Thursday, January 25, 2024

Working On Small Projects

 Yesterday was another nice day with a high of -0.7C. This morning it is 1C and snowing. We are to have snow and rain this morning and a high of 5C which will cool off to 1C this afternoon. It is going to be cloudy all day. 


First thing was yoga. I found it hard to start as my knee and hip were stiff. My knee felt like it was surrounded by fluid but it didn't seem to be. Both joints were reacting to the storm that is coming in. They did loosen up as I did the moves. I am still having relaxed muscles in my thigh which is nice. 

I did some house work - laundered bedding and made up the bed. I also swept the floors and mopped the living room, dining room, and hall. I also mopped the stairs down to the front door. 

It was a struggle doing the housework I did. Elliott had his "I can't settle down" morning. He was needy and I had to sit a couple of times to try and settle him. He finally had a short nap before lunch, had his treat, and settled down for a deep sleep in the afternoon. I think I needed him to nap more than he needed to nap. 

I was out to have tea with my friend. I talked to her briefly as she was out walking to her dog. We had a good visit and she told me she has sold her two beautiful wall hangings. She put them into a local shop and her oldest son bought them online. Though she was sad to sell them, she is delighted her son will have them in his house. She is working on a new wall hanging and it is basically sold already. Her work is beautiful and extremely well curated. I am excited for her. 

Sewing and Crafting

I did work on the cross stitch. I have the front of the cat done and am working on the body. It is moving along nicely and I will have something made to give away at Christmas.  

I got page one of the never ending book completed. Once the pieces are glued down, I iron it flat and put books on top so the paper knows to stay flat. If I don't do that, they tend to curl up on me. 

I can now do page 2 doing the same process. 

I cut out the bias strips and made piping for daughter. I had no issues until I got almost done. The bobbin thread decided to be a pain and then I ran out of it. I did get it finished and do like it. 

I took a lot of pictures of the piping before I got one that was close to the correct colour. I find it very hard due to the lighting in the afternoon. I was able to make 2.75 meters from less a piece of fabric that was just smaller than a fat quarter. It is now in a bag ready to go when I have enough items made to fill a box. 

I bought the pattern for January's Sewing With Cinnamon. I printed it out and something went wrong with the sizing. It seems to be too big. Printing it again to see what I did wrong. I want to cut it out while embroidering the gift bag


I started the hat and got the ribbing done. This yarn has wool in it so it will be warm for daughter to wear. She picked it up for $1.80 a ball in a clearance bin. 

If I don't need the second ball, I am going to knit it on a size smaller needles making it in the larger size. I am wondering if it will work out to be the same size as this one. 


    We are going to have some snow fall for the next couple of days. I am hoping that the roads are kept well plowed and salted as family is on the road several times a day during this storm. I do worry about that. The main road up here has been plowed and salted already this morning which is nice.

    I found a 2 hour video on how to make a book from start to finish. I am hoping to make it later on using the paper I will have left from the journal I'm working on. I know I will learn a lot from making this book and will gift it to someone. I'm thinking of making it a project for when it's hot during the summer. 


I have a load of laundry on at this time. I will need to do a bit of housework before I go for a hair cut at 11 am. I want to embroider the gift bag and cut out the doll's track suit. I also want to finish page 2 of the never ending book. Tonight I will knit.  

Until the next time............................................................   

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