Thursday, August 31, 2023

Hearing About Japan

 Yesterday was warm and wet. It rained hard in the morning and then again in the late afternoon. The high got to 24.6C (Humidex 33C) and 3" of rain fell. This morning it is 16C and partly cloudy. It is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 19C today. The record for most amount of rain was broken yesterday. 


Yesterday morning, I sat and watched the rain fall and you could see it coming done in sheets. It was the same while we ate dinner last night. We have seen it rain like this before but it still amazes me how hard the rain can come down no matter where I live. We also had a good thunderstorm at dinner time. Not like the one we had earlier but it was noisy enough to scare family's cat under the bed. 

I cleaned up my bedroom yesterday. The blankets and sheets were laundered, furniture dusted, and floor swept. I hung the last curtain which was a bit of a gong show. I am slowly putting new screws into all the curtain rod holders and I did one more yesterday. It isn't the hardware but the plugs in the wall are a size too big. Human error. I had curtain rod and curtains flailing everywhere before I got the job done. The room is nice and clean now and the curtains keep the room dark. The bonus for me - all the laundry is folded and put away. 

I put garbage out to curb side early yesterday and it was humid outside. It had been like that all day. Our friends who returned from Japan on Sunday were complaining about the humidity. I had the heat pumps on dehumidify to help cool the house and was successful at that. I am finding that having the humidity level in the house constantly at 50% really helps the a/c be more efficient. 

I was out to have dinner at family's. They talked about their trip and showed me pictures of where they went in Tokyo. They showed me what they bought. To cool off from the heat and humidity, they went into arcades and played a few games that gave them prizes. They went to lots of venues to look at what is sold there. And they told me about the food they ate. The most interesting restaurant was one where you ordered your food via a code on your phone and it arrived on a conveyor belt. You can buy food at the 7-11 stores and they have lots of microwaves to heat them in. Food is cheap in Japan though luxury items are expensive. Peaches are expensive but are the best tasting ever according to daughter-in-law. It was a lot of fun to hear about everything. The best time to go to Japan is spring (blossom time) or winter (cooler). Summer is very hot and humid especially when you walk a lot everyday.


I had some time in the sewing room yesterday. I cut out the cushion cover backs and inserted the zippers. I looked at the fronts and decided to cross hatch the light green squares. I got 2 squares on one front done before I had to stop. 

Adding the royal blue thread to the squares toned down the green and added depth and interest to the squares. I tied off the threads in the back and put fray check on them so the thread won't unstitch. 

I still have enough of the light green to do the embroidery twice (mistakes can be made) and will be starting it today. There is still .5 meter of the print to make one more cushion cover for the bed and I think I will have all the fabric used. The scraps will go into a bag for the quilter's guild. 

Once I have finished the cardinal cushion cover, I need to start Christmas sewing. I plan on making daughter an apron and her pets stockings. I really want to start my shirt too.


I didn't knit last night as I was out. I am at the stage where I need to do a buttonhole and then it will be back to knitting without interruptions until the next button hole. 


    My gut has been really calm for the past 24 hours. I am not sure if it is me relaxing or food. Or ???? We will see today as I had pasta, meat sauce, and cake last night for dinner. I am keeping my food intake simple for the next few days and then see what I can add back. At the moment, I will take the calm tummy as I do feel better. 

    My knee and hip hurt after going up and down the little ladder many times doing the curtain rod. I will be resting for the next couple of days which means no ladder climbing. 

    There are deer around here and a doe with twin fawns are out and about most mornings. They eat the grass at the Crossing and then wander down the road to the green belt where they spend the day. It is so nice to have them around. They are part of a herd that numbers about 10. 


 I am out this morning to have my hair cut and to pay land taxes. I want to do a bit of tidying up when I get home. This afternoon I would like to work on the pillows and start the embroidery. Tonight is knitting. 

Until the next time............................................................................

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

No Sewing Yesterday

 Though yesterday was cloudy, the high got to 22.9C (humidex 28C). The relative humidity was rising mid afternoon as the storm approached. This morning it is 19C and raining. We are to have periods of heavy rain and a high of 22C (humidex 30C) today. It felt warm and muggy outside at 6 am.


I got the house tidied up yesterday. Floors were swept, kitchen and dining area cleaned and things looking more presentable. It felt good. 

I went out and picked a the little bucket full of tomatoes and there are still lots almost ripe. It was nice to wander around looking at how the vegetables are doing. I did pull 3 carrots and had them for dinner last night. They are so sweet and delicious. 

I was out in the afternoon to mail daughter her parcel. I hate going to our local post office. No parking, line ups, and then the computer froze when I asked for a receipt. The people behind me were going to have a longer wait while the person rebooted the register. I left without the receipt as I have online confirmation. 

I did my grocery shopping and came home. I got everything put away and rested. I was really tired for some unknown reason. I didn't nap but drank lots of fluids and walked around to stay awake. 

