Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Test Pattern Completed

 Though we saw sunshine yesterday, the temperature dropped all day. This morning it is -15C with a windchill of -23C. It is to be cold all day to day with a high of -14C with a windchill of -23C. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

Strayed - Into the flock of Joseph Stirk, five sheep about the 20th of December last. The sheep are all marked differently and apparently came from different flocks. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Arlington Jan 11, 1886.


Yesterday's mission was to do a quick clean of the bathroom before continuing to clean the kitchen. I did a quick clean of the area that has been done. I then did an upper and lower cabinet. Nothing was tossed as that area has exactly what is needed in it. I ended up wiping counters and the wall under the upper cabinets. I am noticing the kitchen is looking much cleaner and tidier than it has in a long time. Just seeing how much nicer it is keeps me moving forward to get the rest of the house done. 

Daughter's cat is enjoying his quilt. 

They are all fighting over the other quilt I made so I am going to make daugher's quilt bigger so they have 2 to snuggle down into. 

Reporting of the virus is changing here. Rather than emphasis on the number of new cases (which is more than reported) they are looking at hospitalizations. There are 59 people in the hospital and 3 deaths. Almost 83% of the population has been double vaccinated which is pretty awesome. 


I finished the cropped hoodie and I like the pattern but hate my fabric choice. The remaining part of the leggings will be trashed.

There were a couple of issues with the pattern and one I didn't catch until the very end. 

I would put in a drawstring/ribbon the next time as it is quite big on Lily. 

Yesterday's declutter was to sort through all rulers and cutting mats. I have 5 quilting rulers all of which I use and 1 cutting mat in good condition. They all have a home though I would like to hang the 2 big rulers when I can get some 2M hangers. I have 3 rulers for pattern drafting; 2 are hung up and 1 is on a shelf. The 3 or 4 rulers for machine quilting designs I have are in with the serger thread. 

I have decided to work on 2 extra things in the sewing room until we get to notions.

#1 - I am going to get recycle most of the doll's pdf patterns keeping only the ones I know I will make again. What is left will go into the tub of bought patterns so I only have one container of doll patterns. If I decide later on to remake a pattern, I can print it again. 

#2 - I am going to go through my knitting bag in the living room. All the needles can go downstairs into their rightful containers. The yarn can be put into their rightful tubs and one ball can be tossed. The knitting bag will only be for my current project so it isn't laying on the couch looking messy. 

I will do a quick look at scissors and rotary cutters today and make a couple of quick decisions. I know I can get rid of a couple of items in this category. 


I am still working on the socks and have the gussets just about done. I looked on the inside and I have missed the padding on the heel and a couple of rows under the heel. It tells me a story of how tired and stressed I was. I am leaving it for now as I will probably rip it back and start again with turning the heel. 

I also have taken back grandson's sock to just past the hole and will be arranging the stitches on the needle so I can work on them. 

I have a test pattern to knit so will start on it while I sort out the sock situation. 


The doctor is phoning us as he is not doing office visits at this time. I will work at cleaning more in the kitchen and fold laundry in the morning. This afternoon I want to go through the patterns and start cutting out Christmas gift bags. I will cut until I run out of the fabric I have chosen.

Until the next time.................................................

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