Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Binding Is On The Quilt

 Yesterday was sunny with the wind blowing lightly until 5 pm when it started to blow hard. The high got to 18.8C which just broke the high temp. This morning it is 9C and we are to have sunshine, showers, wind, and a high of 9C.


I swept floors yesterday and when I looked at them later, I realized I had done a terrible job. Not sure why as I spent a lot of time doing them. I also wiped down the stairs after putting away all the accumulated crap on them and then swept the entry area. 

I scooted outside to work in the shed. But first I took the burlap off the Spousal Unit's rose bush. I was shocked to see it has leaf buds forming on it. It is nice to see it survived the winter. 

I spent some time in the shed working on tidying up the two shelving units. I have most of it done but need to get some empty tubs organized. I have some items to go to the thrift shop and a bag to to to the curb tonight. I was happy to have that area ready for us to make decisions on. 

I walked twice yesterday. The first time I did my usual walk and in the afternoon I pushed to go to the stop sign. I did a total of 1.64 km yesterday. I heard a woodpecker in a tree on my morning walk and saw crocuses blooming on the afternoon walk. 


I worked on Elliott's quilt again yesterday and got the quilting done. I then cut out the binding and sewed it on to the quilt. It is now officially ready to have the binding hand sewn down. 

Some of the binding is already pinned ready to be sewn. 

Overall, the quilt doesn't look too bad though there are mistakes in it. I will do things differently next time.

  • Starch the fabric so it is stabilized. 
  • Use a pattern with only squares and rectangles to learn more about quilt as you go.
  • Cut the pieces a little bit bigger and trim back.
  • Make each block from start to finish so the seams alternate when you sew them together. 
  • When two blocks are made, sew them together and quilt.
  • Try a different way of joining the blocks. 
  • Do less dense quilting and make sure all areas are quilted. The areas I chose not to quilt are puffy. 

When I look at Elliott's quilt I know that I finished my first quilt as you go project without having a melt down. 


I knit 24 rows on the sweater last night and am now ready to start casting off and decreasing for the arms. 


    Family is home from 10 days in Texas. I am not going to see them until Sunday unless they test positive for Covid. They are being extra careful as they have symptoms but they also could be over tired from their flight home. I hope it is just overtired. 

    I am glad that I am working in the shed. I did look at the umbrella and lounge chairs and would love to set them up on the deck. I won't right now as the wind will blow the chairs around if I don't fold them flat. I've spent a lot of time putting the bbq cover back on the bbq. 

    I have been keeping track of everything I am eating and the pulled pork with bbq sauce puts my glucose reading up for the morning reading. I have one meal left and will not have it until sometime next week. It is all about food choices. My blood pressure is good with the medications I am taking. Going off them is a goal but even having them reduced by 50% will be good. I have, as of today, lost 20.5 lbs and want to keep going on this healthy journey. 


The goal today is to re-sweep the floors and wash them, do laundry, and start removing garbage from under the deck. I would like to haul the smaller of the two pallets out for garbage tomorrow. I need to take 2 walks, hand sew the binding on the quilt and knit. 

Until the next time.........................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Well done you! I really admire your determination to reach your goals, take care, Angela
