Sunday, August 13, 2023

Cleaning with Some Sewing

Though yesterday was suppose to be sunny, we had a fair amount of cloud until late afternoon. The high got to 23.8C (humidex 27C). This morning it is clear with low fog and 12C. We are to have showers, sunshine and a high of 23C (humidex 30). 


I spent the morning cleaning my bedroom. It started off with cleaning the windows which included a deep clean of the frames, ledges, glass, and screens. I even picked moss out of the frames which is not uncommon. I do this twice a year to help keep mould at bay. 

Once the windows were done, I wiped down furniture and doors and swept the floor. I moved all the furniture including the bed. I mopped the floors and baseboards by sections and while waiting for it to dry, I put out some of the things I love. They have been hidden for years as Elliott use to push them off the dresser. 

It is a very plain bedroom that needs to be updated. My first purchase will be one more curtain to put in the middle of the window. That way I can have more fullness to keep the neighbour's porch lights from shining in the room at night. I do want to have a duvet on the bed, runners on the furniture and something bright in the room. I don't have a tv in the room as I have a sleep disorder. I have plans for this room over the next year.  

Once the room was done, I did a few things in the kitchen. I did go out and look in the garden. There are more beans to pick, the cucumber is almost big enough to eat, and the cat is back again digging in the empty boxes. I need to put out more cayenne pepper. 

I lost 1.1 lbs so far this week. The plateau may be over and I will continue to work hard at loosing weight. I drank more fluid yesterday which may have helped with the weight loss. I also ate within my guidelines. 


I decided to clean the pressing area before I sewed. I cleared off the little table that holds all things needed for pressing. I did a sort and a huge clean up of all those items. The little table was wiped down. Next up I moved the ironing board out further so I could wipe the floor. I did a section 5 planks wide by about 8 feet long. I dry wiped the floor first and then washed it on my hands and knees doing the baseboard also. It was grimy due to the starch I had sprayed on fabric. Once the floor was done, I tackled cleaning the ironing board. It got a good wiping and is ready for a new cover. 

I decided sewing was going to be doll oriented. I tried on the shoes and they fit the doll really well. 

Before doing any sewing, I looked for the hat pattern I want for the doll's outfit. I found it in it pattern envelope. One piece was ripped so I repaired it. There was a crown cut out of interfacing that I will be using. I tidied up the patterns and put them away. I am working hard on keeping the areas I've cleaned neat and tidy.

I then made wrist length gloves from the feet of a pair of socks. I have the legs to make tights. 

A close up of one glove. 

I used the walking foot on the machine when stitching the fabric and it worked really well. I was pleased with the results as they are small and fiddly.

I took a break and cut 3 strips of the red dot for the cardinal fabric and go 36 rectangles cut. 

Once I had done those, I cut out the skirt from the print fabric. 

I then cut out the hat lining from the print being careful not to waste any fabric. I only have .5 meter of this fabric. 

I ended up my sewing spree by cutting out 5 more strips of the red dot fabric and cutting one strip into rectangles. Half of the rectangles are now cut out. Once they are all cut out, the blocks will be ready to sew. I will need to buy backing and batting as this is a quilt as you go project. 

I took out the garbage I had set on the cutting table, the dirty cleaning clothes went to laundry when I went upstairs to start dinner. It was a great day in the sewing room. 


None done last night. 


    I have once again found my groove for cleaning, outside work, and sewing. The weather is cooler though still humid in the middle of the day making it uncomfortable to work outside after about 11 am. As I get back into this routine, I find I am sleeping somewhat better at night. 

    I am finding that I want to work on getting things done in the house. I am sure finding people to do it will be hard as they will be busy repairing houses from the flooding we had. I will try in September to line up a painter and carpenter so I can get the work done in the next year. Yes, the waiting list is that long. 

    Though the painting, etc. won't be done for a while, I will continue to work on the soft decorating. I have the fabric for the spare room ready to make a table runner, 2 pillows and what ever else I can squeeze out of the fabric. I can get the flowers for the room and decide on pictures I want to hang up. 

    Though I love minimal amount of items in each room, I have realized I need items to soften the hard lines I have created. The areas of the house that have been worked on are homey but not fussy. Having areas not fussy is important to me but having it feel homey is. The balance is coming slowly as I play around with ideas in the rooms. I was literally afraid of making our home too fussy and it became a place to live in rather than love. This is the 2nd house I did that to. 

    The sewing room is coming along slowly but it is worth the time I'm spending in it. The purging of fabric is over but I still have trims and more notions to go through. The rest of the room needs to be done. There is still lots to do but I am moving forward on having a fresh start in the sewing room. I am no longer weighted down with fabric I struggled trying to sew up. The quilter's group got the first lot and they were excited to receive it and had a great time going through it. They will get another tub of fabric next week. 


I need to do the balance sheet, do the window in the spare room and tidy it up. I will be out this afternoon/early evening so I don't know how much I will get done in the sewing room or if I will knit tonight. 

Until the next time.................................................. 

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