Tuesday, August 08, 2023

A Bag Is Completed As Is Some Weeding

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 23.7C (humidex 28C). There was very little wind and it is still calm this morning. It is cloudy and 13C. We are to have mainly cloudy weather with a high of 24C. Rain is forecasted for tonight. 


I trashed doing housework and decided I had better weed under the deck with rain coming. I headed out with everything I needed to work on it. In about 40-45 minutes I had the piece under the ladder weeded. Time for a fluid break.

I kept at the next area and by 11:30 am I was done. 

I hauled a full bucket of weeds into the garage and put them in the compost bin. This area is ready to be landscaped. Hopefully this fall. I will probably have to do weed control on it before we start. But, under the deck now looks presentable. 

I rested until I had lunch. And drank water. It was hot under the deck when working in the sun. And there was no breeze what so ever to help you feel cool. I was also sore as I did the job on my hands and knees. All I can say is I survived. 

Before I started dinner, I did a walk around the garden. Everything is growing rapidly and I found one cucumber that is about 5" long. 

I also pulled a carrot and they are growing nicely. 

We will be having lots of fresh vegetables eat in the next month to 6 weeks. 

I had low glucose yesterday. In the hungry level and I was hungry. I had extra carbs for dinner last night as I needed it. I did my exercises once yesterday and I seem to be improving just a tad. I am still sore and that may be weak core muscles. 


I headed down after lunch to the sewing room. I hauled out several pieces of black cotton but didn't get to look at them. I spent all my time sewing daughter's bag. I had to prep the lining fabric, attach interfacing, make the lining into a bag and then sew it to the outer bag. It turned out really well and I am proud of it. For a panel that asked for the fabric I got and then not talking about how it should be made, it turned out great. 

It is ready to be shipped to daughter. Once that was done, I focused on another fleece dog blanket. I had cut the edges straight so it was ready to serge and hem. 

The fabric is funny and wanted to curl when going through the serger. I persisted and got it done. Sewing the hem was much easier. 

It is folded and ready to be shipped. I don't have any more fabric to make blanket. Hurrah! The dogs have blankets for the next few years. 

I need to look at the black cotton and see how much there is. If enough for shirts, I will ship it to daughter so she can sew it up. I have had it in the stash for years and have never used it. I don't like black lining in the bags I make as you can't find anything. I have no other use for it, not even garment sewing. I don't wear black shirts. I prefer navy. 

What else did I see in the stash? Fabric left over from a coat I made. Several pieces of blue cotton fabric. The heavy flannel that I bought for placemats and table runners. Christmas fabric. And a small basket of fabric that is for the dolls. It is a discontinued line of cotton that I love. I have to sort, decide, and put back on the shelf neatly what I am keeping.  


I did none last night as I was tired. 


    I am struggling a bit in the sewing room. Most of what is on the stash shelving unit I would love to donate but I know I can't do that. I have some projects planned for some of it. I need to see what daughter can use and then donate the rest. The garment fabric needs some sorting but I did a pretty intensive sort a couple of years ago. I kept pretty much what I wanted and let go of the rest. 

    I am back to wanting to get the weeding done. Around the shed is next and then on to the hedge. I hope to spray the weeds on the road side of the ditch again as it needs a second application. I have been given the go ahead from public works to do it. Having the hedge and under the deck landscaped this year will make a big improvement to the yard. Next year will be the front and side bed that the Spousal Unit and I did several years ago. Once it is done, it will be just maintenance which I should be able to handle or hire out. 

    Once I get the outside done, I will have to get people in to do the inside of the house. It know I will be put on a waiting list. I will have to exercise being patient as I know there is a shortage of people to do the jobs. We also have to prep the upstairs ready to paint. But we will have time to do that while we wait. 


I am going to do some inside work and, if there is enough time, weed around the shed. I have to do some laundry. The goal in the sewing room is to finish the last bag. If I have time left over, I will deal with the black cotton fabric. I may knit tonight if I am not too tired. 

Until the next time................................................................

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