Sunday, April 16, 2023

Embroidery Success

 Yesterday was another lovely sunny day with just the right amount of wind. The high got to 17.1C. This morning it is cloudy and 6C. We are to have some showers and a high of 14C today.


Yesterday morning I got the laundry folded and put away. I did a few little things upstairs and then headed down to the sewing room. I was only down there for a few minutes when my neighbour arrived to finish the patch in the wall in the sewing room.

After getting everything we needed, he finished up the patch, went home and brought a 5 gallon bucket of primer over to prime said patch. It is now ready for me to paint. I will wash the wall at the ironing board and cover some marks up over there at the same time. Then, that job will be done. 

I was out to family's for dinner. They had a great trip to Texas and told me all about the places they ate, what they saw, and how grandson did playing soccer. There were 4 boys from Nova Scotia on various teams at the tournament. Grandson was one and three other boys played on teams one age group up. 

I walked twice yesterday going three driveways up the road from the stop sign. I chose that road as it has a slight incline and loops back around onto the road I walk on. I walked a total of 1.5 km and am hoping that this new route will give me what I need to keep myself healthy. 


Yesterday was embroidery day and I worked on daughter's shirt. When I did the first stitch out, it looked like this and we laughed over the moustache the flower seemed to have. 

I started on the second stitch out and we decided that the green wasn't what was wanted. Daughter said it was arguing with the other colours. I got out the threads and found tan colours. I stitched it out and we have a winner. 

My next job was to place the embroidery onto the pattern pieces. This can be tricky but I have figured it out over the years. I dug into the file of print outs for the design and played. Daughter chose this one for the front. 

I have now gotten the lines drawn on that pattern piece so I know where the center of the design will be. I then traced it onto plain paper and added the center lines plus drew 1/4" onto the the bottom curved part. That will allow me to turn up 3/8" seam allowance, hand baste it down and ship it back to her. Next up will be the back yoke and then the cuffs. 

I was adding more starch to the shirt fabric and had it wet with starch when my iron put some deposit on it. I ran like crazy to the bathroom and washed it out with cold water. The starch hadn't allowed the stain to penetrate into the fabric and I left the fabric to dry and called it a day. I will be cleaning the iron today. 

While the design was stitching out, I took apart 3 more napkins. They are ready to be pressed and starched. I am slowly working on prepping the fabrics for the next quilt. 

Daughter bought me another full bateau of cording for piping yesterday. It was 60% off this time. I now have enough cording to do around 100 meters of piping. I need to make some when I need a break from other projects. 


I knit 8 rows on the sweater last night before calling it a night when I ran out of yarn. I have used up 1 ball of yarn so far. It is coming along and soon I will be starting on the front. 


    We were talking last night about all the birds I have seen and daughter-in-law and grandson told me they saw a cardinal at school. I was excited about that as cardinals are my favourite bird. 

    After a lot of searching, I finally found liquid starch at a reasonable price. I ordered 2 bottles of it and I now am in contact with the buyer to have it shipped and not for local pick up. Shipping is expensive but I need to buy it so I can starch fabrics for quilting and embroidery. If I don't hear by tomorrow, I will cancel the order and reorder with shipping.

    I am going to have to crawl under the deck to clean it up. I have some items I can deal with by myself, weeds to pull, and a couple of cement blocks to move. I can drag the pallets out and take them to the end of the driveway for pick up. After that I will need help. 


I have to do the balance sheet today and pay bills. I am going to play on the Cricut and today goal is to cut out doll shoes from scrap fabric. If the right size, I will cut out and sew a pair to go with the skirt I made last Sunday. I will also clean the iron. I have to walk twice today. Tonight I will knit. It is another day at home but I'm happy as I have fun things to do today. 

Until the next time............................................................

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