Thursday, April 27, 2023

Progress Weeding and Embroidering

 Yesterday was a sunny day with a high of 10.6C. We sat on the edge of showers yesterday afternoon and it rained sometime during the night. This morning it is damp and 5C. We are to have showers today with a high of 9C. 


Yesterday morning I vacuumed all the floors and it was nice to have them clean. Once done, I gathered up my hoe, bag, bucket and kneeling pad and went out to work on the hedge. I hoed 6 shrubs on each side and then cleaned up the weeds on my hands and knees. I got a half a leaf bag full of weeds. It was a bit of a hard slug as the soil is dry. But, I was happy to have that much done. 

While working on the hedge a person walked by and I asked him if he had gotten wood from us a couple of years ago. He said yes and is going to take the pallets from under the deck to burn in his fire pit. I didn't have to wrangle them down to the road for garbage pick up this morning. 

I was tired when done and rested until noon. It was a good tiredness that comes from doing a job I really detest doing. But, when I get it done, I can weed it every couple of weeks quickly. 

Elliott decided to show me how talented he is when lying on the back of the couch. He slept that way for quite a while. 


I spent time in the sewing room working on the front yokes. I have them as perfectly aligned as I can possibly get them. 

Daughter will cut them out using the stitched lines I sewed after tracing the pattern onto the fabric. 

My next job was to work on the back yoke. I stressed over this for a bit and then cut out the yoke onto paper, traced it onto the test fabric and added the cross hatches for the center of the design. It is ready to stitch out now. 

I am hoping that I have this fairly close to where it should be. I will only have the cuffs to figure out when the back yoke is done. 

My parcel that took a trip to Newfoundland was delivered mid afternoon. I was happy to get it and am almost ready to start on the next quilt. I need a drying rack for the starched fabric to dry on. That will be purchased in May. I am going to starch the fabric for 2 quilts so I won't waste the starch I bought. 


I knit 8 rows on the vest last night before I stopped due to my hands being sore from using the hoe. I have 5 more cable repeats to the underarm. 

I am going to have yarn left over from this project so I will be knitting something else with it. Probably doll clothes. 


    I made a couple of changes to my food choices yesterday and had lower glucose readings. Berries only at noon with no fruit at night. I have also cut back on how much rice I have at dinner. My readings were lower yesterday (except for the morning) which made me happy. 

    The hedge has been a worry as I didn't weed it last year. Family mowed it as best as they could. There is a lot of dead material when I rake and the weeds are starting to get thick in areas. I am hoping that weeding it regularly will help thin them out. I also noticed a patch of Creeping Charlie and will have to pull it by hand and hope that when the lawn company sprays for weeds it will help control the growth and spread of this weed. 

    I have been making a list of what I need to do "now" outside. I will spend time over the next few days getting some of it done. I will resume after the next rains have left. On the wet days I will have to do housework to keep up on it. 


I have to get my hair cut this morning. I hope to pull the Creeping Charlie and weed under the deck when I get home. If time I may weed the next 6 bushes and leave the debris to pick up tomorrow when it is drier. If too wet, I won't do it. I want to embroider the test back yoke this afternoon and knit tonight. 

Until the next time................................................................

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