Saturday, August 19, 2023

A Tropical Rain

Yesterday was a very rainy day with about a 3 hour break starting at noon. There was over an inch of rain fall. The high got to 25.C (humidex 35C). This morning it is cloudy and 21C (humidex 28C). Today is to be a mix of sunshine and clouds with a high of 23C (humidex 28C).


It was definitely an inside day with the rain coming down hard at times. I did look out and it was muggy and really warm. The dehumidifiers worked hard to keep the humidity at 50% inside the house. 

The power was on and off several times during the morning. It went off in Falmouth (next community to us) when wet trees touched the power line. Once their power was out, we had no more fluctuations and the power was back on in that area within an hour. 

I spent the morning cleaning cupboards and drawers. I scrubbed and cleaned and got all but one small area done. I wiped some of the stainless steel with the degreaser and it got them clean and shiny. I will go over them with the stainless steel cleaner when I finish cleaning. I had to do a load of cleaning clothes as I had used them all and I have lots. When cleaning I have 3 on the go for the area I am working on. 

I also changed the bed and got it made up by dinner time. Elliott decided he was sleeping on the bed yesterday afternoon and hollered until I went in and covered him up. Such a spoiled cat. 


I spent the afternoon in the sewing room. I decided to tackle the top of the doll's outfit. It had the most pieces to deal with. I did the little pleats in the sleeve and what a painful job that was. I was having issues with my machine so I rethreaded both the top and bobbin and issues were fixed. 

I then started on the body of the top. I was worried at how it would go together but there was no need to. It is a nice top to sew. I had no issues with the collar. I took my time hand basting where I needed to. I also pressed it well. 

I stopped for the day as I was getting tired. I did look at the area under the cutting table but didn't do it. I forgot to bring down the broom to sweep the floor. I did tidy up the cutting table a bit though. 


I knit last night and have both the legs done to where I needed to try the leggings on the doll. 

I plan on knitting 5 more rows, do the last decrease and then do 4 rows of ribbing.  I will need to steam the pieces, add buttons to the top and call it finished. If I make it again, I will lengthen both the body and sleeves of the top. 


    I spent a bit of time looking at the fires in BC as daughter had said they were socked in with smoke. Small fires are now huge. The fire in the Kelowna area has destroyed many buildings. There is a fire burning near Lytton (which burnt to the ground 2 years ago) and one east of Kamloops. It is so sad that BC has such horrible fires every year for the past 5 years. 

    The humidity was bad here yesterday. The topical storm brought in warm moist air. There was also very little wind so the moist warm air remains after the storm has gone. Hopefully the wind we are suppose to get today will move the moist mass out into the ocean. This is not uncommon here as many of our storms come up from the Gulf or Mexico. 

    I did chat with daughter-in-law yesterday and they enjoyed a soccer game outside of Tokyo. They were going to have a rest day as it is hot and humid there. The plan was to go out in the evening to see some lights. They are walking up to 8 miles a day which is a lot of walking. 

    I have been reading that there is a worry about an increase in Covid before the next vaccines are available. I am a bit worried so will be taking extra care when out doing things. So far what I have been doing is working (mask and sanitizer) so I will continue doing that. I will also try to go when stores are less busy so I have less contact with people. 


I am not sure if I will go out today for a drive or if I will stay home. If I stay home, I want to finish cleaning the kitchen cupboards. I hope to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. I do have to check on family's house today. 

Until the next time.....................................................................

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