I got the chairs on the deck folded and in a safe spot. Everything else is fine. I don't know why I was worrying as there was no wind warning. Just the rain warning. Hurricane Franklin doesn't seem to be heading our way but going further south of the province. I don't know if it will even affect us rain wise at this time. The storm we are having is coming in from Ontario. 


I didn't sew again yesterday though I did work out the size of the cushion back pieces. I am not worrying about it as it will take me a couple of days to finish up the pieces and put them in the spare bedroom. 


I did work on the doll's dress and have 3 complete patterns done on the skirt. 

The row that has the cable takes a bit of time as there are a lot of stitches on the needle. But it is so worth it when you see the pattern show up. 


    My gastro system is calm today. No bloating, pain, or other issues. I had one piece of bread yesterday and no other wheat products. I am wondering about gluten as my mother had a wheat intolerance/allergy and was on a  gluten free diet for many years. I did eat 2 cherry tomatoes with no issues but am not going to over do them or potatoes as my knee and hip are almost pain free. 

    It felt strange not having to go over and check on family's house yesterday. I didn't mind doing the job at all as they really needed the holiday. Their last trip was pre-pandemic. 


I have to clean my bedroom and do laundry. I want to sew this afternoon, put out garbage, and go to family's for dinner. No knitting tonight. 

Until the next time..................................................

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

I Am A Worry Wart

 Yesterday was another nice day with a high of 23.7C (humidex 25C). This morning it is cloudy and 12C. We are to have cloudy weather and 22C (humidex 29C) with rain starting tonight. We are under a special weather statement for the rain that is coming in. 


I headed out early yesterday morning to do shopping prior to having the car fixed. I got what I needed for myself and family. Daughter wanted either sea or coarse salt. Finding it was quite the feat. 

Salt was scarce and I finally picked up a 500 gram of coarse sea salt for her. I did google searches of the hardware store. Nothing. The Dollarama only carries Himalayan salt.  

I finally googled why there was a shortage of salt in Canada and Windsor Salt employees (Ontario) have been on strike for 7 months. This is salt mined from the ground. Salt production in Nova Scotia is also halted as it is owned by Windsor Salt.

I got home mid afternoon and did a house check and put family's groceries away. After I had a rest I started working outside at my house. I put away all the solar lights, the mini items, etc. into the blue tub put it into the shed. Then I put away the small tables and the rug. A spray nozzle and a sprinkler were also put away. Though the hurricane is suppose to be well south of us, I am not taking a chance. If I have to put the rest of my stuff away, I can be done in an hour or less. I am hoping I don't have to do anything more. 

I wandered around the garden and checked the peppers. They aren't ready to pick yet as they don't have a dark band on them. They are getting to be a good size. I didn't pick tomatoes and will have to do that today. The rest of the garden is doing fine though one tomato is struggling as it is the middle of the cucumber jungle. The tomatoes on that plant are starting to ripen which is wonderful. The remaining tomatoes are doing well.

I ate poorly yesterday due to a variety of things. Worrying about family's house caught up with me, trying to find salt for daughter was frustrating, and the hurricane has had me on edge. I was also dehydrated and didn't realize it. 


I didn't make it down to the sewing room yesterday. No time at all. I was okay with that as I needed a day away from the projects. I did exchange the zipper and got the last white one in the store. 

I watched several videos on how to make an Irish Chain quilt. It is on my list to make and I will have to start collecting one fabric for it. I want to make one using William Morris fabrics. My inspiration is from this picture. 

Though this is a double chain, I plan on making a single chain. It is the colours I love - blue and white. 

I did none last night as I was tired. I was also out to put on the porch light at family's house and move the truck down to the lower level. 

I need to pick the tomatoes, get some groceries, clean house, and try to sew and knit. I am sure somethings won't get done as I may go over to see family if they are not too tired. 

Until the next time.....................................................

Monday, August 28, 2023

Over Thinking A Project

 Yesterday was another lovely sunny day with a high of 21.3C (humidex 26C). This morning it is clear and 12C. The fog has just started to roll in. We are to have sunshine and 23C (humidex 28C). 


I had the balance sheet to do yesterday and what a show that was. I ended up printing a new bank statement and starting over again. Every entry was broke down and added up to make sure it was correct. I finally found the mistake and was able to finish the job at noon. My morning was gone, my brain was tired, and I was hungry. 

After a quick lunch, I picked tomatoes and cucumbers. I took some across the street to friends and the rest went to family's house so they can have them when they get home. I kept cucumbers for several meals. I still have a bunch of tomatoes to pick tomorrow and am watching several more cucumbers as they are getting close to being ready. I need to check peppers also to see if they are maturing to change colour. The jalapeños are still growing and will for another 3 weeks. 

Family is on the plane and in the air on their way home. They will arrive home after midnight and be at their house around 3 a.m. I am looking forward to finding out about their trip and what they did and ate. 

I lost .6 lb this week and have lost 49.8 lbs. I did not get to 50 lbs as I had hoped. But really close. I have been having less pain in my knee and hip so am wondering if that area is healing. I will find out more in 10 days. I keep moving and resting in hopes that it will continue to improve.


