Monday, January 31, 2022

Here, There and Back Again

 We have just dug out from another blizzard though this one was warmer. There was about a foot of snow fall and it drifted once again. The snow turned to ice pellets and left an ugly coating of ice on everything. Today it is colder at -14C but it will warm up again. And they are calling for a significant snow fall again this weekend. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

Lemons are steadily advancing in price owing to the demand for their use in allaying La Grippe. Digby Jan 31 1890.


On Friday, we packed up and went to our son's house (they were negative from Covid) to stay out the storm. We did it in a hurry as the storm looked pretty bad for Saturday and Sunday. We can keep warm with wood fires if the power goes out and their road is plowed before ours. 

On Saturday the Spousal Unit went out with the family to shovel. He came in when he wanted to and out when he wanted to. He kept the driveway around the cars and the front step cleaned off. He got really tired from it all. 

Son and grandson took the snowblower over to do our driveway and the roads were in horrid condition once you got off their road (the old highway). Our road hadn't been plowed. Our neighbor was doing our driveway so they came home. 

Sleep was a scarcity for 2 days. With the Spousal Unit overtired, he got over agitated and couldn't sleep. Even after we came home he was on the prowl and after 3 p.m. he sat down and had a good nap for 30 minutes. I didn't sleep during the day as I was monitoring him. We both slept well last night and I am hoping we have a good day today. 

The number of cases of Covid are going up and down slightly. Hospitalizations are doing the same. There are 92 people in covid units with 15 in ICU. There was one death over the weekend. 


I was working on the doll's outfit when we left. I had done one cuff and got it sewn on the sleeve. Cute but no picture as I had to leave it and pack. 


I finished the doll's outfit and got pictures of it. I need to move the bow down on the hat by 2 eyelets and then it is ready for the little girl to have in March.

I started on the next test pattern and it is going quickly for me. It is a neck down and I am on the body part now. 

I spent time on Saturday afternoon and evening re-knitting grandson's sock that had a hole in it. I'm glad that project is done and it looks good. 


I have to do some housework, sew, and knit. I am hoping that I am not going to be exhausted today worrying about things. 

Until the next time............................................................

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