Saturday, April 15, 2023

Test Square Embroidered

 Yesterday was another lovely day with a high of 15.6C. This morning it is going to be another lovely day with a high of 17C. We are suppose to have showers tonight. The temperature at 6 a.m. was 0C.


Yesterday I did a bit more housework while I had the laundry on. When it was at a point I could leave, I was out the door to the bank. I needed to buy foreign currency. While I was waiting to see a teller, I was trying to buy it on the phone app. My financial advisor came and whisked me into her office. After a lot of laughing, the currency was purchased and two other things done that I needed to do. I see her again in July to pay off the mortgage. A very successful visit. 

I did not walk yesterday as my blood glucose was low all day. It would have been a risk to walk so I went across the street and visited my friend. I am not sure why I have these low days as I eat the same types of food each meal. This morning, my glucose is higher so I can walk this morning. 

When I parked at the bank, I noticed the forsythia bush was coming into bloom. The Spousal Unit would say the rose bushes could be pruned which brought a smile to my face. I also noticed there are more daffodils blooming down at the end of our road. Spring is coming slowly but surely. 


I spent some time in the sewing room cleaning up. The floor got a good sweeping and all the threads and fibre are now in the garbage. I also cleaned off the cutting table and then took all my embroidery thread out to find what I wanted for another project. This is how the table looked when I left the room.

I had cut out 4 - 8" squares from the one napkin I had taken apart and starched. I marked lines to find the center point and started to stitch out the design for the blocks on the next quilt. 

I love the design but it takes almost 1.5 hours to stitch. As this one was the test block, there are mistakes in it but overall I am happy with the result. It goes perfectly with the fabric I chose to go with it. 

I will be embroidering for 12 afternoons when I start on this quilt. I will need to have some sort of project to work on while I am embroidering. I don't leave the machine as I usually have a big mistake when I do. 

I went to order liquid starch last night and there is none available. I will keep looking as I want to do a fairly heavy starch on the fabrics. Using spray starch and Best Press is okay but I may have to do three sprays rather than 2. That is a lot of work when you want to starch all the fabric for a quilt. 


I knit 8 rows on the vest last night. I am half done the back above the cast off for the arms. I seem to knit very slow last night which was okay. 


I have laundry to fold, a bit of housework to do and then I will have fun in the sewing room. I want to do the next stitch out of daughter's shirt and get the fabric ready for stitching the design onto. That means starching it ready to trace the pattern pieces onto. I will try to take apart a couple of napkins ready to starch for the quilt. I will see what else I can get done in the room. I would like to walk twice today and I am out for dinner at family's tonight. I may even have my neighbour over to get the patch in the wall sanded ready to prime. 

Until the next time.........................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Hello Ann - I read your blog all the time but today I just had to comment about your need for liquid starch... I have at times in the past made my own liquid starch from cornstarch and water... cooking it until smooth and then adding water to get the thickness I wanted. I couldn't remember the ratio, but did find this website with directions :

    I don't know if this will be helpful for you, but I do think that the cardinal embroidery looks lovely

    Alison aka Indigotiger from Stitchers Guild