I had some time in the sewing room and finished the 2nd cushion cover front. I can now do the backs which will have zippers in them.

My next job was to bind the runner for the dresser. It was done quickly and is ready to have the binding hand sewn in place. 

And lastly I played with the embroidery design for the wall hanging. The design was copied and then I played with the two designs to get what I wanted. 

I had out all the embroidery thread and played with the colours. I have them chosen after quite a bit of playing. 

Now to choose a background colour. Will it be the light minty green I have or will I have to break down and buy a pale blue fat quarter. A decision has to be made which means a trip to the quilt store. 

I still have .5 meter of the print but haven't cut it into table toppers yet. I know I want a 1" border of the print on the wall hanging and the sides need to be cut the length of the fabric. Once that is done, I will cut the table toppers. And finish the cushion covers. I need to see if I will have enough of the blue fabric to put binding on the pillows to finish them up. 

While I think, I may have to clean the book case/yarn stash area of the room. My mind needs a break from over thinking the spare bedroom project. 


I knit on the dress last night and have started on the skirt. 

The first row of the skirt is an increase row and I made a mistake which I found very quickly. I fixed it and knit a couple more rows. 

I look at how much yarn I have left from daughter's vest and I will be knitting doll clothes for quite a while. At least I have lots of nice patterns to knit and the time to work on them. 

I am still waffling about which colour to knit for my vest. Maybe it will come to me when I start sewing my shirt. 


    It seems as if Hurricane Franklin won't hit Nova Scotia but we will have heavy rains Wednesday to Friday. There will be heavy surf conditions also. 

    I am hoping that I can start working outside more now the weather has cooled off. I need to tackle the hedge so it can be landscaped this fall. I know I can do it if I take my time and set a goal of doing 5 to 6 shrubs a day. I want to get this area and under the deck done this fall so I can budget for next year's project.


I have to be in New Minas to have the car repaired. Then I have to shop for groceries for myself and family. I need to put away the small items and lay the chairs flat on the deck. If I have time, I will sew. I want to knit tonight. 

Until the next time..........................................................

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Out To A Party

 Yesterday was a wet with almost an inch of rain falling. The wind was gusty. The high got to 20.9C (humidex 27C). This morning it is cloudy and 17C. We are to have a mix of clouds and sun with a high of 23C (humidex 28C).


I spent the morning cleaning up the kitchen. Though not dirty, it was a bit of a mess from cooking. I got everything done including sweeping and mopping the floors. It felt good to have the kitchen cleaned up. 

The day was dark and dismal and I really just wanted to nap. I did rest some but kept busy folding laundry and doing another load. My energy came and went all day. 

I was to my neighbours to celebrate (early) her 70th birthday. There was a total of 10 of us in her small basement suite. We visited, laughed, and had a great time. I had a small piece of birthday cake and it was sickly sweet (to me). I had to have a glass of water when done to try and get rid of the taste from my mouth. I won't be having cake any time soon as it isn't my favourite food anymore. 

My weight was up yesterday morning and back down this morning. A bit of fluid retention and eating snacks at night. I made sure I didn't eat anything after dinner last night as I want to hit my 50 lb loss mark. I am .2 lb from it. 

Friends got home from Japan during the night. I am sure they are in a time change funk with the 12 hour time difference and then being on a plane for 12 hours. Family will be home in a few days and will be feeling the same way. 


I didn't sew yesterday as I was out. I will get back to it today. 

I met 2 of the ladies who are in the quilter's guild I gave fabric to and they were so grateful for the fabric. We chatted about our stashes and had a few good chuckles. 

I watched this video on how to take a panel of different sized blocks and sew them onto other blocks to have them all the same size. I have an idea rolling around in my head to use a pillow panel for a wall hanging if I can find the right background fabric for it. I am going to do a trail run on some scraps I have in the mean time. 


I did knit last night and the sleeves are now on waste yarn and the body has been joined to be one piece. I few rows and then I start the pattern on the skirt. There is still going to be a lot of the yarn left so I need to think of more items to knit for the dolls. 


The goal is to tidy up the dining area, and hall. I want to work on the second cushion cover front and knit tonight. I have to check on family's home today so will get out for a few minutes. A quiet day for me. 

Until the next time.................................................................

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Sewing Cushion Covers

 Yesterday was another lovely day with a high of 22.1C. This morning it is windy, cloudy, and 18C. The rain is coming and we will have some heavy rains during the day. The high is to get to 19C. 


I did head out to Bedford later than expected. My friend sang out hello as they came home from their walk and her dog wanted to come and see me. When they didn't come my way, she laid on the ground and refused to walk. I walked down to pet her and walk her home which made her happy. 

My shopping trip was quick and I got what I needed. The extra curtain for my bedroom and some tiny buttons for the doll's jean jacket at my first stop. My second stop was flowers for the guest room. 

