Friday, August 04, 2023

Sewing, Purging, Thinking

 It was another lovely day with lots of sunshine and a cool breeze. The high got to 24.3C. This morning it is 9C with a few high clouds. We are to have sunshine, wind, and a high of 24C. We are to have showers tonight. 


I was to the Wellness Center at the hospital yesterday morning for 90 minutes. This trip was to see the physiotherapist and it was a great visit. I decided to become her first patient in a fitness program she is going to start. She did the base assessment and it was there she realized that my walking gait is, once again, incorrect. She pondered over it thinking I had a short leg or a curved bag. She measured and poked and nothing. I cannot straighten my knee so, once again, I am on a stretching program. I have 3-5 exercises to do twice a day. The results of the tests shows I am pretty much where I should be except for balancing on one leg. I suck at that.  I see her at the end of September after I have seen my doctor. At that time we will discuss other things I will need to do. 

I will be working on walking properly first in the house and then outside. I am to go slow and focus on what I need to do. Once I have that mastered, I will start walking further each day at a slow pace. I am not out to walk long distances but to walk correctly with no pain. 

I picked lettuce late in the afternoon. I gave it to my neighbours for their dinner. They were so excited to get it. I see that I need to give all the plants another feeding of fertilizer as they have been growing rapidly. I did water the vegetables last night. The flowers were still damp. They need some fertilizer also. 

I was very tired last night as I had done a lot yesterday. I felt like this at 8 pm.

I will have to say that I slept well last night due to being tired. Not a bad thing.

There is a doe that has been coming down from the field into the Crossing. She has twins and they wander around eating the grass before leaving to hide for the day. I really enjoy watching them from the front windows. 


I got the fabric I bought and need for projects now laundered and they are waiting to be pressed. I did sew the body of daughter's bag and it is cute. 

I have to make lots of piping next for the handles and for daughter. I cut out the lining and interfaced it for the child's bag. It is now prepped to sew. 

I decided to do some cleaning behind the stash shelving unit. That meant picking up batting and a bag of fusible fleece off the floor. I found a piece of fabric with the fleece. I had forgotten I had bought it a long time ago when I was starting to make Elliott's quilt. 

I may use it for lining for this bag but I am not quite sure. I need to figure out what to do with it. I don't remember why I bought it. I just mumbled something about "Why or why did I but this? and me being a hoarder as I put it on the cutting table. If I can't come up with a use, I will donate it to the quilter's guild. The batting is going to be trashed. It is horrible to handle and very stiff. Not what I want to use in a project. I don't expect anyone else to use it either. 

I removed the containers I have patterns, etc. in off the shelving unit and moved it from the wall. I dusted the walls and then swept and washed the floor. The shelving unit was put back in place and the containers back on the shelves after I looked in each one. I sorted through the few patterns I have kept and am happy with what I have. The bottom shelf of the unit is empty and I am pondering what to put on it. 

I looked at the cutting table and half of it is piled high. I need to deal with it soon. I grabbed the button box off the table and took it to the family room. I had a big sort through the buttons. A bunch that are 5+ years old are going to the thrift shop. There is a bunch of single buttons going to be dealt with. I'm not sure how yet. The buttons I want were put back into the tub and it is now half full. I have to look at the buttons in the knitting bag and sort through them. Not a lot but it needs to be done. 

As I looked around the sewing room, This is more than a declutter and clean up. It has become a full blown purge. The "I don't need to touch the bins on the shelf" has become looking in them and purging what I don't need or want. I am finding that I am ready to let go of the items that won't be needed. I'm happy to think someone else can use them.

I have realized that I am ready to deal with the contents in the sewing room after many, many years of holding on to it all. I'm working through the why as I do the purging. Most of it was stress buying including some I bought last fall after the Spousal Unit passed away. The buying came from many avenues; work, peer pressure, self pressure, great sale, guilt, and much more. As I work through tubs and shelves I realize how nice it is to have less in that room. 


I did the last decrease and knit several more rows. I am going to take it out and continue knitting the leg to the doll's ankle bone, do the decrease and then a few rows of ribbing before casting off. 

I am realizing with this designer that I need to go up a needle size or knit more rows for length. I am at the verge of going up the needle size the next time I make the leggings. And yes, I will be making them again. 


    My visit to the physiotherapist was great and it has me thinking of how be strong and healthy over the next many years. My next trip will be to a clinic about my bones. I am focusing on my overall health so I can be active.

    I have been working on my mental health also. It has been a long slow process. The tipping point to healing came  I started to clean the sewing room. I am ready to let go of who I was or wanted to be. I am learning that I don't want to sell items I make but to make what I want. I am learning that I want a home that is calm and easy to keep clean. I am learning not to be pressured by others about what I need or what I should do. I am learning that I am working through my grief in my own way. I still have a ways to go but I am starting to see progress in my mental health. 

    I am happy that I am very independent but have learned to get help when I need it. I am grateful that I have family near me and that we have a great relationship. I am also grateful that I have some wonderful friends in my life.     


I am going to do some housework (sweep floors for sure), weed control under the deck and around the buildings, stretching exercises, and what ever else I need to do. If I have time I will get some groceries. I want to do some sewing this afternoon and knitting tonight. I still have to work out how I am going to get everything accomplished. 

Until the next time......................................................................

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