Monday, January 10, 2022

Bad Start Good Ending

 Yesterday was a day of warmer temperatures and rain. The high got to 5.9C and we had about 1/2" of rain. This morning, the temp is 2C and we are to see a high of -1C. Interesting. Tonight is going to be cold at -13C. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

Two dories broke adrift from Schooner Eliza H Parkhurst while being towed from Port LeHerbert on Monday and went ashore on Port Mouton Island. The finder will be suitable rewarded by delivering them ET Campbell, Port Mouton. Jan 10 1894.


I spent the morning doing a bit of cleaning in the bathroom to keep it clean and then tackled a bank of cupboards where we keep the coffee machine and kettle. The upper cupboards were purged, scrubbed and reloaded. The bottom drawers were scrubbed and everything put into their place. I need new pots and pans. I also spent some time tidying up and wiping down the area that I have cleaned as part of this process is to keep up on the cleaning on a daily and weekly basis. 

While doing the scrubbing, I thought about why I've been so angry lately. I explode easily about stupid things. I think it is because I need to get out and so some shopping for items we really need but can't do due to the number of cases in the city. We are doing without while we wait for the number of cases to come down in that area. Though I won't compromise our safety, I'm done with the pandemic. I'm worn out and tired from feeling angry to sad to anything in-between. Both of us are feeling mentally dead at the moment which is not good.

We had a lovely dinner with family last night. It was a belated New Year's dinner and only 2 days late for Ukraine New Years.  We had our traditional perogies and cabbage rolls. We watched the 7th episode of Clarkson's Farm and have one episode left for season 1. We do laugh a lot while watching it.

There were 837 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. 


Circle Mask

No Fog Mask

Grandson's Mask - fitted

When doing 3 layer masks, I cut the polypropylene using the pattern I've chosen. I pin it to the inside of the lining fabric and sew the 2 pieces as one. 


I didn't sew yesterday but I did deal with some of the mess in the sewing room. I boxed up some of what is to go to the girl in BC. I need another box for her. 

I washed the closet floor (dusty dirty) and put all the tubs back into the closet neatly. I need to find a spot for the one basket of beading I've kept. I also need to put 2 pieces of lace into the lace tub and the closet will be completed. 

Saturday was pins and needles day. I looked at mine and took a picture of them. I keep them organized and throw out the bent ones when I find them. 

In the box to go is a container of pins and I have a container of fine pins put away for special projects that have never been opened. I don't have a lot of pins but what I have I use on a regular basis. I have hand sewing needles but I use them and when bent, I toss.

Yesterday was thread day and the fun began. My sewing thread is all organized with a bag in the box to go. What I kept is what I use or will use. I have a small container of spools that I use for basting. 

The fun began when I decided to sort the embroidery thread. It was a mess and it started out with the Spousal Unit and I having a good laugh and it ended up the same way. I was a good hour making sure all the thread tails were secure, large spools in one plastic shoe box, the thread cases filled with family colors and the rest put into another plastic shoe box. I have bought 3-4 spools of embroidery thread in the past 4 years to replace colors I've used up. The goal this year is to embroider some items each month for Christmas presents. 

These are the larger spools of embroidery thread. I didn't get pictures of the containers as we had to leave. We left in a happy mood. 


I did do a few rounds on the socks. I seem to have slowed down due to being exhausted in the evenings. 

I did get more yarn to knit grandson another pair of socks and hats to send to daughter to give away to her friends. They are an easy knit. 


This morning I am going to scrub and purge more in the kitchen. I'm getting down to the end of the room and am pleased with the results. This afternoon, I will sew as it is ruler day and I have 5 rulers and they are all staying. Tonight I want to knit. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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