I need to cut down the stems and start arranging them. I also may have to get a couple more stems. I also got wooden buttons for the doll's knit out and zippers. I thought I had 2 white ones and got one white and one navy. I'll do an exchange on Monday when I'm in New Minas. 

My last stop was at the dollar store where I got an artist canvas. I draped the fabric on it at home and I'm not sure if I like it horizontal in the spare bedroom. If I don't like it, I will use it in my bedroom or the sewing room. Ideas are forming. 

I have cut out tomatoes and potatoes as they are nightshades and can cause arthritis to become inflamed. So far it seems to be helping as I have less inflammation in my knee and hip. We wait and see on that. Those food have also irritated my IBS something I've known but tend to ignore as I love them. Now they will be my "special treats". 

My sprained toe is feeling better this morning. I did rest it more during the day and noticed it was only sore in one spot last night. The chickens are gone so I won't have to chase them any more. 


I spent some time in the sewing room sewing the first pillow cover together. The 4 squares look like lights or eyes in the picture but they aren't so light in real life. 

The second pillow is cut out and ready to sew. The back of the pillows will be the light fabric. The binding will be the blue and what is left over will become items for the bedside table and the table the flowers are on. I want to use up every piece of the fabric in that room. 

I am thinking of making a wall hanging for the room using an embroidered design. This one is on the list at the moment as I can use the colours in the room for it. 

I plan on doing a stitch out on white fabric to see if I like it with the fabrics. 

A couple more rows and I will be putting the sleeves on waste yarn and joining to finish the bodice. 

I like both colours. I may have to make myself 2 vests. 

Looking at the embroidery files I have, I will need to be doing more embroidery as I found some files I bought and love. I have a couple of ideas forming in my head after looking at the designs I have.  


I worked on the doll's dress last night and have the front yoke design done. 

I looked at yarn for my vest yesterday and now have a decision to make. 


    I have slid a bit on my diet and gained a pound. After today I am back at it strict as I want to loose this weight. I know some of the snacking (healthy foods) has been boredom eating. I've been alone too much lately and need to start going back to the quilt shop every other week. 

    I am struggling a bit with the colours in the spared bedroom. Is it not enough of the print or the colour of the duvet cover. It looks better in real life but not the what I had wanted. I will get the white duvet cover for my bed and try it in there first. I don't want to change the curtains as I do like them a lot. I will if I have to and do the light grey like in my bedroom. I need to have the heavy curtains they keep out the sun in the summer and the cold in the winter. 

    I need to focus on Christmas items and get them either bought or made. I have been more lax this year for some unknown reason. I need to focus on ideas for Christmas gifts or I will be rushing around at the last minute. 

This morning I have to do housework as I have either been away or outside. This afternoon I will be out for birthday cake so sewing may not happen. I hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time..................................................................

Friday, August 25, 2023

Tension Frustrations

 Yesterday was sunny and warmer. The high got to 24.6C. This morning it mainly clear and 12C. We are to have a mix of sunshine, clouds, and showers today with a high of 23C. Tonight we have a storm coming in that is going to give us heavy rain. The forecast is for 2" to fall tomorrow.


I played get the beans pulled and the compost bin out to be emptied before the compost truck gets here. I won. I worked quickly tasting only a few young beans that were tough. I got the job done about a half hour before the truck got here. The bin was emptied and back in the garage my mid morning. 

I put a pork roast on in the slower cooker and it was done by dinner time. I shredded it, added bbq sauce and a bit of brown sugar and left it in the fridge to become more flavourful. It will be frozen into meals and eaten with rice. I did pull and cook two carrots for dinner last night and they were sweet and flavourful. What a nice treat from the garden. 

I did more cleaning in the dining room. The floors were swept and mopped and they are now done twice. The windows need doing next. I had to stop as I had to go check on family's house, get the mail, and go to the bank. Lots of busyness in my life. 

The lawns were mowed yesterday morning after I got home. The guys are really busy trying to get lawns done before the rain comes. My yard looks so nice when it is mowed. The lawn is still growing quickly and should be done at day 5. But I live with it being mowed once a week. 

My sprained toe was quite sore yesterday and throbbed when I went to bed last night. What an annoyance it is. It feels better this morning but I have a feeling it will throb tonight if I am on my feet a lot again today. It does need to be rested so it can heal quicker. 


I had a frustrating day in the sewing room. The glide thread and my sewing machine had a tension fight. I changed the needle and, after several rethreadings, they decided to cooperate. Glide thread is slippery and seems to jump out of the bobbin tension piece on the Juki. This is the first time I have had to spend a lot of time getting the tension correct. Usually once or twice but not 6 times.

I did get the runner quilted. I had to leave out one row of quilting as every mistake showed. I didn't get done until after 4 pm but every thread is knotted and buried. 

I don't often do quilting in a contrasting thread but this one called for it. I also wanted the thread to blend in with the backing which was the light fabric. I do like it as it isn't really overly noticeable.  

