I get physically better. There is less to worry about on my self care radar. Misplacing the phone was the wake up call I needed. 


I need to do yoga this morning. I also have the balance sheet to do. I want to do a bit of clean up in the kitchen this morning. I am hoping to cut out 10 tea bag holders for the craft bazaar tub before going to work on the track suit jacket. I want to cut it out and start on the body part to the zipper. I also want to work on the cross stitch project and start the 2nd hat tonight. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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