Friday, January 14, 2022

A Mug Rug Is Embroidered

 Yesterday the weather was a combination of sun and clouds. The high got to 0.1C. We are under a winter storm warning which is to start this morning. The temperature was -1C and it is foggy. We are to have rain, freezing rain, snow, ice pellets and anything else Mother Nature can throw at us. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

This morning when people began to move around they saw such snowdrifts as had not met their eyes for many long years. In some places the drifts were on a level with the tops of the doors. Antigonish Jan 14 1894.


Yesterday morning I cleaned the oven using the steam clean function. While it was working I scrubbed the racks and the divider for the 2 oven function. When I cleaned the oven, I had to scrub some stuck on stuff off but it is quite clean now. I pulled out the stove, cleaned the side of it and the cupboards, swept the floor and washed it. I also cleaned the microwave and then polished them both. It was quite a work out but worth the effort. Just the fridge to clean and the floor to scrub.

The Spousal Unit was out and scraped the little bit of snow off the driveway and salted it. We now have a clean driveway which may become plugged up tonight with the incoming storm. 

There were 542 new cases of the virus confirmed yesterday. There are 59 people in the hospital with 7 of them in ICU. 


I was going to sort and tidy up the interfacing yesterday but the embroidery project took longer than I had thought it would. The interfacing waits until another day. 

I am going to make mug rugs for gifts this year. I made the first one using scraps of fabric left over from masks I made for daughter. 

Getting use to how they are done is one thing but the software decided to make it even harder as I didn't pay attention to the colors and I had to really watch the stitching out. I have redone the colors and then did another one with the same saying but for dogs. There is enough for a third mug rug which will have the roses embroidered onto it. Then I can start on Christmas ones. 


I did nothing last night.


I am going to do two loads of laundry and then we are packing up to go spend the night at family's. We will stay in the in-law suite where we can light a wood fire if the power goes off and can cook on their gas stove. We will bring Elliott with us and come one when we can tomorrow. At the moment we are monitoring the weather so we can leave before it gets too bad to travel. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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