This piece is ready to bind. I will go all the binding at once. 

When I left the sewing room, I felt like this -- my eyes were crossed and I was tired. 


I worked on the doll's dress having to unknit 2 rows as I was short a stitch. I continued on knitting and am almost done the front design. 

I am enjoying this knit and find it relaxing. The hardest row was the one where I had to increase to add volume for the sleeves. It was the one I made a mistake on. 


I need to go to New Minas or Bedford to shop for yarn for my vest and zippers for cushion covers. I have to get Elliott a bag of food. I hope to work on the spare bedroom cushion covers this afternoon and knit tonight. No guarantees as I am tired today as I didn't sleep well. 

Until the next time...........................................................................

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Sewing For The Spare Bedroom

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 21.4C. The humidity is gone which makes it nice. This morning it is clear and 10C. We are to have sunshine and 24C.


I spent a bit of time texting with daughter-in-law as she told me about their visit to the interactive art gallery. It must have been an interesting place to visit.

I did the grocery shopping and put it away as soon as I got home. I need to make a decision about sparkling water as I drink a lot of it. Should I get a soda stream? When I buy sparkling water, it is water but if I get a soda stream will I be tempted to get the diet pop canisters. Decisions. 

I bought Nova Scotia strawberries and they are delicious and sweet. They come from an area just north of Truro. 

I was out to pick tomatoes and got enough for my neighbour to eat. I pulled 4 huge carrots that I gave to another neighbour. I will pull a couple for my dinner as they look delicious. A great crop this year. The beans are tough so I will be pulling the plants out today. I need to pick cucumbers for the neighbour's boys as they will be home from Newfoundland in the next couple of days. They eat cucumbers like candy.

The chickens were in my yard and I had to report it. I chased them out and hurt my toe when I stumbled into a hole in the neighbour's yard. The chickens didn't come back but they circled around the neighbour's yard. The owner was away for the day. I have to say the smell of chicken manure is starting to come our way so will be talking about that to the person I report to.  Right now my biggest concern is them destroying the tomato plants like they did last year. 

I was out on the deck in the dark last night to smell the cool air. You could feel the dew falling as I stood out there. It is so nice to have that coolness at night. I am still monitoring Hurricane Franklin and it seems to be heading out into the Atlantic Ocean not towards the land. But, as someone said, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. 


I spent some time in the sewing room making a dresser runner for the spare room. This was a fun make which I took my time to sew accurately. 

The print is from the Turtle Bay line. I love the colours in it, even the greens. I was surprised when I read it was part of a coastal look line of fabrics. I don't usually go for those fabrics. 

I put the runner on the dresser and it brightened it up quite a bit. 

The top is now sandwiched and ready for quilting. I used the light fabric for the backing as I have about 1.5 meters of it. The binding will be in the blue. I am hoping to use mint green thread for the quilting. 

I am making 2 cushion covers for sure and then will decide on what to do with the remaining fabric. I am hoping to have enough to stretch over an 18x24" painter's canvas to hang as a picture in the room. 

I need to check the zippers to see if I have 2 for the cushion covers. If not, I will be on the hunt for zippers. That means a trip to a fabric store, not a quilt shop. I am not looking for fabric as I am happily working my way through the stash. 


I did get the needles up and started on a doll's dress. I am using the left over yarn from daughter's vest. The first 8 rows were done. 

This dress will have a mohair look to it which is fine. It is knitting up nicely and I am having fun doing a pattern I enjoy knitting. 


    As I start doing a few items for the spare bedroom, I keep thinking about the style I want for upstairs in this house. I still want some farmhouse elements but not like I use to. I have the family room set up with the pictures we collected and I am happy with that. I started thinking more and more and have decided to do a bit of an English Cottage style. I will take my spin on it as I don't want a lot of florals and, what I call, clutter. Seeing a video of the inside of a small English cottage done up so beautifully gave me the inspiration to do it to this house. It was elegant but comfortable. Farmhouse and English cottage really blend well together in my opinion. And, I can use blue and white in this house which I love.

    I have continued to eat less/no tomatoes and potatoes and I am feeling better. Even my sore hip is responding to the lack of these foods. I will eat a bit of them but not like I was. I am missing tomatoes which I love. I will have to watch when eating bell peppers and use red spices moderately. 

    I am so happy that the humidex has almost disappeared. The lower humidity and cooler mornings are delightful. I enjoy being outside once again in the mornings and off and on in the afternoons. 


I hope to get the beans pulled and into the compost bin. I want to work at cleaning more of the dining area this morning. This afternoon I would like to quilt the runner and knit tonight. I do have to go and check on family's house and go to the bank. 

Until the next time..............................................................

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Outfit Is Completed

 Yesterday was a lovely sunny day. The high got to 23.1C (humidex 24C). This morning it is clear and 10C. We are to have more sunshine and 22C. 


With gorgeous weather, I ditched the house work and cleaned the pond. It had larvae growing it along with other crud. I emptied the water out via buckets and got to work cleaning everything. Once each piece was cleaned, I put it to dry in the sunshine. 

