Saturday, August 12, 2023

I Found The Cutting Table

 Yesterday started out with rain and changed to a mix of sun and cloud. The high was 24C (humidex 30C).  This morning it is clear and 16C. Today is going to to be mainly sunny with a high of 25C (humidex 29C)


Grandson let me know that the game and bbq was cancelled due to the rain. We didn't need to go shopping. I did go over for hamburgers and salad at dinner time. We had a great evening talking, laughing, and learning. 


I spent a lot of hours in the sewing room and it certainly showed it by the end of the day. I started off looking at the garment fabric and organizing it. I put another 13.7 meters into the donation pile (total 60 meters). I may have more to put in a bit later but I'm happy with what is remaining at this time.

I have this much left to deal with and it is all for the dolls. 

I have to deal with it next. I also found some queen stuff in the middle of the garment fabric and it is going back to daughter. She sent it to me, I reminisced, and now she needs it. 

Next up was to find the cutting table. That was quite the job but I plugged away at it and finally found it.

I spent quite a bit of time scrubbing it down as it was dirty. Next I got my projects sorted and ready to prep. They are lined up at the end of the table ready to be started. 

I cut the 12 cardinal squares for the quilt and have them bagged. 

The dotted fabric was pressed and is ready to be cut into 3.5 x 6.5" rectangles. I need 96 of them so I will be a few days cutting them out.

I ended the long day in the sewing room making a pair of silver leather shoes. I did enjoy making them after a long day of cleaning. 

As I worked in the sewing room, I did some thinking about what I want to do as I start new or fresh. I will continue to clean the room to how I want it to look and function. That is a given. I turned my thoughts to my blog and had a deep think about it. 

I have decided to change my blog appearance. Over the next while I will be changing the header part so that only a few pages will show. There will be new pages showing up. I will have the current to-do list and the doll's sewing pages for the year but will not show the previous years sewing. The remaining pages will be gone and I will add new ones which could have a 6 month life on the blog. At the moment I am thinking the new pages will have pictures, descriptions, and links I looked at while doing the project. 

Daughter and I ended my day looking at fabrics. I did buy .5 meter of this fabric for the spare bedroom. I will now have a meter of it for the projects I am going to make. 

We both loved these two Christmas fabrics which are in a quilt shop she goes to. 

They don't go in my house so I am telling myself no to them. I have enough projects on the go right now. 


None done as I was too busy looking at fabric with daughter. 


I need to do some cleaning upstairs and then work in the sewing room. My next job is to find the hat pattern for the doll and start cutting out the outfit. I also want to clean the pressing area in the sewing room. I hope to knit tonight though I need to give some vegetables to my friend across the street. 

Until the next time........................................................

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