Monday, August 21, 2023

More Done

 Yesterday was wonderfully cool. The high got to 22.5C (humidex 27C). The wind was what kept us wonderfully cool. This morning it is 16C and we are to have a high of 24C (humidex 29C) with a good chance of showers this afternoon. 


I did the balance sheet and was out 10 cents. It took forever to find but all is good now. I was happy to put it all away when done. 

I continued cleaning the kitchen. The appliances were cleaned and are shining. What took forever was the window above the sink. I was up and down the ladder cleaning it. I even stood on the deck to clean it. It was dirty and three cleaning cloths later it was done. Recycling was taken out and all that is left is the floor. It has been a big job but I am glad I tackled it. 

I haven't run the a/c since about 5 pm on Saturday. The house stayed cool with the breeze we had. The house smells fresh. I know I will have to run the a/c again but I am enjoying this for now. 

I pulled out the lettuce plants and put them into the compost bin. There is an explosion of tomatoes ripening and the cucumbers are growing rapidly. I also need to pick beans again. I did look around and there are weeds that need to be dealt with. It is crazy out there and I will have to spend some time outside again. 

I lost another 1.1 lb this week and am eating healthy. I love the fresh produce from the garden but must cut back on tomatoes as I think think they are aggravating my IBS. As are potatoes which I have been having more of. My knee and hip are sorer which could be from eating nightshades (tomatoes and potatoes). I did eat the cucumber from the garden and it was so sweet. I will be eating more of them. 


I did sew yesterday and got the sleeves sewn in. I also sewed up the side seams. 

I did play with the fold over on the front and got it where it is suppose to be and then I pressed it in place. I am now at the part where I need to read the pattern carefully so I can do the tie around the bottom of the top. When that is attached, the top will be finished. The only decision is whether I will need to sew a snap to keep the front pieces even at the waist. 

I will make this top again. I know to watch the gathering of the sleeves. The first one isn't as good as the 2nd one. I was paying attention to the notch at the top of the sleeve when I should have been distributing the gathers evenly. The sleeves are gathered tightly between the pleated area. Live and learn. 


I got the last 5 rounds knit on both legs before having to the last decrease. I didn't do it as the battery was almost dead on the iPad. So close to being done. 

I now need to get the yarn for my vest. I will probably start it right away. Looking forward to making myself something. 


    It was a year ago today that we had to put the Spousal Unit into the hospital to be stabilized. It was the worst day in my life (our lives). He was declining rapidly, more than we knew at that time. I have cried about this date a few times in the past week. We couldn't look after him any more. That left me feeling very negative about my abilities. I know the feeling came from being burnt out and wanting to continue to look after him. But it was the reality that we couldn't do it any more that hurt the most. On the postive side, we had looked after him longer than most people had expected us to. I guess you can say love made us do it. 

    I have also thought about how grateful I am that we moved here to be close to our son and family. They have helped so much since coming here and they went beyond the call of duty. Not only did they help look after the Spousal Unit, they have made sure that I have been looked after since then. They let me be independent but they also step in to help when needed. 

    I am happy to say that I have recovered from being burnt out without any lasting side effects. I do have spells of sadness that I have to work through which is normal. I miss the wonderful conversations we use to have, doing things together that we loved to do, and the feeling of knowing he was around when we needed to do our own thing. I know that I will feel these emotions forever but I am able to move forward in my life.  


I am not sure how today will go but the plan is to keep busy by finishing up the kitchen and then starting on the dining area. I want to finish the doll's top and knit on the leggings. I need to keep busy while I process what happened last year so I can move forward in my life. 

Until the next time..........................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Sending hugs and happy thoughts your way today.