Once dry, I put it away neatly. Some were put into the blue tub stored under the table the bbq sits on, other pieces were put into the white tub. The white tub was put onto a shelf in the shed. It is now put away until next spring. I did miss the sound of water when I sat on the deck for a few minutes. 

I was out to do the mail and check on the house. The one humidifier's tank was full. How stupid did I feel when I realized I had to turn on the pump via a button. It had kicked off when we had power fluctuations. The other one is working fine. I surveyed the yard and have a plan to clean off their pool deck if Hurricane Franklin decided to come here before family comes home. 


I spent the afternoon in the sewing room finishing up the doll's outfit. The skirt was an easy make though it took time due to the gathering of the skirt. When I put it on the doll, it was love at first sight. 

It has such a light and summery vibe to it. And it turned out just as I had visualized it. 

I decided to jazz up the gloves a bit. I. had bought some thread that turned out to be embroidery thread. It is white with a silver thread in it. I did a back stitch around the top of the gloves to hold the hem in place. The thread was coming out. Glide thread does that if you don't back stitch it. This was the perfect solution to the problem. 

The purse is cute also. 

In all a really cute outfit. 

I now have 3 dolls dressed in new outfits I have made this year. 

I have decided on September's doll sew. I am going to make a sweetheart neckline top in the blue flower print and a jean jacket in the top fabric. It isn't an outfit but more of a challenge to make the jean jacket. 

The print fabric for the spare bedroom's sewing arrived yesterday and it is gorgeous. I will launder it so I can start cutting out the pieces. I am looking forward to sewing these items. I need to look for thread for it. I am hoping I have it in the stash. If not, I will need to buy it. 


None done last night. I didn't look at patterns as I wasn't in the mood for it. 


I need to pick grape tomatoes today. They are ripening quickly. I have to grocery shop, check on thread colour, and start cutting out the table runner and cushion covers for the spare bedroom. I would like to start knitting again tonight. 

Until the next time........................................

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Poor Instructions

 Yesterday morning we had quite the rain storm and 1/4" fell in about 30 minutes. It stopped raining before noon. The sun did shine later in the afternoon. The high got to 22.3C (humidex 29C). This morning it is 14C and with some clouds. It is suppose to clear off and be 24C.


It was quite the surprise to have to get up and close windows when it started to rain. People were scrambling inside while sitting outside having their coffee. The rain wasn't expected until the afternoon. 

I swept and washed the kitchen floor first thing and then moved on to cleaning the dining area. I took the filters out of the heat pump head and washed them. Not as dusty as I had thought. Just a normal amount of dust. I cleaned the table, moved it around and did the floor. By the time I was done, it was noon. Windows weren't done as the rain was beating against them. 

In the late afternoon, I called out to my neighbour that there was a chicken walking up the road to their house. Her dog heard me, ran towards the chicken, did a quick turn and ran across the road to me. She recognized my voice and needed her pettings. Not good though. I picked her up and took her home as I didn't want her loose with the traffic. The other dogs listened to the sit command as they did the run to my place just over a week ago. Anyways, the chicken went into the ditch where it lives and then to another person's property down the road. In actual fact there were 2 loose. The owner did put them into his back yard. 

I didn't eat tomatoes or potatoes yesterday. My gastro system settled down by 90%. I guess I will be having less of these foods in the future. 


I spent the afternoon sewing and got the tie on the top. It was the biggest job of the whole top and had the worst instructions. The idea is wonderful but it was a puzzle getting it right. After 3 tries, it was done correctly. I hand sewed the band in place and tried it on the doll. I still want to add a snap to the inside front piece. 

The skirt should be an easy sew after doing the tie. When done, 3 dolls will have new outfits. Only 8 more to go.

Before I left the sewing room, I moved the cutting table and wiped down the legs and shelf on it. I swept the floor in that area and washed it on my hands and knees. It was quite dusty. 50% of the floor is now clean. I also bagged up the donated fabric and took it to my friend's house. I left it at her door as she was out. 

The next area to clean is the chair and book case. It is dusty and needs a tidy up and cleaning. 


I finished the leggings. I did the decrease row, one knit row and then 4 rows of ribbing. They fit perfectly, much to my surprise. 

The designer called to use 3 different sizes of needles and I just used the same size throughout. She also called to start the the waistband flat and I did the magic loop. It worked out well in the end. Now to find shoes for this outfit, steam the pieces and put buttons on the top. I also need to add notes to make the sleeves and body an inch longer when not doing the crochet trim. 

I need to find something else to knit as I don't have the yarn for my vest. Maybe a dress to use up the yarn left over from daughter's vest. 


    I did quite well yesterday mentally. I have come to terms with how that day unfolded and I thought of the Spousal Unit in positive ways. Actually the day is fading in my memory to just the day we had to put him in the hospital as he was declining very rapidly before our eyes. I also know he is now without pain and frustration from how the disease was affecting his brain. 

    I read last night that Hurricane Franklin could arrive in Nova Scotia sometime next week. I am a bit concerned as I am alone and have 2 places to prep if it is coming. I am going to start on my place first. I just hope that the storm turns outwards into the Atlantic Ocean and doesn't hit land as it comes up towards us. 


I need to do a few things in the kitchen and then I would like to clean the windows in the dining area. I also need to pick tomatoes and beans. I want to sew the skirt today and call tis outfit done. I also need to make a plan for the book case area. Tonight I hope to start a dress using left over yarn from daughter's vest. 

Until the next time...........................................................

Monday, August 21, 2023

More Done

 Yesterday was wonderfully cool. The high got to 22.5C (humidex 27C). The wind was what kept us wonderfully cool. This morning it is 16C and we are to have a high of 24C (humidex 29C) with a good chance of showers this afternoon. 


I did the balance sheet and was out 10 cents. It took forever to find but all is good now. I was happy to put it all away when done. 

I continued cleaning the kitchen. The appliances were cleaned and are shining. What took forever was the window above the sink. I was up and down the ladder cleaning it. I even stood on the deck to clean it. It was dirty and three cleaning cloths later it was done. Recycling was taken out and all that is left is the floor. It has been a big job but I am glad I tackled it. 

I haven't run the a/c since about 5 pm on Saturday. The house stayed cool with the breeze we had. The house smells fresh. I know I will have to run the a/c again but I am enjoying this for now. 

I pulled out the lettuce plants and put them into the compost bin. There is an explosion of tomatoes ripening and the cucumbers are growing rapidly. I also need to pick beans again. I did look around and there are weeds that need to be dealt with. It is crazy out there and I will have to spend some time outside again. 

I lost another 1.1 lb this week and am eating healthy. I love the fresh produce from the garden but must cut back on tomatoes as I think think they are aggravating my IBS. As are potatoes which I have been having more of. My knee and hip are sorer which could be from eating nightshades (tomatoes and potatoes). I did eat the cucumber from the garden and it was so sweet. I will be eating more of them. 


I did sew yesterday and got the sleeves sewn in. I also sewed up the side seams. 

I did play with the fold over on the front and got it where it is suppose to be and then I pressed it in place. I am now at the part where I need to read the pattern carefully so I can do the tie around the bottom of the top. When that is attached, the top will be finished. The only decision is whether I will need to sew a snap to keep the front pieces even at the waist. 

I will make this top again. I know to watch the gathering of the sleeves. The first one isn't as good as the 2nd one. I was paying attention to the notch at the top of the sleeve when I should have been distributing the gathers evenly. The sleeves are gathered tightly between the pleated area. Live and learn. 


I got the last 5 rounds knit on both legs before having to the last decrease. I didn't do it as the battery was almost dead on the iPad. So close to being done. 

I now need to get the yarn for my vest. I will probably start it right away. Looking forward to making myself something. 


    It was a year ago today that we had to put the Spousal Unit into the hospital to be stabilized. It was the worst day in my life (our lives). He was declining rapidly, more than we knew at that time. I have cried about this date a few times in the past week. We couldn't look after him any more. That left me feeling very negative about my abilities. I know the feeling came from being burnt out and wanting to continue to look after him. But it was the reality that we couldn't do it any more that hurt the most. On the postive side, we had looked after him longer than most people had expected us to. I guess you can say love made us do it. 

    I have also thought about how grateful I am that we moved here to be close to our son and family. They have helped so much since coming here and they went beyond the call of duty. Not only did they help look after the Spousal Unit, they have made sure that I have been looked after since then. They let me be independent but they also step in to help when needed. 

    I am happy to say that I have recovered from being burnt out without any lasting side effects. I do have spells of sadness that I have to work through which is normal. I miss the wonderful conversations we use to have, doing things together that we loved to do, and the feeling of knowing he was around when we needed to do our own thing. I know that I will feel these emotions forever but I am able to move forward in my life.  


I am not sure how today will go but the plan is to keep busy by finishing up the kitchen and then starting on the dining area. I want to finish the doll's top and knit on the leggings. I need to keep busy while I process what happened last year so I can move forward in my life. 

Until the next time..........................................................

Sunday, August 20, 2023

An Afternoon Away

 Yesterday was a lovely day that had sunshine and a wonderful breeze to help move the moist humid mass out of the province. The high got to 25.4C (humidex 30). This morning it is cloudy and 17C. We are to have a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 23C (humidex 28C).


The first thing on the agenda was to empty the dehumidifier and put both of the heat pumps on dehumidify. The humidity stays at 50% better when I run everything on dehumidify. As the day went on, I switched the heat pumps back to a/c and then turned them off. The house felt cool and dry.

The kitchen cupboards are cleaned. It was a lot of work to get them degreased and clean. The insides of most cupboards were wiped and a few things rearranged. I also pulled out the stove and scrubbed the sides of the cupboards and stove plus cleaned the floor under the stove. I did scrub the counter tops and tidied things up. Next up is the appliances which need to be cleaned and shined up. Then onto the floor. It needs a good cleaning also. 

I was tired when I got done and I rested. My body was sore from the cleaning plus I did my exercises. I had fluids during the morning but had another glass of water when I sat down. I had a short rest before lunch.

After lunch, I headed out. I checked on family's house and had to deal with one of their dehumidifiers. I will check on the other one today. It was running but it said 38%. I will reset it today. 

I headed out for a drive as I needed to get away. I took the 101 to exit 3 and then turned on to the old highway. I found where I will have my appointment in September and then went on to Sackville. I spent some time in the Dollar store snooping around and got a few things I needed plus a stocking stuffer for one of the dogs. I went to Sobeys and got myself something for dinner. A poor selection compared to the store here which caters to commuters. I came home after that. 

Once home, I went out to empty the rain gauge. We had over 1.75" of rain the other day. I had to get the small bucket and pick tomatoes and cucumbers. Those I gave to the next door neighbours as I have lots in the fridge. I need to pull the lettuce today as it has finally bolted. The garden is growing rapidly and producing way more than I had expected. 

I did not knit or sew yesterday as I took the day off. This is how I want it to be as I start fresh. 


I have the balance sheet to do and then I will clean the appliances. If time, I will wash the floor. Once the dew is gone I will pull the lettuce and check the peppers. I am sure they are getting huge. If there is time, I'd like to work on the table as I want the last coat of primer on it so I can paint it. I want to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. 

Until the next time.....................................................................

Saturday, August 19, 2023

A Tropical Rain

Yesterday was a very rainy day with about a 3 hour break starting at noon. There was over an inch of rain fall. The high got to 25.C (humidex 35C). This morning it is cloudy and 21C (humidex 28C). Today is to be a mix of sunshine and clouds with a high of 23C (humidex 28C).


It was definitely an inside day with the rain coming down hard at times. I did look out and it was muggy and really warm. The dehumidifiers worked hard to keep the humidity at 50% inside the house. 

The power was on and off several times during the morning. It went off in Falmouth (next community to us) when wet trees touched the power line. Once their power was out, we had no more fluctuations and the power was back on in that area within an hour. 

I spent the morning cleaning cupboards and drawers. I scrubbed and cleaned and got all but one small area done. I wiped some of the stainless steel with the degreaser and it got them clean and shiny. I will go over them with the stainless steel cleaner when I finish cleaning. I had to do a load of cleaning clothes as I had used them all and I have lots. When cleaning I have 3 on the go for the area I am working on. 

I also changed the bed and got it made up by dinner time. Elliott decided he was sleeping on the bed yesterday afternoon and hollered until I went in and covered him up. Such a spoiled cat. 


I spent the afternoon in the sewing room. I decided to tackle the top of the doll's outfit. It had the most pieces to deal with. I did the little pleats in the sleeve and what a painful job that was. I was having issues with my machine so I rethreaded both the top and bobbin and issues were fixed. 

I then started on the body of the top. I was worried at how it would go together but there was no need to. It is a nice top to sew. I had no issues with the collar. I took my time hand basting where I needed to. I also pressed it well. 

I stopped for the day as I was getting tired. I did look at the area under the cutting table but didn't do it. I forgot to bring down the broom to sweep the floor. I did tidy up the cutting table a bit though. 


I knit last night and have both the legs done to where I needed to try the leggings on the doll. 

I plan on knitting 5 more rows, do the last decrease and then do 4 rows of ribbing.  I will need to steam the pieces, add buttons to the top and call it finished. If I make it again, I will lengthen both the body and sleeves of the top. 


    I spent a bit of time looking at the fires in BC as daughter had said they were socked in with smoke. Small fires are now huge. The fire in the Kelowna area has destroyed many buildings. There is a fire burning near Lytton (which burnt to the ground 2 years ago) and one east of Kamloops. It is so sad that BC has such horrible fires every year for the past 5 years. 

    The humidity was bad here yesterday. The topical storm brought in warm moist air. There was also very little wind so the moist warm air remains after the storm has gone. Hopefully the wind we are suppose to get today will move the moist mass out into the ocean. This is not uncommon here as many of our storms come up from the Gulf or Mexico. 

    I did chat with daughter-in-law yesterday and they enjoyed a soccer game outside of Tokyo. They were going to have a rest day as it is hot and humid there. The plan was to go out in the evening to see some lights. They are walking up to 8 miles a day which is a lot of walking. 

    I have been reading that there is a worry about an increase in Covid before the next vaccines are available. I am a bit worried so will be taking extra care when out doing things. So far what I have been doing is working (mask and sanitizer) so I will continue doing that. I will also try to go when stores are less busy so I have less contact with people. 


I am not sure if I will go out today for a drive or if I will stay home. If I stay home, I want to finish cleaning the kitchen cupboards. I hope to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. I do have to check on family's house today. 

Until the next time.....................................................................